Approximate Update Download Sizes:
- PS4: ~2.3GB - 2.5GB (depending on region)
- Xbox: ~2.5GB
- PC: ~2.6GB
Approximate Update Download Sizes:
Approximate Update Download Sizes:
Loot Changes:...
Read more External link →i'm calling you Jesse now because of that rando in twitter who doesn't know who you are.
Still weird seeing my face like that in these posts. haha
Thank you for this. We appreciate feedback positive or otherwise, but it's nice to see all the little ways you're enjoying Anthem articulated.
This is impressive!!
Okay talk to us. Why is the store essentially empty? Some of the "stickers" are very poor re-uses of others too. Is this the quality we should expect going forward?
Edit: I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted. I guess I'm the only one unhappy with the store? I mean you can buy more shards then you can physically spend
As we've stated, the team is working on new stuff and we'll update everyone once we can. We aren't avoiding this and we definitely know you all want more cosmetics.
Fictional narrative but the meme had to happen and it has a ring to it somehow. Saying something isn't always required hahah.
Fair enough. ha
I don't mean to sound like "well, actually" guy... but, have you tried not pushing up on the left stick while you're flying in tighter spaces? Pulling back on it will slow you down a lot to make tighter turns.
I mean, memes are funny and all, but I don't think we've ever said "don't talk to us." ;)
I'm not sure why the insult to Ben in this post, as the guy has given a LOT of his time to the Anthem community (seriously... a lot.) I agree Chris was great on the stream this week, and there is plenty of room for a number of people to be on these streams. Remember... Stronger TOGETHER.
Thanks for watching, everyone!
You know what? I don't disagree with you all on the naming the streams. Something for us to think about... ;)
You could increase Drop Rates to stop People from writing down their frustration here. I'm sure that would ease the Mods hard Work a lot.
Drop rates were increased last week, in fact. Do you have feedback on that recent update?
Just want to say, thank you Mods for your hard work on this subreddit. There are a lot of passionate people here, and it can't always be easy to moderate a community of almost 200,000 people, but you all do an admirable job of trying to keep this sub organized.
I really like this a lot! Thanks for sharing. :)
And now with today's update, you should also see improved loot drops for the Legendary ones. ;)
This gave me a good laugh. Thanks for sharing. :D
WAIT Is this active right now?!
Yes, yes it is.