

20 Feb


A G12 error is typically related to possibly out of date graphics drivers. I'm sure you've already verified, but would be double check to make sure you are running the latest video card drivers?


In Nov/Dec, we were doing this with client-side updates. Before that, the team was working on streamlining the build/publish processes, as they were super error-prone and took way too long to promote a fix from our internal environments to the Live servers. I'm not sure if you noticed, but PS2 down times for updates have been reduced dramatically over the past few months, compared to previous years.

Over the past several weeks, we've had to dial is back a bit due to the team's focus on the Escalation update. But yes, we plan to transition back to doing this after the update goes live.

Also, as a few pointed out in this thread, depending on the changes/optimizations we make, some will require a full server bounce. But many; especially client performance improvements, can typically be hot-fixed without any server interruptions. These are the updates that can happen fairly frequently and the majority of the publishes we were deploying in the final couple month...

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It's literally a hardware/manpower issue that Daybreak's ops team is trying to coordinate. I ping them weekly to check on the schedule and I'm due to check in again this week... will let you know if I get more details.

18 Feb


A couple things to clarify...

The lighting changes that are referenced in these screenshots were made specifically as a result of feedback about being unable to see enemies when the sunsets were at their back. There is no performance improvement as a result. These were made back in the 2015 time-frame.

The OMFG update, which as you all know was centered around client performance improvements, went live in late 2013.

Balancing looks and gameplay can be a challenging tightrope to walk.

14 Feb


Hello everyone,

We're publishing the latest build to PTS right now -- this is a FULL build, so it will be a larger than usual download. The server will be unlocked soon (tm).

Details can be found here - https://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-pts-game-update-february-14-2020

Or, if you don't have time to click the link above, here are the details:

Thank you everyone for helping us test the upcoming Escalation game update on PTS! We're continuing to gather community feedback, make improvements and fixes, and add additional polish to each major feature, which should be reflected in the large update we're pushing today to the the Test Server. Today's patch should have most of the major structures in place, including an accelerate...

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Tuesday Feb 18 - Quick update on this topic...

I just wanted to confirm that we are proceeding with both formal Russian and Chinese translations for Planetside 2. I should have a specific time-frame of when the translation should be live later this week, but its likely 4-6 weeks from start of translations to publishing to the Live servers.

Again, to confirm, Russian and Chinese translations are officially a GO.


I can tell you that I've been working with the Daybreak localization team to get cost and timing estimates since this morning. I hope to have an update on confirmation and timing sometime next week. Just to set expectations, its several weeks of work from start to finish, if/when we make the decision to move forward with this.


Originally posted by Wojohoitz

Thank you!

Login should be working now.


Test Server is having login issues at the moment. Ops team is actively working to fix - https://twitter.com/planetside2/status/1228389334224642049

12 Feb


After dealing with some delays related to a few lingering data center issues that resulted from the outage Daybreak experienced this past weekend, the new build has been published to PTS and the server is now back up and unlocked.

Here are the details around the changes that are now up:

The update includes the following changes:


  • Tuning pass and fixes for Bastion Mauler cannons. Should more reliably hit and do more noticeable damage.
  • When a Bastion is destroyed, its explosion will now damage and impact nearby players and vehicles.
  • Bastions that are not destroyed will “timeout” and leave the zone after one hour.
  • Bastions are now spotted and tracked with the Engagement Radar.
  • Players can now re-deploy when in Desolation.
  • Updated world map selection image for Sanctuary.
  • Polished the Citadel Shield visual effects.

Bug Fixes:

  • Players can now spawn int...
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We plan to provide more details on our mid/longer-term feature/content goals for the game. But for now, our focus is on preparing the Escalation update.

Though, I can tell you that we plan to utilize the additional fire-power (team size) to continue rolling out updates (new features, content, QoL improvements, etc) more frequently than before.

11 Feb


Originally posted by GamerGuardian22

Even...in the cortium?



Originally posted by ch_dt

Good ideas, but do devs just read this ?

They don't react when everybody tell them not to do something (CAI on the test server) would they listen to advices on some obscure forums ? (I would like to)

We are always reading. We are everywhere.

07 Feb


You can download PTS now to download a majority of the update - we are making a few changes right now that will be published later tonight, but shouldn't be a very large download.

06 Feb


Originally posted by PS2Errol

Just hoping any outfit war stuff doesn't take people off the main server, leading to less organised play in the proper game world.

As mentioned during the stream, we are planning to schedule the Outfit War seasons to run every 4 weeks, where only the final match will pull players for a max of 2 hour - assuming the match doesn't finish from score sooner. Everything leading up to these final matches will be done through playing the main game.


We are starting with 48 v 48 v 48 and have room to scale up quite a bit.


Originally posted by KnowYourMemez

Will it be a sneaky update durring the live stream? Who knows...

There appeared to be an issue with the data center that the EU servers are located in. The Daybreak ops team is working with them to understand the cause. Both servers should be back up now.

05 Feb

04 Feb


Originally posted by Acceleratio

Just out of curiosity Who did the voice over? A guy from the team or did you hire someone just for that. I'm just asking out of curiosity not because I didn't like it (as a matter of fact I did like it a lot )

Pulled someone from one of the other studios for it.