

09 Jun


Originally posted by B4dBuy

Region: EU

Type of Bug: Game fails to load

Description: After update 0.50 (including version 1.0) the game gets infinitely stuck on loading screens. It happens when starting a shooting range or match.

Video of the incident: https://youtu.be/wxVQi4nUJhE

Reproduction rate: 100% of the time. Tried getting in the game for hours and hours with no luck

Steps to reproduce: Try to launch the game and go to the shooting range or start a match.

Expected result: Match/practice starting

Observed result: Getting stuck in infinite loading or after some time being booted back to the main menu.

System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia 770, WD Black Hdd, 24 GB RAM.

Another interesting thing to note: It is i...

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Sorry this is happening to you! You can clearly connect to the platform in Frankfurt but then sounds like you can't connect to the game server we assign you to. We've seen some weird ISP problems in Europe, so let's try and diagnose this from your end and see if we can find something affecting all of the players in your area. I'll DM you for logs and some other things.

01 Jun


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

You're all so sweet! We're loving all the communication with all of you, so hope you'll also keep it up after launch! Keep giving that feedback and reporting those bugs! :)

+1 to what Preeti said

23 May


Originally posted by ChaosDefrost15

It's good that I found one of you guys. I have a very important matter regarding a cheat that is going undetected by Vanguard for over a month and is being spread wide by people (many think it's even legit to use). can I write a private message to you explaining the problem? It is usually hard to notice with naked eye right away that someone uses it but it provides a lot of advantage.

DM me, we can take a look


Originally posted by bbjimin

Is there going to be Toronto or NY servers? I live in Toronto and somehow get absolutely shit ping to Chicago (like 40 minimum, most often 60-70+). I get steady 33 ping on League and have good internet connection. Could this be a routing issue as well/have you seen other players in my area with similar complaints? I don't understand how my ping is so high in this game.

We won't be putting more servers that close to our Chicago and Ashburn servers, it's bad for matchmaking to have too many servers (fragments the playerbase). If you get 33ms to League in Chicago there's no reason you shouldn't get that to VALORANT in Chicago, and we're going to continue to work with ISPs to fix routing.


That is super legit! Nice work!


Originally posted by fromtheundead

Could you tell us where the ME servers would be located?

Not yet, sorry! You'll hear more details from us soon 😀

22 May


Originally posted by Miras321

Is there any info on Japan? Will it get routed to SEA or have it's own server?

We'll have game servers in Tokyo!


Originally posted by war10is

I’ve asked the same question to riot support before i decided to spend some money on skins and was told it wouldn’t be an issue. Massive bummer being told that i have to continue playing on 150 ping if i want to use what i paid for or just forget about the account till whenever you decide to allow it.

If Riot Support committed to it, they'll stand by it. For them to do it takes more manual work on their end. When I say "Shard Transfer" I mean a one button process that wouldn't require Riot Support or VALORANT Dev Team intervention.

21 May


Originally posted by fromtheundead

Hey, Any idea when we'll be getting middle east servers? On twitter it was promised they'd be here by launch date and now it won't be there by launch, could you please let us know by when we'll have ME and India servers? ANY ETA Would be greatly appreciated!

There was a miscommunication about the servers at launch, sorry!

We'd like to have them in place by the end of the year, but a lot needs to go right for that to happen. You'll hear more from us as we make progress!


Originally posted by SuburbanChocolate

Will there be any trouble if I’ve bought skins on an NA account and want to get it transferred to OCE on launch, would that be allowed and would the bonus RP be given still?

We're not going to have full shard transfers at launch (they will probably arrive at some point in 2020). The bonus VP will be on your NA account, you just might not be able to transfer it right away.


Originally posted by Cheese_N_Toast

Will OCE get anything like the beta rewards the other servers had?

Unfortunately not 😞


Originally posted by Valroz

OCE, India, MENA, China, Everyone is in!!

Actually the accompanying blog post clarifies that India and MENA are part of our future plans. China is a whole other thing where Riot doesn't actually publish the game, so we don't have anything to communicate there yet.


Originally posted by anusflytrap


Yeah mate!

13 May


Originally posted by Syncroshade

Any idea if this has been undone or still not implemented? Still a bug in my game

Yeah... My bad, I made an assumption that it would be fixed by now. It's definitely on our list of known bugs, but we're waiting on a bigger UI clean-up pass that will (hopefully) be done in the next few patches.

10 May


Originally posted by zelereth

I just uninstalled this game.

Like really, I f**king played against cheaters in my last three games. Your software is doing literally nothing, just google Valorant cheat download and start working Riot...

GOOD LUCK having a FREE game like this.

Hey mate, sorry you feel that way! Unfortunately there's no way to stop cheaters from trying, it's too lucrative for them because there are people who are willing to pay a lot of money to cheat (weird, right?). We're in this fight for the long haul, and just like we did with League of Legends, we think we'll end up in a good place. We're also pretty confident we'll get there in the not too distant future.

I hope you keep an eye on our progress and give us another shot down the road! ☺️

09 May


DM it to me, I'll make sure Arkem sees it

07 May


Originally posted by MeatIsMeaty

Is there any chance that in the future we'll be able to move regions/shards freely? I'm in the US and can't play with my brothers in Mexico.

Right now it feels like we'll never be able to play Valorant together, which pretty much ruins the game for me.

We don't have any plans to allow cross-region matchmaking right now. I'm not ruling it out forever, but don't expect it any time soon. I'm sorry that ruins the game for you! D:


Originally posted by Pha1anxx

Hi! I am from Panama (next to Colombia). I get around 150 ping every game. I filled out a form that is circulating where I had to "tracert" using my IP address in the command prompt. Anyway, Panama is a very central country for everyone with, what I would think decent infrastructure. However, I dont quite get how I get 150ms with a server in Mexico and 70ms in LoL in a server in Miami. In terms of internet service, I have one of if not the best in the country. I hope this gets resolved soon as the LAN player base is, from what I have seen not little at all. In the games I play, around 60% of the players have 150ms or even higher depending on internet provider. The other 40% include the players from Mexico and other players who have 100+ ping as well. I used to play CSGO and now look forward to transition to Valorant as I play LoL and I am a fan of Riot Games. But, I fear the overrall nature of the game combined with the ping CAN and WILL force us to not play the game period because...

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Appreciate you giving me your perspective! Know that we aren't happy with 100+ pings, we're looking at options and will be experimenting with a few things in the coming weeks.

06 May


Hey mate, please bear with us as we roll out our infrastructure and fine tune it. We're keeping a close eye on latency and are aware that pings in Northern South America aren't great right now... One of our engineers is from Colombia and is talking to his friends there about their experience. We'll take steps if we don't believe we can deliver the right experience.

02 May


Originally posted by RiotKorensky

That's nasty. Can you DM me your IP address if you don't mind? (google what is my IP address or hit www.whatismyip.com ) -- I don't have flair on this sub setup yet so another Rioter will vouch for me shortly.

I vouch for Korensky, this guy knows internet