

31 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's more of a medium step.
Before this buff they have 65-80 degree range where the shell can ricoshet. After — they will have 70-80. While Tier X Venezia retains 75-80.
This buffse should be carefully considered, since 90 ricoshet angle will effectively mean that shell doesn ricoshet at all, and getting closer to it will gain bigger benefits, since it gets harder to always keep a perfect angle against those shells.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Italian cruisers of tiers III - IX:

The angle at which the check for ricochets is made for SAP shells is increased from 65 to 70 degrees.

This change will make SAP shells more effective against targets that are angled sharply.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary and subject to change.

30 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There aren't any Russian CV's in the works now, or any plans to begin work on them on the horizon.
You can follow to be among the first to learn about our plans.

29 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

System specs, of course. But better to work with your individual case with customer support.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, I do move forward with her, sometimes taking damage in the process. But the goal of balancing process isn't to make ship just better than the others, but to perform good for her station, while having her unique features accounted.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, it seems some video was playing in the background, since we don't have such a feature.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The german collection, and alternative camo scheme/second flag may as well appear.
We've been syncing those collections with implementation of new lines, and while this may or may not be a rule of thumb, we've had arc cycle this year, with latest lines being Soviet French and Italian, with Soviet BB, French DD and Italian CA accompanying them.

You may also have heard of British CA line in the works.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's some serious necroposting.
UPD. @Wadmore_Canada you're free to create a separate topic dedicated to the issue you want to discuss.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ark Royal became my favorite CV - she does so much more damage with her torps. Similar to Kaga, but T6.
And Swordfish and Arc Royal combo is iconical, so thats the reason.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There's no exact port-lag bug, there are several factors which limit performance in port, and there is an ongoing optimization work.
You've probably noticed it because number of your ships is one of the factors.

There was a hotfix, that required you to install it yourself, now it's integrated.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Discussion is open here.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Commanders! On October 29th Update was released. The Halloween celebration continues in the game and "Raid for the filth" begins!

Raid for the filth
Go into battle on special ships, collect the filth, and exchange it for valuable rewards in the Armory.

A new type of battle has been added to the game - Twilight Battle.

Players are credited with Steel Lancet, Maverick, Rust Nightfall and commanders with 19 skill points. Players also get access to a special tech tree.

Halloween section added to the Armory.

Read about the rules of the new mode and available rewards in the article on our portal.

Bug fixes:

The spaceport has returned to the game client.

Fixed a bug that caused players to lose control of the keyboard when switching to spectator mode in some cases.

Fixed bug that caused the game client to freeze...

Read more

28 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can watch a stream where Phil, in detail, explains how balancing is done:

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

And a ship is overpowered - than that is a mistake - and we fully intend to correct it. Similar story in being overpowered.

How about french bias? Each french line upon release still in the competitive meta - both in Clan War and even in Kots.
Also, we've heard that "Daring is op", "Harugumo is op", "Worcester is op" - and some claims may be true, but really getting enough data helps to determine that. And if line doesn't seem op at the start - it's instantly is deemed underpowered.
We can expect "Venezia is op", btw.

I think something was lost in translation.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You mean nerf after nerf for her?
Hardly an argument for intended OPness.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's just not true.

I expect the game to not to have bias towards Russian ships because we don't have such a goal, it lacks any sense.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You're trying to use steam client in a way it wasn't intended, so I can help you, but I should remind that it's not officially supported.

25 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Due to Steam API dependencies it's a bit harder now, but still doable/
Here is a guide for that for versions after 0.8.9:

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Exactly, for example, when you use the data above you should use correction that line is still relatively new and not all players got the ships, especially high tier ones.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ranked Battles has been reloaded on Public Test. Unfortunately, players progress for Ranked Season they've made yesterday is reset.

For this reason we decided to prolong 1st Session of Public Test 0.8.10 till Tuesday 29 October 13 00 UTC (16 00 FET).

We apologize for any inconvenience.