

18 Mar


Hey everyone,

I wanted to provide a brief update on a few misc things…

We performed a full client/server update this morning with list of bug fixes and changes that can be found here – https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/march-17-2020-escalation-hotfix-pc.253691/

In our ongoing effort to continue smashing bugs that have existed since pre-Escalation update, we published a client-only hotfix to address a crash related to vehicle physics that has been lingering for quite a while. In addition, ...

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17 Mar


Hello everyone,

In light of the constantly expanding efforts and restrictions throughout the world to deal with the COVID-19 situation, beginning tomorrow (Tuesday the 17th), the Rogue Planet Games dev team will begin working from home. While this will result in a pretty significant adjustment in our day to day development process, we are taking steps to ensure that our ability to support Planetside 2 is not disrupted in any measurable way over the coming weeks – we will be hotfixing live issues as needed, as well as continuing to work on upcoming feature/content releases. So lots of team voice chat, and hopefully not a lot of accidentally leaving web cams on.

Tomorrow (Tuesday), we have scheduled a full client/server update with several bug fixes. Of which, details can be found here - ...

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16 Mar


Hey everyone,

I wanted to provide a quick recap of the weekend and what to expect this week.

First, the EU server login issues continue to be our top priority. As many of you saw over the weekend, in conjunction with the Daybreak TechOps team and our EU data center provider, we made several attempts to improve/fix the login issues through backend configuration changes and a client hotfix. At this point, we are waiting for one final change by our data center provider (scheduled for later today) that we believe should correct the login issues related to the EU server move last week. Unfortunately, we don’t actually see the login problem until we hit pop times, so we are going to continue monitoring each day before this weekend.

On Sunday, we had a ...

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15 Mar


UPDATE @ 10:55AM (Pacific) - Over the past couple hours, we ran some tests that caused the login issues to increase. We've since completed them and made some back-end configuration changes that should help alleviate the problem for now. However, the permanent fix requires a joint effort between us and our data center provider in EU - which we are continuing to pursue. As of now, we (on the US West Coast) are now able to connect to Cobalt and Miller with little to no delay, and seeing reports that many players that could not connect earlier are now able to. Our server population monitoring graphs appear to be indicating this as well. Though we are seeing some reports from players that cannot.

More updates when new info is available.


Hey everyone,

We deployed a client hotfix last night as an interim fix (improvement) for the EU players that were unable to login to Cobalt or Mill...

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14 Mar


I just posted on twitter about this - https://twitter.com/AndySites/status/1238870531744485379

As you know, this has been happening for the past 3 days. We've been trying to figure out the cause and last night determined that it may be related to the reconfiguration after the EU data center moves this week.


Hey guys,

Wrel and I just chatted a few minutes ago about this.

Next week, we will be announcing a process for ex-Briggs server (AUS region) players the ability to request a one time server transfer from SolTech to Connery. We will roll out the details early next week and announce when the process is ready to begin.

Excited to see so many of our old Briggs community returning to the game!



Looking into this now.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Arashmickey

However, for this morning's update, in order to keep downtime to a minimum, we did not restart one of the necessary central services. We felt that it was not required - we were wrong.

So... did you try turning it off and on again?

Technically speaking? Yes.

Then took the cartridge out, blew on the connectors and put it back in.

We also included a client change to fix the crash that I mentioned.


Hey everyone,

First, I want to apologize to our EU community, since this took place right in the middle of their prime-time. Please know that we try to avoid this at all costs, unless the severity warrants it. We will continue to avoid this going forward.

Changes included in the 130pm (Pacific) hotfix:

  • After the 6am hotfix this morning, all Bastion component progress prior to the servers coming down was lost, along with the associated resources. Expedition progress was also lost. More details below.
  • A medium-frequency client crash was fixed.

Of the two changes, the Bastion component crafting and Expedition progress loss were the reason we decided to perform an emergency hotfix at this time.

So how the hell did we miss such an obvious bug?

The way our live infrastructure is configured, each region utilizes dedicated hardware for the game servers. However, we have several "central" services that essentially st...

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I know - incredibly sh*tty timing. But its to address the issue that happened with the update this morning where Bastion components that were in progress were lost, along with the resources. This should be a relatively quick downtime.


u/Strategyofthemind - thank you for keeping this thread going. The team is continuing to monitor this and triage new issues for hotfixing.


Did only the Bastion components in progress get reset and lost resources?


We see this and are investigating. Any lost resources will be refunded.


Originally posted by gotemike

hmm any chance EU can log in today? I am still stuck on the login screen after 20 minutes.

Just to confirm, this is happening for you on PC?

By login screen, you mean server selection?


Originally posted by gotemike

hmm any chance EU can log in today? I am still stuck on the login screen after 20 minutes.

Checking now.


jgolenbo just posted about a client/server update that we plan to publish tomorrow morning: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/march-13-2020-escalation-hotfix-pc.253610/

Here are the details if you don't want to click the link:

We are preparing a new PC hotfix for tomorrow (Friday, March 13) which includes a priority fix for Meltdown Alerts (reverting certs/ISO-4 rewards) along with additional fixes and changes.

This will require a server bounce (brief downtime) starting at 6:00 AM PDT / 1:00 ...

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12 Mar


UPDATE @ 5:30PM (Pacific) - We published the following fixes via a client-only hotfix within the past hour.

  • Send Message now functions as intended and no longer brings up the Notifications window.
  • Sanctuary now has the proper art on the World Map screen.
  • Fixed broken text strings for the LA7 Buzzard.

We have a publish that will require a server bounce tentatively targeted for early tomorrow (Friday) morning. More details will be posted shortly.


UPDATE @ 1:35PM (Pacific) - A client-only hotfix was published a short time ago to address two relatively low frequency client crashes. Again, no server downtime required. We are preparing a larger client-only hotfix with about a dozen fixes that we hope to publish later today. More details on that once we can confirm a publish time.


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Please keep the bug feedback coming - we are actively monitoring and triaging to hotfix ASAP.


I just straight up laughed out loud when I saw this. That’s hilarious.

11 Mar