War Thunder Commander

War Thunder Commander

19 Jul

Today we’re showing the main tank reward for the new Battle Pass season, which is the Israeli Sholef featuring a 155 mm gun mounted on a Merkava MBT chassis!

Sholef A Premium Tank Destroyer for Israel at Rank IV
  • Shells with a radio fuze.
  • Autoloader.
  • Large in size.
Vehicle History
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In 1980, a group of Israeli defense companies began developing a promising 155 mm self-propelled gun on the chassis of the Merkava Mk.1 tank. As a result of this work, two vehicles were presented for testing — the Sholef-1 in 1982 with a 39-caliber gun, and Sholef-2 in 1987 with a long-barreled 52-caliber howitzer. Both prototypes were successfully tested and were even used for combat duty on the border with Lebanon, but the choice of a new self-propelled ... Read more

18 Jul

Today we’re taking a look at the PBM-5A Mariner flying boat, which will be the main aircraft reward in the upcoming Battle Pass season!

PBM-5A Mariner: A Premium Hydroplane / Torpedo Bomber for the USA at Rank III
  • Radar.
  • Large payload!
  • Torpedoes.
  • Low speed.
  • Large airframe.
Vehicle History
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The latest and most advanced variant of the Martin Mariner flying boat was the PBM-5A modification, adopted by the U.S. Navy in 1949. The main difference from its predecessors was its retractable tricycle landing gear. Due to this, the aircraft was reclassified from a flying boat into an amphibian aircraft. Compared to the previous variants, this modification received search radio equipment and bomb bays in the engine... Read more

  • AIM-120A, R-77, R-Darter, Derby, AAM-4, MICA-EM, PL-12 — the autopilot has been reconfigured, trajectory has been optimized. Drag has been corrected.
  • AIM-120A, R-77, R-Darter, AAM-4, Derby, MICA-EM, PL-12 — a bug with the missile overcorrecting at long distances to the target has been fixed.
  • AAM-4 — solid rocket engine type has been changed to dual-thrust.
  • R-Darter — missile mass has been increased from 118 kg to 120 kg.
Ground Vehicles
  • A bug that made it possible to use thermal imagers on Scout UAVs in third-person view after leaving the gunner’s sight has been fixed.
  • The replay destruction camera now shows the enemy SPAA that shot the player down while they were in an aircraft.
Patch notes reflec... Read more

17 Jul

Today, we’d like to discuss one of the Roadmap points, which is the construction of objects and trenches on the map.

Our thoughts and plan When we first spoke about this feature in the initial Roadmap announcement, we mentioned that it would be an opportunity for armored vehicles that have limited amounts of ammunition for their main guns in order to try and mitigate this shortcoming.

However, during internal discussions we found it difficult to choose the criteria for vehicles that have limited ammunition. On one hand, not all vehicles with limited amounts of ammunition are able to quickly use it all up (for example, the Sturmmörser and Sturer Emil), and on the other hand, not all vehicles with a large amount of ammunition are suitable for advancing to capture points just to reload (for example, SPAAGs with small caliber weapons). Alongside this, s... Read more

  • A bug that caused the camera in “Optical seeker view” to not be pointed towards an active target in Simulator Battles has been fixed.
  • A bug where activating mouse look caused the helmet-mounted sight to not work when in third-person view has been fixed.
Ground Vehicles
  • A bug that caused the control of ground vehicles to be partially blocked after an air streak, for example the turret was unable to rotate, and menus would not open if the weapon selector was active at the time of the aircraft’s destruction has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused barrel smoke (such as the IS-2 (1944)) not deploying smoke properly after being dropped has been fixed.
  • A bug that made it possible to use thermal imagers in third-person view after leaving the gunner’s sight has been...
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16 Jul

Today, we’d like to announce that our upcoming VR spin-off, Aces of Thunder, will be releasing in Q4 2024, and is available to wishlist on Steam!

Aces of Thunder will share a lot of similarities with War Thunder in regards to models and graphics, but it’s built from the ground up as a VR title, and will bring a completely new experience to the skies.

The game will feature more than 20 of the most iconic WW2 fighters, available immediately after purchasing the game. These include the P-51 and P-63, Bf 109 and Fw 190, IL-2 and Yak, Spitfire, A6M3 and more. All will feature highly detailed functional c*ckpits, you can quite literally grab the controls with your hands! You can also get a real sense of scale from your aircraft by walking around it on the airfield before heading out on a mission.

Battles will take place on 15 maps representing thre... Read more

  • The unscheduled Battle Ratings changes[docs.google.com] with decompression for toptier aircraft have been implemented.
  • For rank VIII aviation, the set of weapons available without researching any modifications has been updated, the full details ...
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12 Jul

Welcome to the Final phase of the third major event of the year, a tournament that brings together the best tank commanders in Armored Apex 2024. During one month, the best tankers competed in the latest-generation 4v4 tank format. Among dozens of teams, 8 managed to qualify.

Livestreams with Twitch Drops! Throughout the two weekends, you can receive awesome camouflages during match broadcasts, as well as profile icons created especially for the event!

