

03 Apr


Greetings @Herby and welcome to the forums!

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but it seems that no information was added in your report. Could you please use again the given Bug Report Template in order to share the necessary information?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Thank you for sharing this!

We have forward it to the development team so they can investigate.


Greetings @Bizarre ,

Thank you for sharing this with us!

We have forward this to the development team so they can investigate.

Regarding your first bug report, please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great week!


Greetings @Funbags ,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great week!


Greetings @FrankieB123 ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you let us know the build you’re using as well as the thralls you’re trying to damage?

If you could add a video as well we would appreciate it!


Greetings @SurrealGiangi ,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Greetings @a1pha-red-wo1f ,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great week!


Greetings @corpcow ,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great week!


Greetings @JamCar ,

Can you let us know if this is still happening?


Greetings @Nebz223 and welcome to the forums!

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Greetings @Nebz223 ,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Greetings @Shade_106 and welcome to the forums!

Thank you for sharing this!

Do you have a video of the reported issue that you can send us? If you have any information in the event log, please, send us a screenshot of those as well.


Greetings Exiles,

It seems there was an issue with the challenges, however it seems to be resolved by now!

@SalvoSpeaker5 can you give us more details regarding the transporter stone you’re mentioning as well as the NPCs mentioned?

If possible, please add a video as well.

Thank you in advance!


Greetings @Barbaria and welcome back to the forums!

Thank you for reporting this!

Can you, please, send us a screenshot so we’re also able to verify the issue?


Greetings @Mano_Lacraia ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you, please, send us a video where we can verify the reported issues?

Can you also let us know if you’re using mods?


Greetings @Bonney ,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Greetings @Sylwia161102 ,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Greetings @AlanArmagedom and welcome to the forums!

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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02 Apr


Greetings @Brainlessjarl ,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?

This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone :smile:

You can find it here: ...

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Greetings @RedLynx23 ,

Please follow the stated on the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket. Make sure to select “Official server performance” as the issue type.:


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