Does this count as patch 1.0.4?
This is not a patch. Just a server size tuning update.
Does this count as patch 1.0.4?
This is not a patch. Just a server size tuning update.
Are the "increased drop rates" significant in anyway though? or are they increases from 0.1% to 0.2%?
I don't have exact percentages to share, but they are pretty significant, yes. Please play and let us know what you see, but also realize experiences are still going vary person-to-person.
Like he said, this is just another incremental change to move in the right direction. There will be significant changes in the coming months. Don't know what this means exactly, but it very well could be a re-work, or something that overall makes it feel better.
Yeah, we aren't ready to give specifics on future stuff yet, but the team is working hard over here.
Grabbit Slayers can finally relent...after their entire ecosystem has been destroyed in the process.
We do not negotiate with Grabbit abusers.
Hey there. Will SH be affected? Also will the bosses have a chance for Legendaries now?
These changes take effect in all activities (including strongholds) in Grandmaster 2 & 3. They take effect in all difficulties for the noted high level enemy types.
Hello again, Freelancers.
In the latest server-side update, we’ve made some notable changes to the loot drop rate in specific scenarios, which will take effect immediately in a server-side tuning update (i.e. you will not need to download anything.)
These changes include:
As a reminder of ...
Read more External link →Thank you all for the information. The team is aware of this and a fix will go in as soon as possible.
We're still reading your feedback. I know there are some frustrations being voiced in here, but hopefully you all understand we're not going to run away just because we get some negative comments on the sub. We're here for all of it, good and bad, and hopefully the constructive will win out in the end.
Anyway, thanks for recognizing that we are humans on the other side of this, either way. :)
I'd like to extend appreciation for taking time to read our concerns for the game. I know many of us on Reddit are frustrated, and frankly I think they're right. They may express that in a not-so-nice way but please know it's because of the passion the community has for this game. I absolutely love the game itself but I do feel that if it takes months to "fix" loot, it's going to leave a much more sour taste in the community's collective mouth.
If you want to take incremental changes to make loot exactly where you guys want it, start from too much and cut back instead of incrementally increasing. I promise people would be much less frustrated that way.
I understand that "we're listening" or variants of that phrase has become cliche language for some, but it is the best reassurance I can give until we're able to show you something tangible to address your concerns or frustrations. Hopefully, most of you understand that we still care deeply about this Anthem community.
Thanks for taking the time to write this. We sincerely appreciate the feedback.
Your English is great, by the way. :)
Hey, the team is aware of this and it will be fixed ASAP. Thanks.
Obviously, you all have a lot of questions. We will do our best to answer them and/or update the post as I can get information on stuff.
Thanks for all the feedback, as always. :)
Hey r/AnthemTheGame Community,
Chris King (Gameplay Design Director) & Darrin McPherson (Lead Gameplay Producer) are both busy working on the game and updates, but they've allowed me to share some cool stuff they worked to put together around how Loot Inscriptions work in Anthem. Hope you find this helpful!
-AJ (@UNTDrew)
Read more External link →That's great but can we get a discussion going about scaling in Grandmaster content though? Is that the intention? I personally feel like there should be no scaling going on in Grandmaster content as it is meant for lvl 30 anyway.
We are listening to all your feedback. We'll update you as soon as we have some new information to share.
In the meantime, check out the developer livestream starting now:
Hey everyone – Thanks for the feedback on this. I have confirmed with the team that this is in fact a bug related specifically to the default items on a loadout in combination with higher level gear you have equipped. It’s not functioning as intended and the team is working on it for an upcoming fix.
Thank you all for your continued feedback on Anthem! The team is already working on exciting new ideas and updates. Stay tuned to see what the team has in store. We can't wait to share more information when we're able.
Thanks again.
I have to ask.. is your Reddit username UNTDrew in regards to University of Northern Texas?
I ask only because I am a Network Engineer and happen to work specifically with some technicians out that way who handle the phone systems, etc. :3
It is indeed! That is where I went to school. IDK why it's my Twitter name, but it kinda stuck. ;)
I got click-baited.
They're all real, and they're all great people. :)
Thank you all for being an awesome community.