

03 Mar


UPDATE @ 5:30PM (Pacific) - We've contacted our CDN provider, who appears to be having issues across their entire service, and they can't provide an ETA on when it will be fully resolved.

In the meantime, we will unlock PTS as soon as the CDN issues are resolved, so players can check out the latest changes included in the patch. But we will be rescheduling the North American PTS playtest to 4PM tomorrow (Wednesday), so everyone that showed up tonight, and can't wait, will be able to join again tomorrow.

The EU PTS playtest is still on-track to happen at 11am (Pacific) / 7pm (GMT) tomorrow as planned.

We're sorry for the delay.


UPDATE @ 4:45PM (Pacific) - There appears to a CDN issue that is preventing everyone (internal and external) from downloading the patch. TechOps is investigating. We will kick off the playtest as soon as its resolved.


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02 Mar


We’ve been going through the PTS feedback over the weekend and overall, things are looking fairly solid. However, in addition to a handful of general tuning/polish improvements we would like to get in before it goes live, there is a physics-related client-crash that seems to be fairly prevalent. We’ve seen this crash happen on live, but it appears to be happening at a higher frequency on PTS.

The team is preparing another PTS build that should be ready to publish later tonight or early tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. It should contain a handful of bug fixes and polish, along with a potential fix for the client crash I mentioned. We will also be sending out an invite for a North American playtest tomorrow (Tuesday) and depending on the results an EU region playtest Wednesday morning to ensure the build is looking solid at scale. To further encourage participation in these tests, and by popular request, players that join during the times outlined in the upcoming invites will rec...

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Daybreak TechOps team reported that there was a switch failure in the EU data center which caused population drops in all Daybreak games (PS2, H1, EQ, DCUO, etc). It should have been corrected shortly after.

28 Feb


Hello everyone,

The team is publishing a new build to PTS and expect to unlock at around 3pm (Pacific) today - a little less an hour from now.

If you have time, please patch up and report any critical issues that you may encounter. We will be monitoring feedback over the weekend and publishing any necessary fixes to PTS Monday or early Tuesday. If the build is looking solid by early next week, we plan to conduct two larger-scale public playtests (one geared toward EU primetime and one for NA primetime) by mid-week to confirm whether or not its ready to go Live.

Below are the changes:


  • Deployables (such as Turrets) can no longer be placed on Bastion weakpoints
  • Flak Cannon rounds now damage Bastions
  • Increased amount of damage Orbital Strike does to Bastions
  • Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when a Bastion that a player is controlling is turning


  • Optimized...
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Originally posted by MalevolentNebulae

Any spoilers or hints for the update after escalation?

We've got some colossal ideas, but nothing specific to share publicly right now.


FYI - we started discussing possible changes to add more boom to the Bastion's demise this morning. Nothing concrete, but the team has some ideas.


Originally posted by WhatPassword

Wow... that's impressive!

Would there be any chance to have a RPG-wide reddit AMA? I'm sure we'd all love to have a chance to meet the people on the team!

Probably at some point. Everyone here is a bit busy at the moment wrapping up the Escalation update.

We are also planning monthly dev streams to discuss the latest and greatest about whats has recently gone into the game, what we're working on for the next update and occasionally some longer-term feature/content roadmap discussions.


Originally posted by Bawss5

Man if ps2 even survives for only one year more it will have provided me with more enjoyment than just about any other game I've ever played

Hold our beer.


For anyone interested, our internal server population monitoring tool (which is the most accurate) showed us peak at 6,816 concurrent this past Sunday. It has been continuing to climb steadily each weekend since we announced the update during the dev stream earlier this month. We want to see this trend continue by giving players a reason to want to come back and/or keep playing :)


Hello everyone,

I wanted to provide a quick update on the current state of the Escalation launch.

The team has been working since last night to prepare a new build for PTS. At this point, we are targeting a publish to PTS tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. This should include several fixes of issues identified prior to and during the 2/26 playtest. The changes you can expect to see in the next build will range from major to minor bug fixes and general polish.

