24 Feb


Originally posted by Deathray88

Any news on the health issue? Been stuck at 2 bars for a while now.

We are aware and the team is tracking it.

You can of course always report bugs to us directly here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/anthem-bug-reports-en


Originally posted by Rinyrra

I know you're just a CM but can you ask the devs if they're checking out the FPS/stuttering issues? Many people on the EA forums and here are having the issue but none of the devs have even talked about it. :( I feel like we've been left in the dark for so long, I haven't been able to play all weekend

We aren’t trying to leave anyone in the dark. The team is looking into this which some players are experiencing.

If you are unable to connect and play the game at all, I would recommend hitting up one of our technical experts at help.ea.com.


Originally posted by Grimmjowreaperz

Thank you

I hope you know I’m being genuine here. I want you to get to playing as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately I am not the technical expert here and this will be best addressed by our help experts at help.ea.com.

If you’ve put in a ticket already, they will get to yours ASAP. Thanks for your patience here.


I’m glad you’re having a fun time so far! :)


Hey there. I’m sorry you’re having issues with the game. The team on the EA Help side will get to your ticket as quickly as they can, I’m sure.

I do apologize for the negative experience you’re having. Hopefully our experts can get that fixed for you ASAP.

23 Feb


Originally posted by DylPickle92

Tell your brother that he’s gotta RISE UP!

Under-appreciated Hamilton references. 👌

tips cap

18 Feb


Well I can’t unsee that now.

16 Feb


Originally posted by Veihai


Sorry, but i've asked for help in 4-5 different places now, which is more or less directed towards this game, even to the ea help service. But im still unable to play the game, i've used up 50 euros worth of internett on a broken game, and now it would cost me 60euros more to refill that to try to fix the game by redownloading it, which is not an option at all...

Sorry, this is just highly frustrating for someone who dosn't really feel that attracted to games anymore because they lack the special something, and i found that in Anthem, and i subcribed for the day-one experience, and i was so looking forward to this weekend, talking my friends into playing this game. Ik its not the end of the world, but it's still very frustrating, especially when i dont really get help with anything, or even a "we are looking into your problem"

I understand your frustration, and I am sorry. I am unfortunately not the best person to solve technical issues, so your best course of action is definitely help.ea.com. Our experts will get to you ASAP.


Originally posted by xteches

I have this same issue. I tried to switch to a different javelin and the save got corrupted, can be the only issue as everything hardware works, no game issue itself (I can make a new character and play) but because I switched to Ranger from Interceptor I'm pretty sure the game has an issue where it thinks I'm running gear that one javelin can't wear so it crashes it.

Let's have one of our help experts look into it for you at help.ea.com. Thanks!


Originally posted by Velthem

I had this same issue since yesterday, also related to second javelin and accessing the forge. Many players are having this issue across reddit and EA forums, so please communicate this to the team.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks again. Please follow the links in the post I made so we can best look into your issues.


Originally posted by DifferentThrows

What is up with my save essentially being corrupted server side? I unlocked my second javelin, switched to it and the game immediately crashed. I can now no longer load the game (crashes on load into fort tarsis). I can make a new pilot and start the game over (sadness) but any attempt to load my first pilot results in a crash to desktop after loading the game fully; it goes through both loading screens then crashes to desktop.

Hey, can you shoot me a DM with your origin ID and I’ll see if someone can loom into this?


Originally posted by Tribalwarsnorge

Welp, cant even post a report on the forums.. All I get is the option to Preview the post, but not actually post it...

Hmm. That's strange. And you're signed in with your Origin account?


Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

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Originally posted by Musely

Pssst, this is the Story Spoilers thread, you're looking for the bug thread over here.

My bad, Musley!! I clearly need more sleep. Haha. I’ll move.


Originally posted by ATG_Bot


Good Day Freelancers,

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss Anthem's Story and the developments that occur as you progress through the game. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this Megathread.

if you are here to share issues or bugs, please take yourself here to r/ATGs - Anthem Early Launch: Bugs, Errors, & Issues Megathread

  • This is the thread for the discussion around the beginning of our new Adventure through Anthem's Story. Exceptional posts to this can be made for the following:

Exceptions to the Active Megathread Clause can be granted on a case-by-case basis for posts like high quality discussion, SGAs, Guides, Suggesti...

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Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

Read more

Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

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Originally posted by Veihai

i allready did do that here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/PC-Anthem-Stuck-at-loading-screen/td-p/7496268

under the username "roadshark" but my post was moved into another persons post...



Originally posted by Veihai

I would love to submit something. but... im not even able to load the game at all :))))))) id love if someone gave a word on this issue on your side, and figure it out asap and make a hotfix.

My day 1 experience is now gone, and my weekend i looked so much forward to just looks bleaker and bleaker by the minute

We'd be happy to help you out. Do you mind submitting a report with us at help.ea.com?


Glad you had a great time this morning, Rax!

15 Feb


Originally posted by Arielceres

I sent my wallpapers. I want to send my Ant Hen Squad Comic but I don't know if you liked... I'm drawning a illustration special for Anthem too but not suitable for all ages.

You can always submit and we'll decide if we can share with the fans. Thanks for flagging though!