

26 Mar


Yes, very soon.

23 Mar


I can help you out.

Send me a DM


Originally posted by uniballout

I tried. I can’t finish a game in one sitting. And then I may not have time to pay until the next day. Other times people drop. Also, everyone was bardur back then, during the deforestation times. It was stale and certain tribes never had a chance to win.

But we fixed that last part.

And with 24 hour timers, you can take turns whenever it's convenient.


Originally posted by legendofchin97

Does that mean this could be available in the future?

We can't make promises

22 Mar


Originally posted by Sivetus

idk if this would work too well, but i had an idea to make riders 4 stars, but roads 2 stars, how would that work in your opinion?

The issue isn't strictly Rider/Roads, as we nerfed Roads because they're really strong which regardless of that strategy. It was just part of the decision.

So, 3* roads are here to stay.


Originally posted by BarbHarbor

what about it adding an extra turn to yaddak's opening sequence? why does nobody care that it just ruined a tribe that wasn't even a problem? It also gave cymanti the edge that everyone complains about. I'd take riders roads over cymanti and bombers any day

Yadakk isn't terrible, especially after this last patch. Definitely not bottom tier.

And Cymanti will get their time.

21 Mar


Originally posted by JonArbuckle_1

It said on the discord that it was applied to switch, but it's not updating. Why is this?

We're working on it.


Originally posted by ConstantStatistician

Patch of the Ocean wasn't a true update? I guess it's in the name.

It was, but we have other plans in the pipeline


Originally posted by puppetpilgram

For mobile as well? Multiple games seem to be old version still. Could just be one of my friends hasn’t updated their app. Thanks!


Tell your friends to update.


Originally posted by Winterfall_0

If I could ask, is it a content update or balance changes? If I remember correctly, there were plans to rework most, if not all special tribes

Can't say right now.



Originally posted by Krraddogg

I thought the official answer was "some smart players will find a way". :kickootroll:

That is also true.


They're pretty much countered by other ships, such as Scouts and Rammers, as they have no defense against being attacked.

If you can't do that, go for their economy. Bombers aren't cheap.


Originally posted by BFAndI

This isn't what I see at all when I see the Hoodrick skin, tbh.

Up until reading this comment, I always thought it was supposed to be an allegory to Robin Hood and his band, and now I'm disappointed that it isn't

It was actually an inspiration.

The Hoodrick, themselves, are clearly based on Robin Hood. The Yorthwober are meant to be more like "a professional military" compared to the more roguish standard Hoodrick.

That being said, I did try to add some of the Robin Hood-esque flair to the YW by adding "Yorth", the expert marksman who trained them all. After all, "Yorthwober" means something similar to "Yorth's Men".


Originally posted by Cobelat

But that’s the issue, all the other skins change something about the tribe, but in Yorthwober it’s just Hoodrick but cape and cooler bow.

The villages just turn to castles. The landscape and most of the weapons are the same and the OST, in my opinion, isn’t as catchy as base Hoodrick.

While every other tribe skin becomes a more distinct, completely different variation of the base skin, Yorthwober is really just “more Hoodrick Hoodrick”, and I feel that in this case alone, it fails as a skin.

To be fair, though, that was also the point. We wanted to make "Badass/Elite Hoodrick." Like, what do the King's personal guard look like? What's the most "elite" we can make them?

And the fact that it matched a lore blurb image was icing on the cake.


Originally posted by Longjumping_Flan_714

It's so basic tho

I think it might be my favorite.

It just looks like a badasser version of Hoodrick. I never leave home without it

20 Mar


This is wrong. Yorthwober isn't in A tier.


Originally posted by No-Wrongdoer-7654

It makes riders and roads a boringly dominant strategy. The land combat is much more fun now roads are more expensive. I don’t agree that Yaddak and Oumaji are underpowered now. They were overpowered before. Far more tribes are competitive now, and that’s due to the road cost change. The problem was, roads were both militarily necessary and one of the cheapest ways to upgrade cities. Now they’re quite an inefficient way to upgrade cities and that seems to be the right balance

This is how we feel about it, too