Yes, and CV player has to make a choice - don't dodge and do 1 attack run, or dodge, lose some time, come from a suboptimal angle and so on.
Yes, and CV player has to make a choice - don't dodge and do 1 attack run, or dodge, lose some time, come from a suboptimal angle and so on.
That seems like a bug, since this feature wasn't removed.
The only wat go get commander XP in advance is to get elite XP/Free XP.
Accuracy is determined by dispersion parameters and sigma.
Dispersion defines borders (ellipse) where the shell can land.
Sigma determines probabilities of landing: max dispersion per range combined with sigma determines the shape of the dispersion curve and probabilities of shell landing into area.
So, for example, if we have a sigma value of 100 - shells will always be in the center, since most shells are landing within 3 sigmas, and you have 97 left of improbable space.
The process of determining accuracy
First shell is dispersed with normal/gaussian distribution. Then, if the shell is falling in in the sigma boundaries - just it's position is determined. If the shell is outside sigma boundaries - it's rerolled with uniform distribution among the dispersion ellipse.
Maybe, an easier explanation would be that sigma determines how gaussian distibution will be, compared to uniform, since with sigma value of zero you have full u...
For anyone experiencing black backgrounds and client hanging after exiting - it will be solved in the next small update, in the meantime, we've created a hotfix for those issues you can use right now:
Hello commanders.
In this update, you could've come across Black Background and Game Client hanging up after exiting problems.
We've already identified the causes and these problems will be fixed in the nearest small update. In the meantime you can use a hotfix we've prepared for you:
Just extract it in the game's root folder, replacing files when asked.
We are sorry for the inconvenience!
You can discuss those issues in the corresponding topic:
We'll share when we are ready.
Full damage, that mechanics allows to. But due to DD's not having a citadel it would still be around a third of full damage in the damage stat.
it's the other way around, sigma is a measure of grouping.
It's 90 days exactly, and Bureau appeared in late August, so it should be late November, as you said.
Ahoy Fleet!
Update 0.8.9 arrives Wednesday, October16!
Preparation begins with downtime scheduled as follows:
Start: 06:00 AM ET / 03:00 AM PT
End: 09:00 AM ET / 06:00 AM PT
Update size: 6 GB
Thanks for your patience and see you soon back with the Fleet!
And for anyone intrested, Kremlin's penetration curves with from 0.8.8 and 0.8.9
Distance is x, meters, penetration is y, mm.
Orange - old setting, blue - new settings.
We have this in plans, and the work to enable that is ongoing, but, it turns out, it's not that simple. We're hoping nothing from technical side will prevent us from doing that.
It was almost 0 this morning, we are pretty chill.
But not everyone is playing CB, and not everyone is playing ranked. So, we give you ability to choose what events do you want to participate in, instead of just wayting, while those other players are having fun.
Oh, a Matchmaking Union!
There are no T10 premiums in WoWS, and now we can certainly say what category of ships T10 non-researchable ships belong to:
Special ships
A new group of ships—special ships—has been added, uniting the following categories:
Rental ships
Event ships
Early Access ships
Non-researchable ships without increased profitability
The new group will appear in the filtering criteria of the ships' carousel in the Port, so as to help players distinguish between Premium ships with increased profitability and other types of non-researchable ships.
How it works now:
It always counts time from last spotting.
If last spotting was more than 2 seconds ago - ship will disappear if contact is lost. If less - 2 seconds have to pass even if smoke of terrain is interfering with spotting. After that - the ship will disappear. It was done to prevent blinking.
4 new ships will be added: Sims B, Scharnhorst B, Alaska B, and Graf Zeppelin B. These ships are identical to their originals in both gameplay and economics, with the only difference being the color scheme of their permanent camouflages.
Italian Commander Luigi Sansonetti will have special personalizations, just as other unique historical commanders do: a broad pennant, colored shell tracers, and a signal flare launched when the commander's talents are activated.
Besides that, in addition to the talents, Sansonetti will have two improved skills:
Expert Loader will reduce the time taken to switch shell type by 75% instead of the regular 50%;
Torpedo Acceleration will increase the speed of torpedoes by 7 knots instead of 5. Torpedo range reduction remains the same at 20%.
Italian emblems will be added in Update 0.8.10....
Read moreAmerican cruiser Puerto Rico, tier X:
Sigma parameter was changed from 1.9 to 2.2
The test results have shown that the ship lacks sufficient accuracy of the main caliber guns for effective play.
German cruiser Mainz, tier VIII:
Bow and aft armor reduced from 27 to 25mm
Mainz's bow and aft armor is reduced to better match the light cruiser type and to highlight the difference from the Admiral Hipper.
Italian cruiser Eritrea, tier I:
Main battery reload time was reduced from 4.5 to 3.5 s
Italian cruiser Nino Bixio, tier II:
Main battery reload time was reduced from 13 to 12 s
Italian cruiser Taranto, tier III:
Detectability range by air increased from 4 to 5.1 km
Main battery reload time was reduced from 13 to 12 s
Italian cruiser Alberto Di Giussano, tier IV:
Odin isn't fantasy:
Testing will tell. Even ship's Tier can change.