Follow the Twitch channel here[... Read more

08 Jul

  • A bug that caused the notifications about hits, critical hits and destruction of enemy vehicles to not display in Custom Battles and in Assault modes has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
  • A bug that caused objects with 4 levels of detail (LOD) to stop rendering earlier (at shorter distances) than objects with 2 and 3 LOD on graphics settings below the High preset has been fixed. Now, objects with 4 LOD also disappear at the same range on graphic settings below and including High. Objects here mostly in...
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05 Jul

  • A bug that caused target lock before the launch of TV-guided AGMs to reset before launch and abruptly move the camera away from the target has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
  • A notification about the need to turn on the laser target designator for laser-guided AGMs has been returned.
  • A notification to turn on the laser target designator, like laser-guided AGMs have, has been added for laser-guided bombs.
  • A bug where there was sometimes no indication that a la...
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04 Jul

Ground Vehicles
  • A bug that caused very large target markers to appear on the radar display causing the arc to occupy a larger part of the circle than it should has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
  • Duplicate display of the ballistic computer when capturing a target with the radar in Arcade Battles has been fixed. The display of the lead by the radar interface is disabled, only the display by the “floating” sight reamins. Without radar target acquisition, the logic of o...
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We’re constantly working on removing cheaters from War Thunder. We rely on the Easy Anti-Cheat system to check for prohibited software usage, as well as on reports from players that we carefully go through. You can use the replay service on our website to report players to us who have violated the Terms of Service and the License Agreement of the game.

Banned accounts
For June and early July 2024, we’ve blocked 7,606 accounts that were found to have violated the rules. Specifically 3.2.3 of the EULA namely in the automation of gameplay (using bots) and cheat software.

For complete transparency, we’re publishing ... Read more

03 Jul

  • F-15J(M) — the shifted position of the right underfuselage pylon display on the MFD has been corrected.
Ground Vehicles
  • A bug that caused shaped charge ATGMs and rockets to sometimes fail to interact with the first element of armor that they hit has been fixed.
  • A bug where shells may not have exploded or burned in their racks after being hit and destroyed has been fixed.
  • Base destructions incorrectly displaying in the mission kill feed have been removed. (...
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02 Jul

  • F-16 (all variants), F-15 (all variants), JA37 (all variants), JAS39 (all variants), Sea Harrier FA 2, AV-8B Plus (all variants) — radar on these aircraft will no longer capture chaff above the horizon in ACM and HMS modes.
  • A bug that caused IRST and TV auto trackers on planes and helicopters to not work when the radar was turned off has been fixed.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the ... Read more

01 Jul

  • F-104G (France) — the lack of separate Battle Ratings for Air and Ground battles has been fixed.
  • JAS39C — the AGM-65G missile and its modification have been added. The RB 75 modification has been removed, RB 75 missiles will be available when researching the RB 75T modification. The amount used to unlock the RB 75 modification with Research Points, Silver Lions or Golden Eagles has been compensated. The RB 75T modification has been moved from level 4 to level 3 in the modification research window.
  • Su-17M4 — a bug that made it impossible to take large-caliber countermeasures into battle has been fixed.
Naval Vessels
  • A bug where gun stabilizers for boats were turned off at speeds above 80 km/h has been fixed.
Patch notes reflect only key ch... Read more

Naval Vessels
  • USS Flagstaff — the physics behavior interaction with water has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the “Your research has been completed” window to not close automatically after purchasing the vehicle and not putting it into a crewslot has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the temporary connection text between two vehicles in the tech tree (this appears when a new vehicle is introduced between two connected vehicles) to sometimes mention other random vehicles has been fixed.
  • A bug where the selection could skip and not select some elements of the crewslot on the vehicle selection screen in battle when using a gamepad has been fixed.
  • A bug where depth charges did not have sound and visual effects when exploding has ...
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27 Jun

It's the summer, so it's time to enjoy some Steam DLC sales! The following packs are available at a 50% discount:


... Read more

Sound Mods We’ve got some good news to share! Sound mods are now back. You can find out more on how to use them in War Thunder on our Wiki[wiki.warthunder.com].
Thank you for all of your reports and feedback that helped us solve issues surrounding sound mods.

  • EC-665 Tiger HAD, Tiger HAD Block 2, ECC-665 Tiger HAP, EC-665 Tiger UHT — the default seeker position of the ATAS missiles has been corrected to match the sight in the c*ckpit. (...
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25 Jun

We’ve just released the Seek & Destroy major update last week, which means it’s time for a new trophy with coupons! The Seek & Destroy trophy includes 40 camouflages created by 38 authors: 6 fictional, 15 semi-historical and 19 historical. These new camouflages are ready to please owners of vehicles from all countries and ranks, except rank I. Preference of course is given to vehicles in the Seek & Destroy major update! You can also get a unique decal and rare vehicles: just play to get this new trophy.

Contents in the Seek & Destroy trophy:
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21 Jun

  • A bug that caused countermeasures used in Ground Battles to be missing or issued in single quantities has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
  • Mirage 2000C-S5, Mirage 2000-5F — a bug that caused only 2 chaff out of 48 to be available for release has been fixed.
  • F-105D, F-100F, A32A — a bug that caused the countermeasure pods to release chaff just once has been fixed.
  • JA37D, JAS39A — a bug that caused the amount of countermeasures present in ba...
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