

03 Jun


Originally posted by ConfirmingBanana

Sounds reasonable:)

And pardon for asking, but does it say anywhere how long this first pass will last? Couldn't seem to find where/when it is due

I...should know the answer to this lol. Let me go look!


Originally posted by a_mental_misstep

Thanks for the reply, I disagree with some of your points but thanks for voicing them.

I think it's important to note, too, that I'm just ONE person on a whole team that deals with this stuff. This is just one part of the perspective that gets brought to the table. These were a few easy-to-communicate ones that came to mind. (I've found that our players want to understand some of the thoughts that go into our decisions, even if we can't explain the whole thing.)

I would love to hear what parts of these points didn't land with you, if you don't mind sharing them. It's just more info for me ;)


Originally posted by a_mental_misstep

The hours needed to complete it in time this post explains it pretty well

I'll need to review that to make sure it's accurate, but either way, I can tell you this: When we make tuning adjustments to the Battle Passes, we take lots of things into consideration. Here are a few:

  • HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE BUYING THE PAID PASS? If that's lower than we want, then it means players probably don't think it's "worth" it, and that's a problem. It could be that the rewards aren't desirable, the pass requires too many games, lots of things.

  • HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE 100%ING THE PASS? For every BP game I can think of, Battle Passes are created with a specific distribution in mind. The final tiers of the Battle Pass are supposed to represent something meaningful. "A top percentage of players earned this." It loses its value if it's too easy to get. So, we want completing the Battle Pass to be a commitment, but not impossible. It's why we grant so many rewards to players along the way: so those who couldn't finish it can still walk away with som...

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Originally posted by a_mental_misstep

Fix the battle pass, it's insane.

I'm gonna need you to elaborate on that lol.


Originally posted by DeathlyMeme

Honestly this is the reason why I have nothing to say in this thread, because it's a perfect system. Have money to spare? knock yourself out buying stuff. If you don't? you get free stuff anyways. win-win

I don't know if it's PERFECT...but we're trying! I appreciate your mentality on this :) Thanks fam!


Originally posted by Hanzai-Jikanda

Oh cool, thanks! Love you guys ♥

We love you too fam ♥


Originally posted by Greenzombie04

I want to support you buy buying the battle pass but cant figure out how. I like to think I'm tech savvy too.

Oh dude, yeah. This is a problem I'm trying to address right now. Thanks for asking! On the top left corner, you'll see two little wheels. The one on the right is the Battle Pass. Click it. On the bottom right of that screen, you'll see a prompt to buy "PREMIUM" for 1000 VP. That's the premium battle pass. Right now it just looks like you're buying the next checkpoint in the Battle Pass and that's DEFINITELY not what it is lol. Like I said...I'm trying to work with the team to fix that like right now lol.


Originally posted by Martyks

At least dont force people to spend more than they need for items if they want to support you, you pretty much always need to buy multiple packs because the prices are set in such scummy way.

Do you mean of the VP? Like buying VP bundles? Across all the different content we offer, it would be extremely difficult for us to make sure that there's always a VP bundle that captures exactly the amount players need. And I don't just mean as a game: purchasing in-game currency is done in collaboration with a central Riot team that handles it for League, Legends of Runeterra, and VALORANT. When we've chatted with players about this, we've learned that it's frustrating for a first purchase, but the frustration usually goes away pretty quickly, because it's very, VERY rare that players only buy cosmetics once in their entire lifecycle. It almost always gets put towards a later purchase. Please know, though, that this is something on our radar. We're keeping tabs on how players feel about this, and if we have good reason to prioritize this issue over other issues, we'll do that :) I hope this makes sense!


Originally posted by Hanzai-Jikanda

I mean in league of legends, Riot added a feature that basically gives you free skins without paying anything if you play the game. Valorant is still super new, don't expect free skins/ cheap skins this early, they still need to make up for their losses since this is a free game, all that marketing and all the employees working don't come cheap. I'd bet that we will get a system that gives free rewards/skins if you keep playing the game, just like league.

Hey fam! Just a reminder that you do get free cosmetics :) Through the character contracts and free battle pass, you get gun skins, calling cards, gun buddies, sprays, titles, etc. Don't forget to equip those when you get them lol!


Originally posted by Yolo_Quant

Yep. All my friends got it, it just how it is. Riot did the research and they know what they doing.

Personally I went in and got it because IMO riot deserves. They gave me an awesome game with quality servers and decent anti cheat. Not adding the fact that they are listening to the community.

