

09 May


Kevin, who spends an incredible amount of time making sure this works properly (and hates Scuttlemutt very much) appreciates you noticing this.

03 May


Originally posted by pchc_lx

I've been wondering, do these packs "populate" so to speak, when you open them? Or are their contents determined when they are acquired?

Basically- can you hang onto a Golden Pack to try to open it during a specific desirable golden-pack-collation period. Sorry if too metagame-y.

They are populated as you open. If you earned a Golden Pack back in BRO and opened it today, it would give you MOM cards.

02 May


When March of the Machine Aftermath (MAT) releases, the 2 "newest set rare" slots in Golden Packs will pull from a group of cards containing both MOM and MAT. This pool is duplicate-protected like normal, so if you already have a lot of MOM rares, it will be prioritizing rares from MAT.

24 Apr


Originally posted by ticklemeozmo

Boo, well, I appreciate the response! Thank you.

OR, you have to say that to avoid affecting the results! (I’m kidding, thank you for engaging).

Oh no, they’re onto us!

I mean, we do use the data roughly the way you mentioned, we just don’t change question appearance rate. (We have enough matches that we have the day to answer most reasonable questions without doing that.)


Originally posted by VlXwlOpWd9TFISi

How do you differentiate fun from simply winning or losing? I imagine the correlation there is quite high

Oh yeah, super high. But we know if you won or not, and track those separately. So we’ll look at “Happy rate on loss”, etc.


Hate to spoil some good conspiracy theorizing, but it’s a flat ~5% chance after every game (barring some modes like tutorial).

We will definitely look at things like whether we see differences in happy/sad rates by opponent deck color or in matches where specific cards were cast (usually: no), but we don’t ask based on criteria like that. Being able to use the results to answer questions like the above requires us having a good baseline to measure against, which means we need to ask it broadly to establish the baseline.

18 Apr


The "Fancy Frame" for the MUL cards is a style, not a printing. If you toggle to style selection mode (sparkly-looking button on top-right of collection/deckbuilder) you can select and favorite that style


Originally posted by iceicebaby22

Isn’t he supposed to be banned?

Banned in Historic. Monkey's legal in Historic Brawl.


Yup, that's a mobile-only bug. We found it too late to fix for this release. As others have said, "t:land" in the search bar should work for you. We're working to get a fix for this out soon.


Each MOM pack has the normal rare/mythic slot (which pulls only from MOM) and an additional slot that pulls from the bonus sheet (which can be uncommon/rare/mythic). Your collection should show you still have 50 rare/mythic MOM cards


Inbox message with packs will be arriving ~10am Pacific

I lied; it's 9am Pacific; should be in your inbox now


When the app becomes available on mobile app stores (iOS & Android) can vary, unfortunately. It depends which CDN you're hitting, and whether that one has picked up the release yet.
The only solution is to wait a bit (and keep checking the app store).


When the app becomes available on mobile app stores (iOS & Android) can vary, unfortunately. It depends which CDN you're hitting, and whether that one has picked up the release yet.

The only solution is to wait a bit (and keep checking the app store).

17 Apr


They are supposed to be accessible until the end of the next set (in this case, until the end of MOM's pass). This was broken for a while, but we believe we have fixed it.


Originally posted by Key-Ad-6897

So if I have 3 Kroxas from theros I can still get one in a pack and that will allow me to have 4 constellation Kroxas or 4 regular Kroxas?

But if I have 4 Kroxas from theros I can’t get constellation Kroxa until I’m at the end of the set a few hundred packs down the line?

With the exception of drafting constellation Kroxa of course. Would I be able to use a mythic wild card on constellation Kroxa to open up the card style?

First two sentences are correct (with the minor caveat that in the "4 regular Kroxas" version one of them will have the MUL set symbol).

If you want the constellation style, you can just buy it from the deckbuilder for gold/gems (like normal for a style). No wildcards required. Crafting the MUL version of Kroxa does not give the style.


Originally posted by TizonaBlu

Does anyone know when maintenance will start tomorrow in est? Trying to finish my quests.

We almost always start ~8 am Pacific


New Jump-In packets arrive at set launch. When the packet info is posted will vary a bit; several of the teams involved there are very busy at set launch

13 Apr


Originally posted by MateusMed

does that mean he’ll also be banned in historic brawl?

No, he's legal there too. I was thinking in a limited-mode frame, so left that out.

12 Apr


Originally posted by Glorious_Invocation

This is part of why we started experimenting with adding non-land cards to the Momir decks, to see if we could get that fun factor up. Sample size is small, but the indications are generally positive.

If you want to increase Momir's fun factor, perhaps consider finding a way to speed up the game.

Right now most creatures between 1-3 (maybe even 4) mana just don't do enough to create interesting scenarios, yet you have to go through that phase of the game literally every single time. So when someone high-rolls you and wins with an essentially unbeatable creature, it just feels awful because you can't simply requeue and get back to the fun dice-rolling part - you have to go through the slow start all over again.

Not a bad idea! I've passed it on and we're tossing around ideas


Originally posted by pchc_lx

my only 2c is that Choosing X= and discarding the card just 'feels like a lot more clicks' than playing MTGA usually requires. I don't dislike the format per se, that's just the main friction point for me.

I also have no idea how one would improve this so, take with a grain of salt I suppose 🙃

Valid! I'll think on it