

11 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was an initial plan for Scharnhorst-class to have 305-mm guns, but due to rnd problems with this guns, they had to be made with 283-mm.
The story is similar to Mainz.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thinnest on the hull. Superstructure has less armor than plating.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Same can be said about Hindenburg - she also has more damage than Moskva, while having smaller guns, or Zao's shells having more damage than Des Moines, despite being lighter.

Of course, shell damage based on reality, for example, apart from shell weight, which is all-important for HE, raw kinetic energy of the shell is also an important factor is a balance parameter, as is other shell characteristics. But, in the end, shell damage is a balance parameter, and can be changed to allow ships to fit their roles better. And one such example is, of course, german AP shells, which do more damage compared to other nations.
So, I'd like to remind everyone that this stats are, of course, preliminary, and are a starting point for a balancing process - those ships will be tested in several iterations, and only after that they may be deemed ready for the release, and even after that ships can be adjusted to fit better.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you please point them out?

09 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, Sweden can have it's own DD line (maybe with a split), but it's still be just one line, instead of other big nations having most classes fleshed out. or even several lines for one class. Similar situation with Netherlands, Spain, and, to some degree, Poland (with 3 variations of Grom-class). But even if those nations would've gotten their own trees - there were nations with less ships, and therefore European tree would've existed anyway.
And even more, getting all those nations into one tree is better for players - interface wouldn't get cluttered, commanders are recruited with the uniform relevant to the ship they begin their "career" on, you can freely swap them, and put on flag of your preferences.

08 Oct

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, surely you should ask him what style of gameplay he prefers. It may be okay for Atlanta, since he likes Worcester, but maybe De Grasse or Boise may be a better fit.
T-61 is quite good as regular destroyers go, and, maybe, getting enough Coal for October Revolution isn't a bad Idea either.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, turns out we'll be here for longer than expected.

Thank you, there's been some traffic accidents, so regulations had to be put in place.

25 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

After looking into problems with sounds we found out that Mods, even when uninstalled can affect sounds in game, so if you're having troubles with sounds even with after using this guide - please try launching the game in "Safe Mode".

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Friesland is still available via free XP. Even when we removed Musashi and Kronstadt - we gave 3 months notice prior to that.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would like to remind everyone here that political discussions on the WoWS forum is prohibited and ask you to refreain from it.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, currently there is no way to transfer accounts from one server to another.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey. Sorry for the long wait.
This is a derogatory term and the player was renamed.
Upd. but I'll remove player's id from the thread to keep information personal.

We have a system that is constantly monitoring bots and cheaters and penalizing them, starting with warnings - so additional tickets in customer support is not needed. Those cases aren't ignored anyway, since all players are being monitored.

We don't describe details about methods to not make lives of abusers easier - more data will allow easier circumvention of our methods, and this is a competition between cheat-makers us, finding them, we don't want to give them unnecessary edge.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings, commanders!
There were some server problems last Sunday - for a short time players couldn't get into battle.
Right now we're investigating affected players and will issue a compensation for them until the end of this week.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

23 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, we can't confirm Siegfried being for freeexp.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, right now it's a standalone patch, but will be integrated in the next version.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hope this will help you.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Commanders! In recent updated, we've introduced a new sky rendering technology, which requires DirectX 11 support from the video card. That is why incompatible video cards cannot load new sky textures properly, and that causes the sky to turn red, with a "texture not found" message on the skies.
We've prepared a patch, which should solve this problem. It will also be integrated in the future updates.

To apply the patch:

1. Download the attached archive

2. Unzip the contents of the archive (this is a directory called Install_path_fix_for_0.8.8.1) into the directory with the game

3. Go to the Install_path_fix_for_0.8.8.1 directory

4. Run apply-path.bat

5. Select an option: 1. Apply changes

We would like to remind you that we can't continue supporting systems with specifications lower than minimum system requirements. We hope that...

Read more
    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

9ххх series nvidia card doesn's support dx 11, that's the reason.
Will post workaround for such cases soon.

22 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was some, but colour is important to some degree, But then, we should use colour when comparing all ships.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, this table doesn' allow for such conclusion - as Marblheads illustrate there can be at least 1.4 percent error in observations, and if we account for that, Exeter may not be first - Murmansk, Bertin and Marblehead may also become first, and Exeter may be put in the middle.
So, just this sample and you shouldn't use it for comparing ships with that precision.