

26 Nov

Originally Posted by tcarlisle2012
Moderators should not be required to refrain from posts which are critical of the game or the games direction.
Just to be clear here, in no way do our moderators need to refrain from criticizing the game or the direction it's taking. They are expected to abide by and uphold the rules, and there is nothing in our rules that specifies that you can't be critical of our game.

It's the delivery of such messages that might break the rules, not the message itself

/ Johan.

14 Nov



This is not a bug but rather a technical limitation in how our game handles masks/face apparel.

We realise that it's not ideal and we'd like to revisit the system at some point.

/ Johan

01 Nov


We're working on a fix for this issue.

31 Oct

Update: The maintenance has been extended by one hour. Estimated downtime is approximately 4 hours.

24 Oct


As was mentioned yesterday on State of the Game. We made these changes as we felt that explosives weren't a big enough threat on the higher world tiers and overall this would make for a better gameplay experience.

That said, we are monitoring the reception of the new explosive damage and we are certainly open to adjusting it in the future.

/ Johan


Originally posted by Shut_the_FA_Cup

:D it's not like devs are unicorns or something /s

I'm a unicorn.

18 Oct


Hey guys,

What platforms are you guys on? Could you PM me your Ubisoft account name?

Thanks! / Johan

17 Oct


Originally posted by Mxswat

Thanks for the info. maybe it's the case to make a pinned post to notify the other users

That's up to the Reddit moderators, we're just visitors here :)


Originally posted by Mxswat

To give you guys an update, we discussed this internally and we will not change it.

So this kind of high DTE is an unintended behavior, right?

It was unintended, yes. We decided not to change it in part due to how long it's been in the game and that it now is a norm in many builds that would have to be reworked if we "fixed" it.


Brave man, bringing a sledgehammer to a minigun fight.


To give you guys an update, we discussed this internally and we will not change it.

The DTE rolls will stay the way they are.


To give you guys an update, we discussed this internally and we will not change it.

The DTE rolls will stay the way they are.


To give you guys an update, we discussed this internally and we will not change it.

The DTE rolls will stay the way they are.

16 Oct


Originally posted by OneWingedAngeI

I mean that's kinda a lie right? Since 50 on high end and 55 on set mask was achievable before the tu6 update?

To clarify, we're not saying that it was introduced with TU6 but rather that 50% DTE is not intentional.

We appreciate that a 50% DTE masks in your builds are popular as it gives an edge on difficult content and i'll bring that up in the discussions internally.


Originally posted by LCTC

Can you verify what the bug is? It seems that damage to elites should be able to roll that high thanks to the specific brand and the budget system.

As mentioned in the comment below:

The DTE percentage roll range is simply too high. You should not be able to achieve 50% DTE on a mask.


Originally posted by muchomango__

proof of this being a bug? this is most likely intentional, given the fact that you can no longer stack heavy hitting. some people like to stack a lot of DTE.

Confirmed internally as a bug. The DTE percentage roll range is simply too high. You should not be able to achieve 50% DTE on a mask.


Sorry to be the bringer of bad news and all, but as some of you might have guessed - this is a bug and will be fixed.

Enjoy that crazy DTE % while it lasts folks :)

Edit: To clarify, we're not saying that it was introduced with TU6 but rather that 50% DTE is not intentional.

We appreciate that a 50% DTE masks in your builds are popular as it gives an edge on difficult content and i'll bring that up in the discussions internally.

15 Oct