

02 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I wrote an answer, than came upon one intresting thing about accuracy and had to check.

It may be suboptimal, and I wouldn't recommend it, since to use it, you have to show more broadside than Nagato and your citadel isn't as low-postioned as on Gneisenau. Also, Gneisenau has more range and has built-in IFHE.
Nagato can fire 8/11 secondaries at 10 degree angle. Sinop 6/8 at 14. And Gneisenau 4/6 at 33.
Firing angles, Nagato, Sinop, Gneisenau, from Gamemodels3d. (don't look at secondary accuracy there, though, it's parsing stuff wrong)
What was unexpected for me - accuracy of 140 mm battery for all IJN BB — Nagato included — is higher than normal and similar to that of Massachusetts.
So, secondary setup for Mutsu, Nagato, Ash*taka, Amagi and Kii is more viable than at first glance. And may even be a reasonable alternative to other builds, if we don't consider armor scheme (IJN BB can be squishy), so if you try that setup - you ...

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    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

What I remember the most from last birthday is supercontainers for T10's, of course.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I watched it, and it's time for checking.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was made to make sure bonus points wouldn't burn in any case. Even if you reset the line, freexp to the level 10, and reset one more, and only after that start playing on the ships - you still get all the points you should, and you'll be getting two bonuses from victory.
System "remembers" how much RP dou you get regardless of season.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello. No, we haven't publish her resourse cost anywhere yet. So, if anyone heard about this - it would be just guessing. As @Nevermore135 said, she's just been announced and it's still too early to decide which for which resource she'll be available. When we will be sure - we will post an announcement, most of the time it happens way before release.

Kronstadt was Free XP, Stalingrad was for steel.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just in case, you're talking about version 0.8.8, which is currently on Public test?

Maybe accessing armory directly from your browser can help you.
Have you tried (you need to be logged in

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Exactly that.

Please, contact Player Support. From the looks of it, with clean cliend without mods, it may be a connectivity issue (for example, firewall isn't allowing to connect to logins server), or some problems with your account.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Maybe it would be more correct to reprhrase myself. "To my knowledge it wasn't changed."
I collect feedback, tons of it, and I read feedback collected by another people. Not me alone, though, since symmarizing is a job of game analythics team. And I haven't haven't seen anything dynamic crosshair being broken.
Maybe, maybe, with all the cnanges with 0.8.0 indeed something has happened to it, and it slipped undetected. So I'll check what's up with dynamic crosshair.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The idea was to improve sound, of course.
But we can already see from feedbacl that sound changes on PT have a lot of problems and we, will, of course, work on that.

31 Aug

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If both ships move with same speed - it doesn't matter. But destroyers just tend to be much faster than 30 knots.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Which one?
Aim Dyn is green, but doesn' have numbers below.

NG and Stiv Light Dyn do have numbers above and below and work like this.
Numbers show how much time it will take for target to reach from the center of the crosshair.
Top numbers are calibrated for target going at 30 knots, pependicular to your guns botton ones for 20 knots. You make adjustments based on those two lines. Basically - you see Kongou, for example, going perfectly in parallel to you at full spee. You see how long the shell would take to reach (it's shown in the interface) and align Kongou with that number, make a correction if you see Sierra Mike (than her speed would be 31,5 knot). Then shoot.
This crosshair helps you to estimate where the target would be, but you should make corrections to targets actual speed, angle, and possible maneuvers.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Both should be available for subscription/collection in regular containers once started.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it will. AFAIK more stuff, more intresting stuff to do.
No new collection, though. I personally woundn't say that collection, in this case, is the most valuable part of the birthday. (and maybe we're out of memes)

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, it wasn't changed.

I also use the one from Modstation. Ng one, though.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

i3 with integrated can work, it really depends on the gen, but if that laptop is so old that hadrware doesn't allow upgrade to W10 - it seems playing WoWS won't be possible.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, we send such an email. One player can gets:
1)Three bonus codes. With activation limit one per account - you can activate 1, gift other 2. (So each player can activate only one code from the set, and each code can be activated once).
2) Three invitation codes - you can invite friends.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes you're right.

I'd like to comment. Currently best creditmakers should be T9 premium ships (I personally favored Black even when Missouri was around) and T8's or even T7 can also can be good enough, if you enjoy playing them/on that tier more . As for T10 - those are premiums in some aspects, but credit making isn't their strongest suit (though it can be better then raw researcheable T10 ship, at least due to built-in camo).

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, they are, epecially after recent 105 mm HE pen buff.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just in case, what sound setting do you use, high or ultra?