

26 Sep

20 Sep

17 Sep


Originally posted by emc3142

I thought it was said that 4.0 would be playable at the event. Is that still the case?


12 Sep


Originally posted by feedanleave

So you guys have clusters across a bunch of data centers running containerized microservices? Each realm is basically a cluster? How does that work with constant UDP/TCP game traffic? Just super interested. I understand if you don't respond as it is your IP.

Edit: PoE uses TCP. Interested in why not UDP

Jonathan can explain it better, and I'll encourage him to (though he's away for a few days currently). My reply was mostly clarifying that targeting lots of cheap machines isn't trying to cheap out on our server hardware but to instead get more performance/capacity for the same money.


Originally posted by theshabz

min-spec cheap Single processor Xeon servers we rent

Please tell me I'm misinterpreting what this means.

It's like what Google does in their data centres - targeting many many commodity (best price per performance) servers and running lots of small things in parallel across them, rather than maxing out the individual specs of each server.

For example let's say we paid double the cost to get something 50% faster. That lets us put 50% more players on that server, but doesn't make the game experience better for those players.


Originally posted by SpiritKidPoE

Noisy neighbours with blighted maps?

At first I thought so, but it turns out there's a specific issue with some towns that cause them to hog a whole CPU core.


Originally posted by Sickien

there's some crazy voodoo shit going on w/ towns right now , especially w/ sarn. It was like moving through mud, i thought it was my PC so i restarted was still the same. Then hours later, I go to Sarn and it's like I had tailwind in town it was so fast.

"Crazy voodoo sh*t" matches what the developers looking into that problem feel about it also. We expect to be able to solve it soon though.

Edit: got it. will put in a patch

11 Sep


Originally posted by VZ_Tinman

A little disappointing, I assumed 4.0 would be right after 3.9.

I assume GGG will do the best they can with the time they have allotted though. I am extremely excited to see what they come up with when they make that announcement soon.

This is why we posted this, because we kept seeing people think that 4.0.0 was right after 3.9.0 (despite clarifying it isn't, several times in the past).


Earlier today we released the Salvage Box, a mystery box that ramps up the value of its rewards if you destroy duplicate microtransactions. Community feedback about this feature was intensely negative. We have removed this box from sale. Salvage Boxes that have already been purchased will continue to function until consumed.

External link →

06 Sep


There are three places.

#1: There are icons on the portal UI display that show the monsters' resistance.

#2: The same icon is hovering above the portal in the world

#3: The same icon is displayed on the minimap.

Also if the monster visually looks firey then it's probably resistant to fire. But this isn't the primary way to tell.


Originally posted by Ishkagal

Just did those steps, and it didn't change anything. Here's to hoping a solution is found though. The icon is still greyed out.

I have PMed you my discord handle. Add me and let's see if we can work this out.

Edit: We got that to work on the call. Right click on the executable and select the "choose graphics processor" or whatever it is, then select "High Performance". You can also set it to default to that.

05 Sep


Originally posted by chimpaznee

Imagine being Chris and waking up to this thread

There's a slight pause, my eyes narrow, my lip twitches slightly, then I go back to getting 3.8.0 ready for you :)

03 Sep


Originally posted by Legion_Of_Truth

Got a funny question, out of curiosity

Was this news planned for Natalia’s daily reveal?

Or did you had it prepared knowing somebody makes a post asking for it every time league merges hahah

I'm kind of hoping I didn't ruin a reveal by posting this. I probably did. Sorry, Natalia.


Originally posted by blvcksvn


It's a 16-bit integer, so 50k fits cleanly.


Originally posted by spartankelli

We see that ninja edit, you can't hide from /u/GGGCommentBot

I saw the 1000 in the image so wrote 50x, but then realised when actually thinking about it that it's an increase to 10x the current 5000 stack size in the tab.


Originally posted by isjustwrong

Big if true

10x bigger if true

02 Sep


Originally posted by Steel-Blade

Do you have to login on EVERY single character?

Just into the account I believe


Originally posted by Verlerbur

/u/chris_wilson - when you say " When you log in each day you will now receive..." does that mean these missions do not get accumulated if you are offline for multiple days?

Yes, you do have to log in to receive the missions for a day. We have switched back and forth on this for several weeks, but the plan is that if there are five missions being given per day, it does require a login to trigger it.