We're trying our best to deserve your support fam :)


Hey there OP.
I'm aeneia. I'm the researcher who worked on the pricing strategy for VALORANT (of course working closely with other folks, like our Rev Strat Guru SWAGGERNAU7).
I wanted to say thank you for this. A LOT of work went into determining our pricing strategy. And not just a few devs in conference rooms: we ran labs, surveys...made massive adjustments and tweaks...then more surveys, then more tweaks...all to create what you see in the store today.
Being honest, when I first joined the team and heard about our intentions for pricing, I wasn't convinced. I played League of Legends for 8 years and spent $20 that entire time for skins. I'm not a whale, not even close. But once I talked to our players...once I understood how all of our systems work together (Battle Passes, Character Contracts, Bundles, and more things we haven't announced yet!) made sense to me. And I've actually come to a place that I feel good about what we've put out there.

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Originally posted by Blastoiize

Seems like most people in this thread are expecting and feels entitled to the month's worth of chocolate. Even tho the game is free and you don't actually have to give them anything.

I can understand, though. It's really hard to see something that you want, only to discover it's not as accessible as you want. I appreciate your mentality on it :)


Originally posted by maxmurdoch

Thanks very much for your response.

SR achieves the goals you're describing well. I hadn't seen people asking for this. I'd only seen people asking for the things I described, which aligns with what I personally want, so I made a lazy assumption.

Still loving Valorant. Looking forward to whatever game mode you're cooking up!

It totally makes sense that you'd make that assumption. It's why we (at Riot) HAVE to do research. We're all gamers, and I can't tell you how many times we thought the players would want something (because we wanted it ourselves), then got totally put in our place when the players actually had a chance to speak for themselves. Thanks for engaging with me on this, and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the game! :)


Originally posted by tony111222

Thanks for responding.

I think what everyone is trying to say is, if the $70 prime collection pack was $15 or $20, way more people would have purchased them. We really do like these skins, but a huge segment of the market is being alienated. Not to mention, the extra costs to upgrade the skins, it soars way past this price.

Those other skins you mentioned, should be in the $2 to $3 range.

The community truly does want to support Valorant, but at these prices, it just doesn't make any sense.

That's fair! More people would buy them. But I would have to disagree with you that those skins are worth $2-3 -- at least compared to other games in the genre. Just my two cents though :)


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

Surely that has diminishing returns eventually?

Maybe I really am in the minority, but I remember saving up the money to buy spirit udyr and I just truly couldn't fathom spending much more than that on a single purchase.

Maybe the miss understanding lies in the value seen per skin.

Looking at the prices it feels the comparison that was drawn by riot was one gun skin roughly equals the value of one champion skin where I feel like a whole set is equal to value as a champion skin.

And those are both 100% valid opinions to have! It just comes down to how you, personally, value the product. A metaphor I've used is comparing it to chocolates. You can go to the grocery store and buy a month's worth of chocolate for like $8. That's an option. You can also go to a chocolatier and buy a really nice piece of chocolate for like $8. That's also an option. For some people, they're like, "WTF. I'm not dropping that much money on a piece of food that I'll enjoy for like 6 seconds." Other people are like, "I don't even want chocolate unless it's super high quality truffles, and that's something I'm willing to pay for." We're leaning more towards the latter. Personally, I'll drop money on high quality chocolate...but I'll never drop more than $10 on a tshirt or something like that. It's all about perspective and what you value, and that's different for everyone. All that said...we always want the gameplay to be 100% free, and we always want players to get at least SOME c...

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02 Jun


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

I have a quick question regarding how reporting people who harass via voice chat works. Does RIOT record and monitor the voice chat so that when reports are made, RIOT can hear and punish those who are incredibly toxic?

Some people abuse the fact that in some games, the only thing that can be reported is text chat and go off in voice chat. Are we going to see the same problems here?

if you could provide some insight, it would be very much appreciated !

I'm not sure exactly what the system is right now...however, I can tell you FOR SURE that the goal is to have not only voice chat recorded for review, but to have AI that can recognize the worst of the worst (like racial slurs) to facilitate reporting systems. We're aware of the loopholes in other games. We're working really, really hard to seal those up in ours :)


Originally posted by uhoogaloo

It's still good - just not what some of us wanted for certain scenarios. Thanks for the hard work, and looking forward to the next modes :)

You're welcome :) And thank you so much for playing our game!


Originally posted by sh444iikoGod

the reminders are great indeed. i was ready to flame my teammates, but quickly checked reddit. luckily i saw this post and remembered 'not everyone is global elite in CSGO', so then i quickly changed my ways. all it took was this reminder

also you must be new to the internet if you think saying 'hey we dont do that here' will have any positive effect... lol. if youre gonna stick up for the person being made fun of, you better do it will full commitment & aggression or not at all

Definitely not new to the internet :P. And I have indeed seen it work! But hey, if that language doesn't feel right for you, don't use it. I'm just not an advocate for defending against verbal abuse...with more verbal abuse lol.


Originally posted by Kudo50

I did :) thank you for the answer anyway! thank you for the good work as well :)

Thank you so much :)


Originally posted by Kudo50

HI, I had a question regarding skin, not sure you can answer but we never know, is the reaver collection going to come back?

Unfortunately I can't say :(. But I hope you asking means you loved it!