

27 Apr


Originally posted by Phamous3k

Will there be a GOtv like feature in the future where we can watch major tournaments in-game? And the ability to download replays of other players??

Can't commit to any specific feature list yet, but they sound like features that would be possible once we have the core replay system


Originally posted by FireStarzz

6 years confirmed

You got me!


Originally posted by Phosphoros846

Will there be any option in the future for a killcam system? Sometimes I die just as I turn a corner and think it would be useful to see how I was killed if it was based on the enemy's crosshair placement, me showing too much while peeking, etc.

Yeah we've talked about it, kill cam would be a great learning tool. Integrating a Replay system would unlock a bunch of cool things (e.g. kill cam, better observing tools for esports, sweet sweet frag videos) so rest assured it's on the backlog. I just can't give you a timeline right now.


Originally posted by KJW57

The devs said in an interview that there will be a version of a replay system on launch, and they will continue to improve it through the early stages of the games full release!

G'day friend, just wanted to correct this: we won't have Replays at launch (sorry!). Definitely going to be there at some point soon tm, and not 7 years past launch like League! We see the same use cases etc that y'all do and we're excited to see what the community will do with it... once it comes out ☺️

17 Apr


Originally posted by warchamp7

Gonna piggyback off this post and ask for Riot to take a look at CS:GO's GameState Integration


This is present in both CSGO and Dota and is super useful for a large number of broadcast production use cases

Oh that's cool! I was thinking about something similar to drive esports broadcasts, Twitch overlays, etc. Good to have a reference point from CSGO.

16 Apr


Thanks for putting so much thought into this! We're definitely going to allow third parties to access data such as this, though we haven't decided on exactly how it will look. You've pointed out some pretty relevant concerns, and we'll also have to think about retention policies, etc. Stay tuned!

14 Apr


Originally posted by vooffle

Will Riot Direct be used to imrpove connections to gane servers in other Riot titles, such as League of Legends?

Riot Direct was built for League, VALORANT is their second customer!


Originally posted by YosemiteThrowaway123

Do u plan on keeping servers where they are? Or centralizing them like u did with league. Considering taking a job at one of those cities and super low ping would motivate my decision.

MOBAs generally have a higher (though not super high) latency tolerance than shooters. We wouldn't be able to meet our goal of 35ms for most players with only a single centralized location. If anything, we'll likely need to expand (either more Riot Direct PoPs or more servers locations) to really provide the experience we think our players deserve. But for now, we're looking at the data and fixing up routing issues as we discover them.

13 Apr


Originally posted by MaryJason

are you planning on a northeast server eventually?

In the video I talk a bit about that: we'll extend the network where it makes sense to, given where our players are etc. The thing we need to balance though is that more game server locations fragments the playerbase a bit. All that said, assuming you mean the north-east of the USA, pings are looking pretty reasonable up that way (you should be getting matched onto the Ashburn servers).

To concretely answer your question: no current plans for NE USA servers, but not ruling it out if the situation warrants.


Originally posted by GameDevPlayer1337

Is there a list of places where there are Riot Direct servers?

Riot Direct is the network, it connects players to the VALORANT game servers. We currently have game servers in Frankfurt, Stockholm, Paris, and Istanbul (Istanbul comes online this week) in Europe. In North America we have game servers in San Jose, Portland, Chicago and Ashburn (Virginia).


Originally posted by NaedDrawoh

These may just be POPs and not game server locations.

Yep, that map is the Riot Direct backbones and PoPs (Points of Presence)

12 Apr


Originally posted by fjudgeee

Hey Im from Germany and I received a drop in my twitch acc and got the confirmation to be in the beta via email from riot. But if I login to my riot account it says I’m not in the beta yet and I should link my twitch acc and watch streams to get a drop. ?!?!

I'd recommend opening a Player Support ticket, they can check out the details of your account


Originally posted by Aquario_Wolf

That's awesome! What department?

Engineering ☺️


Originally posted by Aquario_Wolf

Fair. Ever work for Riot in Sydney (on league or anything else), or did you move specifically for Valorant?

I never worked at Riot Sydney, though I did start at Riot around when Sydney opened. I worked on League for 5 years before moving to VALORANT almost 2 years ago. It's been a mile a minute since coming to VALORANT and it's a super exciting time 😀


Originally posted by kodi1x

hey, the more hours you watch do you have a higher chance of getting a drop ? i heard 1: that you only need 2 hours watchtime to be eligible for a drop and more hours watched gives you a higher chance and 2: that you have to be watching actively for a chance to get a key no matter how much you’ve already watched? I’d love to know as i have 36 hours watchtime now

So: 1) Yes, once you've watched at least 2 hours you're now in the pool of eligible viewers. You get a higher chance the more you've watched, but there are diminishing returns, i.e. your 37th hour doesn't increase your chances anywhere near as much as your 3rd hour (the relative increase in your total hours is much lower). 2) You do not have to be actively watching. Once you've watched at least 2 hours, every time we give out access we just take the pool of all eligible viewers and randomly choose people (weighted by total view hours), regardless of if they're currently viewing. Please look after yourself and make sure you eat! ;)

Good luck to you, I hope you get access soon! We're actively working to try and increase our server capacity, but we also need to ramp at a responsible pace so that we're testing load as we go.


Originally posted by Redix124

How long til we get the beta mate pls?

Soon mate, soon. We appreciate you hangin' in there!


Originally posted by Aquario_Wolf

Where in Aus, if you don't mind me asking?

I was working in Sydney before I moved here to work at Riot


Originally posted by MadKnifeIV

"That's a knoif"

That's my line!


I'm Australian, but work on VALOURANT at Riot HQ in Los Angeles, and this post has got me all kinds of confused... And homesick... 🇦🇺

11 Apr


Originally posted by ClearSearchHistory

Apologies for hopping on the “reply to dev with unrelated bug” train but: I had an issue where a gun I picked up at the end of a round disappeared at the start of the next one. It also happened to my teammate at the same time. I’d imagine this is just a miscommunication with the server, might have been a lag spike at the start of the round but who knows.

Minor hiccups aside I love the game so far, especially the crisp gunplay having come from csgo.

I don't want to tell you you're wrong, but is it possible it was at the end of a round that then went into overtime? Overtime resets all inventory.

I'll let the testers know to keep an eye out for this though 👍