

29 Jun


Originally posted by Tazzer95

I only got 20 of my 55, what is going to happen to the rest?

For those that had 21+, like you, 20 came in the inbox message and the rest were a silent grant. So they’re in your collection, but there’s no good way for you to see which new cards they were.

Sorry about that; it’s a technical limitation that we’ll work to solve.

28 Jun


This is a bug; we'll be fixing via an inbox message shortly (you don't need to contact CS; it's automatic)
Edit: The grant for this finished running this morning, and everyone affected should have gotten an inbox message


We’re currently working to get an accurate list of who missed out on what, and we’ll be delivering the missing items via an inbox message as soon as we do.

Edit to add: These messages have been sent out now

20 Jun


We're aware and working to get the packs (or decks, in the case of the LTR Starter Decks) out to the affected players. They should be arriving in your in-game inbox sometime later today or early tomorrow.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Wollomby

is the Arena Starter kit a physical purchase that can be moved into Arena? or purchased within MTG Arena?

Starter Decks are physical decks that include a code you can redeem on Arena for the same decks on Arena. There’s a new set of starter decks coming with the Lord of the Rings set as well.


Originally posted by HamBoneRaces

Great questions! Not much play data to go on so far, but since I’ve had the pet I’ve had actual zero loses and surprisingly most, if not all, of my opponents concede shortly after starting the game. And now that I think of it, all of my opening hands have been surprisingly balanced. Just great luck I’m having today, that’s all there is to it really.

Honestly I’m a little confused with your last questions. Why would I change pets? There is only one pet. There is only precious. And it is mine. All mine and they will never make me change it. The precious

Good. Good.

02 Jun


Originally posted by Bochulaz

Oh, so they exist

They're rare, especially compared to how many players there are overall. I've played basically every day since beta launch, and I've seen ~3 Mythic Orange opponents.

01 Jun


Originally posted by SaskatoonRJ

Yup. I got crushed by ImBadAtMagic a month ago. My wounds have not yet healed..

NotVeryGoodAtMagic? Their decks are very brutal, almost cruel.

30 May


Originally posted by 1Land_1Keep

Nice to get the official confirmation.

Now, since my Google-fu failed, would you happen to know the name of the supercard on MTGO I mentioned? I tried to find it and failed miserably.

MTGO's not really my area, so I might be getting this wrong, but I believe the card you're referring to is called Library of Congress


Originally posted by 1Land_1Keep

I wonder if this was included as a dev tool.

In a recent comment, one of the Arena devs mentioned having to run a whole game to automated test a card, so One With Nothing would be a good tool to force a test user to be hellbent for cards that care about that.

On MTGO they have a card that can do basically anything. I don't remember hearing about a similar debug card for Arena so they may just craft board states from scratch using the normal cards on hand.

Yup, that's what's up! I explain a bit more above.

In debug modes, we have the ability to directly cheat a bunch of effects (wish for cards, waive the mana for the thing on the stack, bounce a permanent, etc.). It has several options like that, but still leaves a lot that it can't easily do. Back in the early days, I used to have repeatedly cast & bounce Quarry Hauler to test PW abilities. Now we have a large range of debug-only cards to help with situations like this. (For example, one of them says basically "Exile target planeswalker and return it to the battlefield with 50 loytalty".)

Magic is a game complex enough that the cards can make almost anything happen, and we built the Arena rules engine to process all that complexity. So the easiest way to build new debug tools turns out to be basically creating new cards that do what you want.


Originally posted by ProfessorVincent

Why "these cards" (plural), though? What else is there?! Tell us! Do it now! We needs to know!

Heh, I wasn't trying to be mysterious. It's just [[One With Nothing]] and [[Scour from Existence]] (mentioned elsewhere in this thread).


Huh. You weren't supposed to see those. Whoops!

So, most of our regression tests (automated tests to make sure things are working as expected) are written as, effectively, gameplay sequences - Play Runeclaw Bear, play Doom Blade targeting Runeclaw Bear, make sure it dies, etc.

These cards both provided useful effects for those test cases, so we added them to the pool of cards we could use here. They were meant to be hidden, but it looks like the settings to hide them are arriving a bit later than the cards themselves. Don't get too attached; I expect them to disappear soon.

25 May


Originally posted by Hotdog_Daddy

This is the actual answer. Just checked and all my announcements had been cleared out. That's EXACTLY what happened.

A similar thing could have happened with event rewards as well. For most events that reward cosmetics (the kind you can only enter once), we'll reward all the cosmetics when the event ends, whether you got all the wins or not.

24 May


Originally posted by TheBr0fessor

If you play on Mac why are there so many bugs?!???

Like, the gameplay, language, audio and exit game are always blank?!?! And it’s been that way for well over a year 😳😳😳

Because there's limited time to fix everything, and we prioritize based on (roughly) pctOfPlayersImpacted * frequencyOfImpact * severityOfImpact. For the blank buttons issue, that's "small percentage" * "~50% of the time" * "little real impact". I'm very aware of the problem, and it bugs me too, but there are plenty of other items, with larger player value, that we're putting in front of that work.


Originally posted by Maroj1990

Allright, this could be it. Just find it confusing they said you can use cards outside your collection.

This was a mistake on the website (that we've now corrected). Apologies for the confusion here.

23 May


Originally posted by AlbinoDenton

Thank you WoTC for yesterday's deals, for making possible the impossible!

You're welcome, and I salute you.


Originally posted by Naxthor

Please get this on Mac OS or make the app on iOS work on Mac OS. I don’t know which is easier but please!!!!

MTG Arena is currently available on Mac via the Epic Games Store


Originally posted by Venomenn

I noticed something weird on the steam version. The Rare and Mythic Wild card purchase option is missing. Has someone experienced the same problem?

It looks like there is a bug making them not show up, yes. It's unintentional and we're looking into what's going on.


Originally posted by Strange_Pie7330

Why can't I buy wild cards via steam?

Hmm. Not sure. Unintended and we're looking into it.


Originally posted by Chidorin1

is macos version available?

by the looks of symbols - no 🤔

Current Steam release is PC-only, yes. We're looking into Steam for Mac as well. (I play on a mac mostly these days; I hear you.)