

11 Dec


Originally posted by aSpanks

Yeah I don’t play much anymore because of this. I don’t like having to focus on naval strategies EVERY TIME.

I also can’t stand that lumber huts now = 3. What was the point of that??!

To nerf them. We didn't like how they were the point if balance for so many tribes, especially Bardur, and wanted to even them out with the other pop growth methods

10 Dec


Originally posted by sirikMa

Meanwhile you test a new generator why not return to previous version?

That's just asking for update finnickiness.

We have to update the backend in order to do this sort of thing, and we don't do that often, as it can quickly turn into a hassle.

09 Dec


Originally posted by gurneyguy101

No I get that, I’m an amateur game dev myself

I’m just asking for their plan, not demanding anything

We know about people wanting a buff.

Lux could be better, but they're not bad, and are pretty good all-around, honestly.


Originally posted by aiwaviu

TBH, I only play Luxidoor for their very cool lookin skin.

Anyways, I think Luxidoor's balance can be easily solved we just give them extra 2 initial stars at the start of the game. That way, it can still remain it's versatility while still be true to Luxidoor's supposedly wealthy nature.

So instead starting with 5 Stars, they start with 7, Which is a pretty telling of how rich they are.

Pls consider devs.

We know.

08 Dec


We are testing a new map generator in the beta.


Originally posted by Dirtyfrog51

The tragic play is a central part of the Vengir festival. Here we see a moment from the dramatic finale of Xrotthust’s 10-hour epic, “Discth Burzxas”, in which the protagonist finally meets an untimely end which brought audiences all around the Square to tears. Of course, as is customary in the Vengirian tragic play, the committed actor really gives their life for the ultimate performance, adding an uncomfortably real element to the production.

Sounds like Vengir


Originally posted by mboyde

I feel like i just met a celebrity haha

I'm not even like, a high profile celebrity.

I'm like, a Z-list celebrity. :P


Yeah, we know about it.

Thanks, though.

07 Dec


Originally posted by WilliamJackTomkins

Will you add any more hidden stuff like the Easter bunny?

Who knows?


Originally posted by WilliamJackTomkins

This legit? Hidden content or something

No, it's not. :P


Originally posted by Samuel505952

I'll speak for u/Zoythrus here, and say that he has said many many times again and again that there will be a special tribe rework planned for all of the specials. That, and also a fix/update to the new map generator. All we can do is just be patient

Thank you.

Yes, we know, we're getting there.

06 Dec


Originally posted by whelmr

That's fine. I'm just trying to get 3 stars on my remaining tribes because I tried the beta and died. Like I said, noob :(

We will be releasing a patch that should hopefully make map generation a little more forgiving. :)


Well, most people here want to play multiplayer with the new update.

We encourage you to update. :)

05 Dec


We are actively looking into this and are adjusting the map generator in order to create a better experience.

04 Dec


Originally posted by -RRM

Also, why remove the original continents map in favor of the new one, rather than just adding a new map? I preferred the old map

For 2 reasons:

  1. It was actually a very common complaint among fans for being really bad. Like, one of the most common complaints over the years.

  2. The reason for 1 is that wasn't very "Continent-y". So, that's what we did, make the "Continents" map into something that better aligns with the name.

Of course, the game has been played on the old, "not really very Continent-y" map for so long that people aren't used to the new one. The old map has flaws, often with spawns and resources, and we wanted to fix them by throwing it out and redoing it entirely.

There has been talk about moving Perfection/Domination over to Lakes, which is similar, but that's not confirmed.


Originally posted by Wu-Tang-Chan

can we just have mirror maps? why does the map need to be random in every game mode?

Officially, we consider "exploration" part of the Polytopia experience. After all, it is one of the 4 X's in the 4X genre.


We are looking into the map generation and contents of the update. Expect patches soon.


Originally posted by DGrey10

Just noticed that a bot ally is able to use my dock (thereby blocking it) and I am able to do the same on theirs. Is this new? Hadn’t noticed that before.

Yes, it's new. You can use an ally's ports.


Originally posted by MilesDysonWasFramed

Too right. Things needed to change and things will change. I definitely agree that Bardur and battleships needed to be nerfed, but the pendulum swung way too far. Bardur is unplayable against most tribes because their economic engine just went up in cost by 50% as did their network/mobility. They need two low-economy techs to get on ocean - it's like paying with an piano on your back.

Meanwhile Polaris and Cymanti - already two of the strongest tribes, are the new kings of the realm. Their movement advantages are now worth probably 10-15 an turn 0 and their key counters - battleships and mathematics - have been nerfed. On continents maps where one algae or ice tile can get them across - forget it.

Bombers are borderline useless. They're vulnerable to basically every dash unit and impossible to protect against Polaris/Cymanti/Elyrion.

I like the change from CH to markets and the intent to get tribes on the water faster. But "on the water" is useles...

Read more

So, the large majority of fans seem to agree that Polaris is currently lower tier and Bombers and Kickoo are OP. They also seem to agree that Bardur isn't all that bad, and that the nerf did its job to balance them.