

15 Jan


Just want to clarify that I’m not the head of the Community Team. Just one of the Community Managers.

You should get official confirmation of the above on Monday.


Originally posted by Ubi-AJ

  1. Yes your progress is tied to your Ubisoft Account so if you purchase the game on another platform, as long as you are using the same Ubisoft Account, your progress will be kept.

  2. This one I am not 100% sure on but if you are accessing the game through PC Game Pass, you will be downloading/launching it though Ubisoft Connect regardless. I imagine as long as you don’t uninstall the files, you’ll be able to pick it back up once you get your access back through purchasing the full game.

  3. As long as you launch both Extraction and Siege on the same Ubisoft Account you will get the United Front Bundle

flair: ubisoft-response

  1. Yes your progress is tied to your Ubisoft Account so if you purchase the game on another platform, as long as you are using the same Ubisoft Account, your progress will be kept.

  2. This one I am not 100% sure on but if you are accessing the game through PC Game Pass, you will be downloading/launching it though Ubisoft Connect regardless. I imagine as long as you don’t uninstall the files, you’ll be able to pick it back up once you get your access back through purchasing the full game.

  3. As long as you launch both Extraction and Siege on the same Ubisoft Account you will get the United Front Bundle


Originally posted by Xraykill1

What about recruit? How react equipment is handled? What guns they will have access to? Will there be upgrade for them too?

There is no Recruit in the game.


Originally posted by Novel_Opportunity_21

Can I turn of this difficulty scales? I would like to play full objective, like carry 3 foam injectors or destroy 15 nests in decontamination, in solo game mod

You can’t turn off the scaling.

Trust me, the highest difficulty Solo is difficult enough.

If you want to experience that for some reason, queue with 2 friends and have them die on purpose. It will not be a fun experience.


Yes any Operator can use any REACT tech that you have unlocked.

However, they are split into 2 types: Explosives and Gear.

Explosives: Impact Grenades, Claymores etc. Gear: Body Armor, Revive Kit etc.

You can only equip 1 from each type so can’t have Stun Grenades and Frag Grenades equipped for example.


There are no AI teammates.

The game can be played Solo however. The difficulty scales to then number of players in a squad.

An internet connection is required though, even to play solo.


I’m not sure which platform the left image is from but this is most likely a FOV discrepancy. At least on PC, the max FOV on Extraction is 90, which I believe is similar to Siege.


Yes. Full Crossplay across all platforms.

14 Jan


Originally posted by MCD10000

But you lose one of your react slots

What this guy said! Taking Rook means your entire squad can have a broader REACT Tech arsenal!


To get the cross offer rewards you will need to launch both Extraction and Siege on the same Ubisoft account so you’ll need to wait for launch.

The Pre-order and Deluxe rewards are for Extraction only.


Originally posted by luiggi_oasis

It's cool that you're pairing rewards and lore altogether. It's really a nice incentive to get more deeply into the game, instead of having part of the player base hunt for rewards without getting to know much about the R6e world.

There is lore unlocked simply by progressing through the normal game, through challenges, as well as hidden around the Maps themselves. Be on the lookout of magnifying glass icons whilst playing.


Originally posted by Falchion_Sensei

Thank you for the info! Can you comment at all on Milestones? I've been doing some digging and I'm not finding a lot. If there is a purpose for XP after we've maxed our Operators I will be happy!

Edit After some more searching it sounds like Milestones are kind of your "account level" and there are 30 Milestones at launch.

Yes Milestones are essentially levels to progress through the game’s story, unlocking new regions, Operators, REACT Tech, Lore & Cosmetics. There are 30 Milestones in total.

Each Operator has their own individual leveling which unlocks new weapons, Operator and Gadget upgrades and Cosmetics. Each Operator has 10 levels.


Speaking as someone who’s already “grinded” through almost 100% of the game playing solo without any teammate, it’s really not much of a grind.

Operators level up very quickly, especially if you are doing well during incursions and you unlock the full Roster of 18 relatively quickly too.

It’s only after you unlock Maelstrom Protocol that the Milestone XP requirements started to get thicc but then you will have Maelstrom to compensate as you’ll be able to earn BIG chunks of XP from that.

Pro Tip is to focus on the Challenges associated with each region. If you watch the footage from recent content creators you’ll notice the ones who are doing the challenges are leveling up much quicker than their teammates who aren’t. (Bonus is you unlock lore at the same time!)


Originally posted by Rock_For_Life

I can't change the flair for that.

Don’t worry, this just marks the thread as having an official response to it (The bot is currently down so it’s not working but once it’s back it will kick in)


There is nothing gameplay related that is attached to Maelstrom rewards. Only cosmetics and REACT Credits as you said.

Which colour cosmetic you earn is obviously tied to your rank but I actually am not sure if higher rank = more REACT Credits or not. It’s possible that just you simply achieving any rank each week, you will receive the REACT Credits.


Operators in the game have access to 4 weapons from their CTU so can confirm that Gridlock has access to the Commando once unlocked.

I’m a Mozzie main, so Gridlock was the first Operator I got to level 10 specifically so I could use my fav gun. But I’ll be honest, I cannot remember if she has the reload animation or not!

13 Jan


Originally posted by Tnerd15

  1. It will be on pc game pass.
  2. You will have to download the Ubisoft launcher in order to play the game through game pass PC.
  3. The game has full crossplay with every version of the game.

What they said!^