Ohio is a much better brawler, if you're intrested in that.
Ohio is a much better brawler, if you're intrested in that.
It was a "title style".
Well, while that make an intresting ship - such proto-Edinbugh would be just as paper as Thunderer anyway - based on real design process, but never commmisioned or even laid down. Since changing turrets will, of course, require similar changes to hull, and this would be an totally different ship.
If we want to make high-tier ships for RN, or any nation, fpr that matter - they would be paper anyway, since we are allmost all out of surface ships which can be T9 or T10 material.
Thank you, and they're qutie busy providing fixes ASAP right now. But they'll hear it.
We'll look into it.
Hey! We are working on resolving thos problems with Steam:
My favorite is Pensacola, since she's much more unique than dallas - Dallas is a fine ship, but there are several T6 6-inch cruiser who all play kinda similarly - you get your IFHE out, keep distance and do insane numbers of damage. Even though Dallas is the only one who has an entire line of ships similar to him.
While Pensacola is more about high-risk - high reward playstyle. If you find Omaha's squisheness manageable - you may do well in Penscola.
Best of all, of course, would be both. But be prepared that if you go to higher tiers - CA's are actually more tough ships, while Seattle and Worcester feel better when positioned behind the islands.
If that've been few months ago, than maybe right now your Zeppelin is even better, since 105 mm guns penetration has been increased.
Ohio right now is on the more accurate side of T10 Battleships, in some cases she has more chance to hit than Yamato, and, along with that she has pretty accurate secondaries and a citadel lower than Thunderer, so there are enough good points with her already. Any further buffs would've made her OP.
The reason why such impression can be creted is while we always listen to the feedback, reaction can be not instantanous. Sometimes it can be due to get feature through dev cycle, sometimes, in case of balance - there can be overractions, and balancing stuff only be feedback isn't a very good idea either, so some time has to pass.
Yes, you can do exactly that. With this update even more ships are available via doubloons in Armory.
First of all, there is also supercontainers and gift containers just for playing higher tiered ships. But if you want more challenge and a guaranteed rewared - there are Directives.
And the Directives aren't too hard. Of course, for a really new player they can be challenging, but for anyone with more than a single ship line with tiers higher than 6 they should be reasonable.
Almost all tasks can be done in Co-OP, and all tasks are done with T5+ ships. Let's look at 4th stage, which should be the strongest, constists of:
1) 1500 hits with main guns or secondaries - basically can be done on anything in coop, battleships and destroyers allow it to be done in several battles.
2) 600 000 damage to ships. - It's also quite doable.
3) 60 000 exp - 40-80 battles, less with premium time. Will be done anyway while you're completing other missions.
4) 9 000 000 potential damage - this may require fast destoryers, but BB's ar...
Read moreAlso, she turned out, for a long time, just a better version of the Iowa. And Iowa is already quite a strong ship.
Problems at lower tiers doesn't mean that the whole concept is broken, though.
We do care.
And the cituation with T4 CV, which @Daniel_Allan_Clark described is being looked.
While it still not as bad as before CV rework, feedback is being sent.
It's just reduced map size, and it isn't necessarily focused on the center of the map.
For example, in Hotspot you get that area:
And Warrior's path:
Well, we clearly see an example of marvelous British engeneering.
But, yeah, I don't think ladders should work that way. Noted.
Yes, each realm has more than one server supporting it, so such situations could happen.
Players don't lose their rewards, just post-battle screen is not available.
For several reasons, mostly to her being too good for this world, and us not wanting to get nerf bat out and disappoint current owners.
Yeah, sorry, there was a typo - they should not get resort-level treatment at T4.
At least for me double torps, when focused by two CV at once seem to powerful.