

09 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

How many T10's did you have on PT? Have you reset anything in 0.8.7 PT?

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you all. And we get stuff about sound. And hey - you don't need to tag any dev's specifically in feedback thrreads, since those threeads are thorougly read anyway.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, there are 14 challenges, for every combination of ship ant Tier - 4+3+4+3.

If it doesn't specifically say "base XP" - it can be boosted. So yes, it does

Armory is persistent, so it doesn't reroll, you can even acess it witout entering the game.

Aren't Colbert and Ohio new?

It in the container description:

06 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I meant Gamesom announcement as a whole.
It was posted on the forums as well.

Maybe I'm being misunderstood here. We are very grateful for people who are helping us and appreciate it.

It's just we, or I, don't expect everyone to stand up for changes in the game, even if they like, from the experience of it. And that is the reason there can be a perception of overall negative reaction, and that also needs to be accounted for. UPD. Even more, not everyone who doesn't like something shows up on the forums. So this also has to be accounted for. And there are different ways to analyze player behavior.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It also looks at the nation.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you're talking about my personal opinion - I just don't like playing T10's because it's boring.
But your picture here is inaccurate - there isn't such a difference in power between tiers, which is precisely the reason you can be uptiered and still be best in your team.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not everyone is upset about subs, initial posts and gamescom announcement did show quite a positive reaction.
But hey, if you're positive - most you should do is to say "yup, looks interesting, will wait to try it once", and then not enter the discussion about them - because there's more fun stuff to do - like playing the game for example. Unless you just like discussions - in that case - we appreciate it, thank you.
But if you believe it won't be well received - you can have a great time on promoting your point of view.
Don't get me wrong, we don't wave it off because it's negative, we hear everyone, and if there are legitimate points - we try to improve.
What would be best though - is to see for yourself, and then give feedback.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, this is correct. Also, for proper results, if playing in squad, you should be the leader of that squad.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If a ship had a defined armor in history - we try not to change it, and some creativeness is done only in special cases, like in module boundaries or in hull plating lowest threshold for a tier.
Why is it always russian bias?
German battleshipsships had increased deck armore for years (FdG is still the champion, i think), Even Lyon with 30mm plate is immune for 6-inch-without-ifhe-fire.

And when ships are being balanced - all their weak and strong points are taken into account, and into tech tree composition.
Why is Atlanta a premium, if she has been built, and Dallas and Seattle wasn't? Because she's an outlier, playing her properly requires different playstyle from the regular lines, which has to be learned.
And making all ships exactly the same destroys one of the biggest features of the game, so I doubt such a proposal can get into a base game. And special modes don't have tier matcmaking anyway.

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    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, yeah, to keep consictency with the game each configuration in the system you propose should be checked and recalculated, which effectively means creating dozens of new ships.
And then balancing them. So I very much doubt that such system will work in this game.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Normandie-class wasn't complete, so that why it was possible - some ships could've been atlered why still in the yard.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, i get why we get a proposal for overheating Barrels (aka nerf Des Moines - because she had this problem).
But what I don't understand is why armor should be uniform for all ships in a tier.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now, the only effect of seasons is x2 bonus points for first line.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is. Though it would better and easier for everyone to at least show some screenshot ot the situation you're describing. Or replay.

But I'll try to check.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Why not create one all for yourself. For me it took one minute to setup.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

German battleships just recently got another buff. But yes, we are looking at all ships in the game. Newer ones indeed do get more attention, because they are more succeptible to fluctuations, but all ships are being looked at.

05 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

American battleship Ohio, tier X:

Reload time of main caliber guns lowered from 30 to 27.5 s.

The increased reload time and changes done to the accuracy of the main caliber guns, majorly affected the overall damage caused by this battleship.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Each season is exactly 90 days.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Come on. Not everyone is born to be a pro player and statshaming doesn't add anything valuable to the discussion. I'm sure you can say same thought without it.

About your original question: on avarage, your teams should be average, and the reason we don't want to balance teams in randomb according to winrate is exactly that - it would be punishing to good players.