

26 Jun

Originally Posted by croken717
I found those old videos, but saw comments on them saying it doesn't work anymore. But last night, my first match on....against a 3-stack from El Salvador.
Can confirm the issue is being looked into!
Originally Posted by Kenny324410
Are you stupid this is a well known glitch that’s been able to be done for years maybe pay for attention to the form and you will see the countless posted honest do ur job m/k sticker packs sever hopping has all been posted multiple times for years going back to 2016
Hey Kenny! The glitch was patched out in Y4S4, which is why I was surprised to see a resurgence in the issue.
Originally Posted by croken717
A ticket has been opened, with 5 player examples. Thank you!
No, seriously, thank you for bringing that up!
Hey Croken, I just checked on the back end, and they definitely should not be able to do that. If you get a moment, please take that information you have and send it back to our support team for investigation.
Originally Posted by croken717
For starters, their pings (which are 10-time higher than our teams'). Then their gamer-tags, which consist of Hispanic names. Then viewing their profiles showing Spanish languages/locations. Finally, actual conversations with some of the players. I have some gamer-tag examples, if you'd like them via PM.
The examples won't be necessary, for me, but keep them on hand while, I double check with the team for you!
Originally Posted by croken717
I thought you weren't supposed to be able to choose your datacenter on console. South American players are flooding the EUS (Eastern US) server in droves; I mean A LOT of players are doing this. I thought this wasn't supposed to be allowed. How are they doing it?
Hey croken, what is it that gives you the idea that they're coming from SA servers specifically?

25 Jun

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Bentley, which datacenter are you connecting to?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Roof Koreans: oh almost forgot to mention it was the whole server rubberbanding on and off
Okay cool, I'l go ahead and make a note of that. I'm glad everything ended up working out!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Roof Koreans: it was on and off every round for about an hour

And did it level out after that hour for the most part or did you stop playing?
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And how consistent is it? Like are you seeing this every game or every other game?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Roof! Remind me which servers you're playing on again?
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We have a match cancellation system coming later this season that should really help out with keeping you from having to suffer through unfilled games!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is getting a bit flamey so I'm going to lock it up. Please remember to be respectful to to other forum members while posting.
So, the team just got back to me, apparently this method to circumvent the offline bans should not be working. They players that were boosted should still be banned, regardless of whether the person boosting them has deactivated their account or not. If you see any hard evidence that this is not working, you should definitely open a ticket up.
Originally Posted by Danwolf.
Heard from someone today that they can still get around this as they'll boost someone, then deactivate and delete their uPlay account circumventing the offline ban (as well as the ban in general) preventing the MMR rollback.

Ubi can you confirm you're aware of this issue and looking into it?

Also, I'm aware this is essentially telling them how to do it, but I'm not aware of any other way to get through. Cases don't really seem to be helpful with stuff like this.
Hey Dan! I actually went back and asked the team for clarification on this so I can get you a solid answer.
Originally Posted by croken717
Is there something we need to do to opt-in for this? Anytime I've ever reported a player, they always tell me that they can't reveal the results of their investigation/action.
There should be an option to receive an email. I don't believe they can give you specific account names or anything to that effect, but you should be able to opt in to receive the notification.
Originally Posted by Chaysesmom1
Every flipping 3rd game I play I am sacrificed so some dumb dumb who thinks he is better tries to rank up. And then I am forced to continue to play with him and as of this last game ..all of them. Every game unfortunately has cheaters and people who know how to work the system. So first I got killed right away and then every match after they took turns. So nobody got banned because they had only 1 team kill. I have well over 100 games and spent an embarrassing amount of money through Ubisoft,Epic/Rockstar etc and then seem to have a system in place that takes care of the cheaters. How can I rank up if I cant even freaking play? I did post team killing on the entire team and nothing ...please fix this is causing me not to not want to play at all. S...
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Originally Posted by Te5lac0il
Hi I have a quick simple question. Is there a way to run the old benchmark?
Hey Te5la! As the old benchmark was run on House, which has been reworked since, there isn't a way to run the old benchmark.
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey all! Whereas there isn't a means of doing this in game, you can always report a player through online support.
Originally Posted by Lian_Ruins
I was curious to gather some feedback in general by other players about Ace. What do you think about him? How do you find his gadget? Do you prefer him over Hubana or Thermite as Hard Breacher?
So far, I definitely prefer him over Hibana and Thermite. The AK-12 is a fantastic gun, and I really like how the manner in which he breaches. Larger breach than Hibana, less "Instant need to react" than Thermite's gadget. But of course, a lot of it comes down to personal play style and preferences.