

05 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello. This topic was already brought up:

We're planning to show ranked star in random battles. Whether it will be in team table, or in game results - details will follow.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Intresting discussion you have there, though it happened so many times before.
And yes, to be really effective in a battleship you have to plan ahead, since despite their advantages they aren't blessed with great maneuverability or aceeleration, and you can't just run and wiggle from a dangerous situation.

Consoles have more players groups than just teenagers. And WoWS and WoWS:Legends are two different games, even though some stuff like assets, historical research, etc is shared.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know that people already replied in this thread how about those guns overall strength and to use IJN DD guns properly and I agree with them - if used correctly those destoeyers can be quite good. But I can't miss comparison with T5. Have you seen T-22?

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It happens when servers are soft-switched. @Umikami is right, you still get everything you've earned.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Giulio Cesare and Kongou's, for example, were bade longer when refit.
Cesare went from 21 to 27.
But what I'd like to say - historical configurations do have chance to appear as Premiums, since when making premiums we feel that they can deviate from regular lines much more, because only people intrested in them would play them. On the other hand, when USN and IJN battleships had WW1 configurations, there were a lot of complaints about those hulls being too weak and a pain to play, so they were removed from those ships for this, among other reasons.

And it works both ways: Arizona and West Virginia has weak AA compared to New Mexico, and California, on the other hand, has much stronger AA, even compared with Colorado, but has smaller guns. And yes, I know that those three ships are different classes, but they do represnt one configuration with 12 14" guns.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now HE penetration, when calculated, is rounded down, even if you should get integer. Every 120 mm gun in game has this exact penetration for IFHE.
It's not an issue, though, since there aren't 20 mm surfaces in the game. Or they are extremely rare.

You have to click on the button, then you have to click "continue", than game asks you "Are you sure?". So no accidental resets should happen.

04 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Or didn't, cause you haven made contact with anyone.

Not all DD's had only one torpedo salvo on board, though. IJN had a torp reloader as a feature.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

In regular ranked sprint I'd suggest Hatsuhary, due to her concealment advantage. In sprint you can have just any dd and have fun.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Old 3" guns have 3 km range, and with newer system flak stops at 3.5, so, it would be incostistent with the AA system.

Removing range bonuses was one of the principle of new AA system, again, to add consistencey, where CV player would know when to expect danger.

It doesn't sound as too big a problem to destroyers, but increasing ranges of Minotaur/Worcester even to 7.6 km can create even huder no-fly zones.
On the other hand, this upgrade could've increased straight DPS, and that can be a topic for discussion.

According to current plans, it would be updated, and after that, if no changes occur, it won't be able to install it on ships withou long-range AA.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

And the whole point of the topic was that Musashi does look different.
Even when new Yamato was released - there was a whole thing with torpedo bulges and citadel, since they were different from what players were used to, since, unlike Musashi, new standards of what citadel is and what isn't were applied, same thing with how camos are applied to ship, and maybe others. What I do know - that there should be a lot of small geometry differences between different models, so Yamato's right now should be more accurate one, and that is why armor schemes do differ. And if you consider that every surface was checked - it isn't a simple copypaste.
But yes, the differences from Musashi would be most easily seen in armor cheme, apart from the obvious stuff like different superstructures.

03 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Afaik, Over the lifetime game had 4 Yamato-class models:
1) Yamato
2) Shinano (as CV)
3) Musashi
4) New Yamato
And each one was produced mostly separately. Apart from the obvious cases - like no one needs to to model 25 mm AA gun every time.

Correct me if I'm wrong - instead of really possible and sometimes planned refits and alt-history you want us to simply leave anything based on reality back and change stats for ships freely, in a pure fantasy way, just because the visual models may look more historical that way?

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Those ships weren't completed, so we had to make refits to make them comparable to similar ships that got them, for example QE, New Mexico, Fusou had vastly superior AA, and if we're in the realm of possibilities - it's very possible - a lot of BB got serious rebuilds when Naval Treaties were in effect - for example, Kongou, Nagato, Giulio Cesare.
USN had battleships reconstructed after Pearl Harbour. On the other hand, it's quite unrealistic to suppose that if a ship was to be completed, for example, in 1918, is would've stayed that way for several decades.
World of Warships threads into the realm of possibilities and alternative history, and allows players to experience ships that were to be built, ships that answer to a question "what ship this nation would've built to compete with something comparable to Yamato". And yes, some of the refits are needed due to the game's progression system and are necessary to maintain balance between ships.
As @Lord_Slayer ...

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    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Also, off the top of my head, Irian has wrong superstructure, Isokaze has some problems with torps, Mutsuki has different guns with same name that behave differently. We are aware of those and sorry that mistakes were made, and various models are being updated.
Also, int the case of Edinburgh (and other Research tree ships that had sisters), ships can be an amalgamation of all ships in the class - because some times lead ships of the class didn't get refits we want to put in the game, sometimes we have better references for other ships in class, sometimes lead ship didn't achieve needed speed, while her sisters did.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, thought relayer speaking.
We're fully aware of the sentiment with Smolensk, and her performance gets a lot of attention, but let's not get emotional here.

Almost any new ship at first gets into hands of very good players, counter-play isn't immediately obvious, and any new ship gets more attention from the community.

If needed, shells can be replaced fir different ones, just saying.

Yes, in case of balancing, ships that arent' available for difrect purchase aren't considered premiums, and therefore can get individual tweask. It doesn't mean that we will or will not balance certain ships, but the possibility is open. We do want to create clearer terms on ship categories, though, since right now in some cases it can be confusing.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was my favorite, but then Sheng Yang appeared. Also, Clemson is still very good, albeit a bit more torp and sitting-in-smoke-focused.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

First of all, Yamato's model was very old, one of the first in game, and since the time she was made we become better and building models, and found better sources for Yamato-class. So it was remade according to new standards.
On the other hand, Musashi's model is relatively new and is okay now, there are ships that need attention one more.
Also, while Yamato and Musashi belong to the same class, they are different ships, and there are differences between them, so we can't just copy-paste Yamato to Musashi. It would be wrong to do so, and we strive to make 3D models as historically accurate as they can be.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There may be different reasons for CV popularity at T4 right now, and even with that said, we're looking at CV effectiveness at T4.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It shouldn't, since

And I had to check internally for secondary accuracy. Just in case, Warspite also do have increased secondary accuracy, but that was common knowledge.

They did, and HE pen is shown in the port.

I fully agree, I use AFT almost on any BB as a part of "universal" build.

And here I thought that among RN BB's Hood had quite decent secondary dpm, and with her speed, she can shase enemies down.

02 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have Nagato commander with secondary setup and have used it on Kii. While it's fun as it just melts enemies with 100 mm, on higher tiers 7.6 km range for seconaries isn't enough, especially combined with IJN BB concealment, so I stick with other builds.