

05 Jun


While cathedrals were and are still monuments in European/Old World cities, the focus of Anno 1800 is on the 19th century, the industrialization and innovation. In this context, for narrative reasons, it would have not made a lot of sense to let our players construct a cathedral.

Instead, the monuments therefore focus on the above-mentioned aspects represented by the World's Fair and (via DLC) the Iron Tower, the Research Institute etc.

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, we found the cause of the issue for anyone playing the Steam version of the game.
The fix is currently being tested and will be deployed together with Cosmetic DLC 8 at the end of June.

So, good news on this front, but we will have to ask for a little bit more patience. Apologies for the current inconveniences.


Hey guys, we're aware of the memory leak that affects players on Steam.

We'll have a fix for the issue coming later this month. So, sorry for the current inconveniences but we will have to ask for a little bit more patience.

02 Jun


You had unreasonably high hopes regarding Willie's abilities from the start, to be honest

24 May


No tagging in bug reports, thank you, bye.

Sad the story came to an early end.
Gotta be honest, though, changes to the AI are not super likely at this point except if things are completely broken.

23 May


Originally posted by ChMalfet

I believe this is normal. The same is true for other tree-related ornaments - you can randomly get a tree, or grass or bush every time the game starts, but it does not mean it's not a bug :P

This is correct


Challenges are indeed "gone" since the switch from Uplay to Ubisoft Connect.

Achievements, however, are still very much a thing and we're adding new ones with each new DLC (related to said DLC).

20 May

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks a lot, have forwarded all info + your saves for investigation 🙂

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Trayhome, thank you for the report, you already answered several of my questions, so I'm just going to add:

  • Are you (and your friend) using the Steam, Epic or Ubisoft Connect version of the game?
  • Does your friend have hardware that's comparable to yours?
  • Did you notice the issue appearing when building something specific, i.e. lots of ornaments, a huge fleet, certain building types etc.?

We would also like ask you to provide an affected savegame so we can have a look for possible causes related to point 3.

19 May


Originally posted by DaLexy

Then (ab-)use your power and make it happen anyways

Halloween will come and we need something fitting for it.

You don't want me to work on new ornaments, believe me.

So, with limited resources for development, an additional CDLC is, unfortunately, not possible anymore for this year.

18 May


Originally posted by DocBullseye

I distinctly got the impression that they really wanted to make it, so... I don't know why they don't just do it. Did they promise to always have a vote or something?

Just to clarify here: While Marcel/Com_Raven and me really love this theme and therefore kept talking about it e.g. in the video we released 2 weeks ago, this is by no means representative of the opinions of the rest of the team.

We just (ab-)use our powers as the ones responsible for communication to keep up the joke ;)

13 May


The seasons are not randomized, the buffs/debuffs always happen in the same order.


Love your posts, keep going :D

12 May

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@asterix201252 This is correct.
Fuel only needs a warehouse connection in the scenario. It can then be shipped with a regular cargo vessel to the islands.

06 May


Keep the requests/wishes coming, definitely interesting for us to see what you all associate with the individual themes :)


Originally posted by FloDaddelt

Anno 1800 is my favorite Anno in the series so far. Did the team consider big Cathedrals or a Main-Train station? Or a Opera house? I found an old picture book how those used to look like in my hometown before WW2 and they looked just incredible.

Cathedrals weren't really big on our radar this time around considering the focus on the industrial revolution. Due to the efforts of creating such a building, a cathedral is also out of scope for a Cosmetic DLC - since that would leave little room for more ornaments. And we'd rather offer a larger variety in the CDLC.

Since there's no passenger transport in Anno 1800, large train stations don't make too much sense from our perspective - but the upcoming Industrial Zone Pack will have some railway-related ornaments.

05 May

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

If you had mods installed and in use when the update for Anno 1800 released (April 12th), even if you later uninstalled them and verified your files, you will need to load a savegame from before Game Update 14 since all savegames created post GU14 with that mod still active will have this issue.

04 May


The Circus/Big Top Pack has been part of both previous votes and both times ended up in last place. So, adding it a third time after our community clearly told us they're not that interested in the topic wouldn't have made a lot of sense.

The Eldritch Pack has been part of one previous vote and did reasonably well, so including this option again made sense. Since we're adding New World ornaments with each of this year's main DLC (as we have done with all previous major DLC, each always contained some additional ornaments), this option also was not included in this year's voting.

There are some great mods out there that give you the option to place assets from e.g. Anno 1404 in your game, that is true. Both from their art style as well as the visual quality, Anno 1404 assets don't quite fit to Anno 1800 - but if you like to use them in your game, that's great.

Should the "Old Town Pack" win, we would of course create new assets and not just 1:1 re-use things ...

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