

06 Dec


Originally posted by Mascarp0n3

This named weapon shoots snowballs

Really not into the aesthetics of this.

That's fair. It's just a fun gun for the holidays. Personally, i'd love to shoot snowballs into the faces of Black Tusks.


Originally posted by Sayakai

Fixed an issue that caused Apparel items to stop dropping in the world before players had collected all 72 items.

... wasn't that in there since launch? Like, should everyone start seeing drops again after the 10th?

Yeah that has been in there since launch. We finally managed to find the culprit and fix it.

Most of you should start seeing apparel drops again.

04 Dec


Originally posted by whirlywhirly

Jesus, please not even more loot. Spending time looking through trash is NOT fun. 99% of the loot is just trash. In any build. I‘d rather have fewer drops, but with higher quality.

We're certainly not done when it comes to revamping how loot works, more changes will be coming.

03 Dec


Originally posted by Kambz22

Please don't make it any easier to get gear. There has to be some sort of RNG to have goals to work towards. People just wanted handed perfect gear.

It's always a balance. Before targeted loot, i feel most people would agree that obtaining high quality loot was too reliant on RNG. Targeted loot alleviated that somewhat, but we are still committed to improving the system further in the future.


Originally posted by RisingDeadMan0

%health on chest, armour in kneepads are two things that need to go. You cant even get 20k armour in kneepads but 10% armour in kneepads is at least 20k. Opposite is true for chest where health is that much better then %health. Please ditch these two asap.

To get fenris hard hitting/composure kneepads is a 1/320 chance roughly. Unless u want me to change my other gear. And lets just forget the rng on the chest and backpack. To be able to change a talent and roll an attribute on stuff would help reduce rng a lot?

A minimalist version of optimisation Station might be nice so maybe increase it twice by 10% rather then being able to max out the item?

Made a rough estimate recently and u need at least 250 mods. Everything from hive+7 other skill combos (so maybe just make it +200 skill instead of the 80 different combos u can have or increase mod stash space by 200? to the 5-8 dmg mods u need per gun type, the health mods the 5-10 mods u need per skill per skil...

Read more

Thanks for the extensive feedback post!


Originally posted by Zeus_Apollyon

Targeted Loot was the first step to address RNG in loot, and we'd like to revisit this in the future to improve it further.

So is it safe to say that you guys won't address it further in TU7?

I just can't help but think TU7 will just be another "business as usual" type of update for year 1 because of the free DLC in year 1 claim. Which is very underwhelming and disappointing to those that have tried to stick around for as long as possible. Please tell me there will be more in TU7/Episode 3 than just 2 missions and a Raid.

We don't have any dates to provide at this time, but we are currently revamping a variety of game mechanics based on community feedback.

29 Nov


Originally posted by NuclearRobotHamster

I have, but because you lot haven't fixed it and because I'm not taking the time to post an update every few days they have closed the ticket assuming it's fixed.

Could you PM me your support ticket number?


Originally posted by NuclearRobotHamster

Log-in to The Division 2 before December 5

I would log in if the game could be installed to my f**king xbox. Such a f**king joke.

Please contact support and they will be able to assist you.



Originally posted by marc120

Is that it? Holiday event?

This is not the holiday event we mentioned, no.

More info next week!

28 Nov


Something ain't right here...


Originally posted by Lilshauno

Is it a DZ or non dz event

You get the care package simply by logging in, no need to go to the DZ or otherwise.


It's legit.

Normal precautions apply, Agent. The supplies are contaminated after all.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Originally posted by Simon-says-what

Server desync and lag are continuous investigations where we are always working to improve.

It's a "continuous investigation" since March 2016, and slowly even the most gullible players starts to see through this charade you're playing here for 3.5 years and counting.

Nothing has really improved on this issue, and each time the topic comes up again you're essentially just buying time with these non-commital wishy-washy statements.

Let me rephrase it.

We're constantly working to address any server stability issues that pop up to ensure that the experience is as good as it can be and that problems are resolved quickly.

Networking is a very complex topic and there are way too many possible causes and circumstances to go through in a reddit post, both internal and external (ISP etc.). That said, we're committed to maintaining a high level of quality in our servers and if you have information that could help us identify server issues, reach out to us directly via PM.


Originally posted by strizzl

Can we hope for snowball grenades?

I cannot confirm nor deny the presence of snowballs.


Originally posted by Mercurionio

And what the f**k do you want them to speak about? The progress in deploying assets? Coding AI???

I know that your post implies you're not interested in "behind the scenes" type interviews, but i'd like to make it clear that it is an option for future shows if the community shows interest in that type of content.


Originally posted by OeilBlanc

I could not say it any better. No actual addressing of crap RNG loot, server desync and lag, invisible wall, pvp cheese...

Basically next week SoTG will be a bunch of guys sitting and touching each other spitting out the same bla bla bla about the game denying its fundamental flaws all of that in a very themed santa claus studio.

Targeted Loot was the first step to address RNG in loot, and we'd like to revisit this in the future to improve it further.

Server desync and lag are continuous investigations where we are always working to improve.

We are working on identifying invisible walls to fix, if you have any specific location please come back to us with a screenshots of exactly where they are, as that will help us greatly in locating and fixing them.


Originally posted by sirapeface

Meanwhile we still need to fast travel to the boo before we can pick up raid keys. I understand it doesn't affect pvp but we'd still like it sorted.

We are working to fix a bug that causes the raid chests to be empty for all participants if the raid leader has completed the raid in the current week.

Is this the bug you're referring to? If not, we'd like to get more information and bring it to the team.

27 Nov


Originally posted by actioncomicbible

We'll talk about an upcoming holiday event

I'm intrigued...

( ಠ_ರೃ)