

07 Jun


This thread resulted in one of our senior staff breaking down into tears while talking to me about it.

Edit: For clarity, they were upset by it.

31 May

02 Apr


Wow, I wasn't expecting us to win that against such strong competition.

I am glad I didn't use the acceptance speech draft that started with "le toucan has arrived".

20 Mar


There's a bug where you get one reward fewer than you should. We're fixing ASAP with a serverside hotfix.


There's a bug where you get one reward fewer than you should. We're fixing ASAP with a serverside hotfix.


Originally posted by ViirulenceTV

What about the Delirium Volatiles having a detonation timer added like Bex had stated was going to happen? I didn't see that in the patch notes anywhere.

That one is pushed to next week unfortunately

13 Mar


Today's launch of Path of Exile: Delirium saw record player numbers - a peak of 237,160 simultaneous players so far in the first hour. While we're extremely pleased at the amazing turnout for launch, there are some server issues we'd like to talk about.

We anticipated a large launch, and ordered considerably more servers than we usually do, but it looks like it's not enough, especially when coupled with an ongoing DDOS attack that has knocked some of these machines off the internet. More servers will be added to restore capacity, as soon as they are available to us. We have instituted a login queue so that the game experience of people who are logged in is less affected.

Meanwhile, our regular gameplay programming team have been processing bug reports and client/instance crash dumps to make fixes for issues that players run into. They are currently bundling the first set of these into a 3.10.0b patch for restartless deployment soon. The good news is that from a...

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All our key staff are in this weekend. Many since very early this morning.


There are some problems with some of the login servers, which cause the characters to have the incorrect league displayed in the client ("Error" league). So this means that they aren't shown if you're filtering by league. Change the filter to All.

We're working on fixing the login server issue!


Hit around 228k peak so far including non-steam players

Edit: 237,160 was peak today

25 Feb


Originally posted by wraafum

comments pop up so fast nobody gonna notice I want to kiss chris wilson on his bald forehead

ExileCon was a bit like that

18 Feb


I'm really glad Bex is back. This ritual is an important part of each league release.

10 Feb


We have some changes coming that make this system safer and will prevent situations like this.

15 Dec


Originally posted by LiquidOak

everyones crashing as badly, and everyone using different cards, why would you buy one card to try find a solution, anyway keep up the good work

using amd radeon r9 series, had tons of crashes

edit* not sure why ppl are downvoting, didnt mean to offend ggg in any way =(, just genuinly curious why they would need a physical card, forgiiive meeee ~~

Because we can't reproduce it without a card, and 80% of the crashes are on this card, so we'll reproduce it with this one and fix it for everyone.


Originally posted by Harest

Which AMD card is concerned here? I got a lot of crashes with Tane pop and i've a 7870 atm. It causes both of my screens going full white, then everything starts to reappear again on the OS, including the crash window for PoE.
Edit: Okay, thanks for the info.

80% of the crashes are on the 5700 XT so that's the one we bought, but we expect that fixing it will fix it for everyone.


Originally posted by Kavy-fw

I have 5700 xt and my game crashed just like that with no error message like 15 times since yesterday. I don't know which card they are specifically talking about.

That one, it just arrived at the office

14 Dec


Originally posted by WhatsTheCharacterLim

I know it's new league time, but is there a fix in the works for the map tab for us standard players that pushed the "convert" button?

Can we get a new tab and the old the tab just be made remove only since maps are tied to the league even in standard?

I am not sure of the state/consequences of this yet but I really hope we sort this out properly.


Sunday Bug Triage Update

Update: I am done with work for the day and another producer has taken over to deploy at least one more patch (and any further urgent changes). Tomorrow's a workday so we'll have the full team on addressing feedback.

"Skill parent object didn't exist" crash: Now fixed

A mildly-exploitative bug I shouldn't describe until it's fixed: Now fixed

Pestilent Strike crash: Now fixed

Standard Zana Mission Bug: Now fixed

Watchstone Altar can spawn on top of items: Now fixed

Some currency items removing enchantments from items: Fixed, building patch now

Unnamed Monster Components: Fixed, building patch now

AMD crash: Working on this (now that we have purchased a graphics card that it is meant to happen on)

Having to pick up components by hand: Later this week we will deploy a patch that changes it so that Metamorph samples are collected automatically when...

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This is a feature to get rid of duplicate ones where there would otherwise be no point in picking them all up (as they're identical to what you already have). So it's unrelated to the bug (which we hope to fix soon).

13 Dec


We were worried they were going to be a little too rippy!