Below is the primary list of (but not limited to) issues/improvements that we’re tracking right now and their current completion status internally (figured you might find that useful):


  • Bastion collision can get slightly shifted/offset when the Bastion gets moved. This can cause certain weak points to appear to not take damage; since the collision is blocking projectiles from reaching them.
  • Rarely, placing Bastion movement and bombardment waypoints can ...
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27 Feb


Great minds think alike :)

We plan to update all of the various entry points into the game with this and future branded updates - Steam, Launcher, loading screens, etc.

26 Feb


UPDATE - 6:20PM (Pacific) - Based on the outstanding issues, we are still day to day on finalizing the launch date. We have a list of issues that we are going to prep fixes/changes for another PTS build mid-day tomorrow. Depending on the changes, we may or may not schedule an organized playtest for Thursday. More details to come in the morning once we have a handle on the list of fixes.


UPDATE - 5:19PM (Pacific) - We just wrapped up the PTS playtest and will keep it unlocked for a bit to allow players to continue exploring the new build and posting any feedback to this thread. We are going to meeting shortly to review the feedback and remaining issues. Details about the timing of the next build/playtest will be posted in a bit. Thank you all again for helping today.


UPDATE - 3:55PM (Pacific) - Public Test server is un...

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Honestly, at this point, the pressure we all feel is coming from within the team to not let you all down. Whether that's through ensuring that we don't release a buggy update or postponing too long and the PS2 community getting frustrated with the delays.

As aggravating, and frankly embarrassing as it is to delay again, I know that holding it until we are confident in stability and quality will be far better received than rushing it out prematurely for the sake of saving face on the slipped dates.

We know that if we want to change past perception, this is how we do it.


Originally posted by Strategyofthemind

Still have these UI bugs to fix:


  • Sanctuary terminals lack an UI icon on the map and minimap.
  • Sanctuary lacks both a picture and a description on the World Map.
  • Desolation lacks both a picture and a description on the World Map.
  • The Flail still uses the Glaive IPC icon in the Depot.
  • Hurakan AMP station and Nuam AMP station have blue squares on the map and minimap right in the middle of them.

It's been great seeing the list get smaller and smaller with each update. I'll keep looking for any other bugs that I can find with this update.

Thank you for the detailed notes. Our UI lead saw this and said that 1-3 should be fixed and we just need to publish. 4-5 needs to be fixed.


I just posted an update on both the results of today's playtests, as well as the overall status of the Escalation launch - https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/escalation-update-status-2-25.253448/

Here are the details:

Hey everyone,

First, I’d like to thank you all for participating in today’s playtest – especially given the short notice. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your willingness to login at a moments notice and help us.

During the first playtest session, we encountered a server c...

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25 Feb


Sorry for the delay - we are running a few mins behind schedule. It should be up and unlocked within the next 10 mins or so.


Originally posted by 10_Miles

Don’t mean to sound greedy or anything, but will we get the Analyst helmet for participating? I’m gonna play either way, was just curious.

Not today, but we will likely do another playtest in the near future where you could earn one for participating.


UPDATE - 6:10pm (Pacific) - I've posted the results of today's playtests here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/f9lq6i/escalation_update_status_225_6pm_pacific/


UPDATE - 4:34pm (Pacific) - A fix for the server crash has been published and PTS is back up and unlocked. Our focus is still on client/server stability and the Bastion desync bug mentioned in my original post below.


UPDATE - 3:30pm (Pacific) - As you are probably aware, we encountered a server crash during the playtest. We have a fix checked in and are compiling now. We are planning to do another playtest in approximately 1 hour (4:30pm Pacific / 12:30AM UTC). We will confirm once the server is back u...

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24 Feb


Originally posted by HazedFlare

/u/a_sites , you know what to do ;)

I'm thinking we create a "basketball" that uses the same mechanics as throwing grenades?


Hey guys,

I just posted some info about where things stand with the Escalation update on the official forums - https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/escalation-status-update-2-24.253443/

Here are the details:

With the 26th quick approaching, I wanted to provide a brief update on the overall status of the PS2: Escalation launch…

This past Friday, we published another full build to PTS for public testing/feedback. Overall, the update is looking pretty damn solid. However, two areas we are continuing to f...

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