

05 Nov


This button was added a long time ago (it feels like five years?) but it looks like it was only shown if you had less than 10 stash tabs. A change in this refactor has made it unconditional, so we will revert that back to the old behaviour.

Edit: Upon some digging, the old behaviour was it would vanish as soon as there wasn't room for it (which took 10 tabs if they were the default size). This is what we'll revert back to.

30 Oct


Originally posted by peterwilliamoc

Has WoW Shadowlands crossed your minds at all?

I remember missing pretty much all of Delve league because it launched the same time as WoW Battle for Azeroth.

Shadowlands has been delayed and I have a feeling it's probably gonna be January too.

They announced it's releasing in November, didn't they?


Originally posted by Mathils

Don't worry Chris, I would've still been there and streamed, you'll never lose me... because you still owe me 400k in Spectral Throw MTX revenue.



Originally posted by thedukey3

Can we just adjust the launch schedule to fit this from here on out? It really suck to play a league in December, where bugs don't get fixed for at least a month out when the team gets back.

Ideally, yes, but let's see how it goes this time first.


Yesterday we announced that we are delaying the release of 3.13 from December to January. While many players were supportive, some were disappointed and confused. We are also very disappointed in this outcome, but we see it as the only viable option. This post explains more detail about the process that led to this decision.

While I try to write candidly, I don't normally talk about every motivation that we have when making decisions. I feel that this is a case where it's important that we lift the curtain a bit and explain all the factors that influenced this...

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29 Oct


There may have been a misunderstanding. But I just checked and the post we gave them as reference was the English one we posted. I'll have a chat to them today and try to find out what happened.

Don't worry, there are no unexpected issues during development that we haven't mentioned.

28 Oct


Originally posted by jwfiredragon

Is Heist going to run for an extra month then? I've been enjoying the league after all the bugfixes and I'd love some more time.

We are still working out the details of this and any event(s) we run in the extra month.


We were previously targeting a launch date of December 11 for our 3.13 end-game expansion. As we discussed last week, our new development methodology gives us confidence that we'd be able to hit this date with a high quality expansion. Yesterday, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077 will now be released on December 10. We do not want to put our players in a position of having to choose between...

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20 Oct


Originally posted by KestalKayden

Thank you for this detailed post.

I was wondering: has it ever been internally discussed if having an accelerated 1 month flashback league consistently between leagues be a benefit/detriment to GGG? or would that conflict with big press events and/or cause player fatigue?

I was curious if that's why the company stopped those in the past (ie: player fatigue causing less of an initial bump for the next league launch?). My thought on it would be that it would bring more players back to a fresh economy, but wasn't sure what the numbers showed and/or why they were stopped.

I suspect that it would be risky, regardless.

There are a number of reasons, but the most important ones to me are to do with player expectations going into the next league. It's hard for a new league to feel exciting when you've just had a one-month crazy loot party.

Other reasons are player fatigue and the impact of the flashback events gradually lessening. We aren't ruling them out for the future, though!


Originally posted by Scaa4aar

When you say " I am personally handling the production of this expansion to make sure that no work creeps in that isn't in the planned scope. "

Does it mean that you are the producer of the expansion /u/chris_wilson ?

I am one of its producers, yes. I usually have varying degrees of involvement depending on the expansion (and my other work requirements at the time).


Originally posted by welshy1986

I really hope that what Chris describes as "we had a serious internal discussion about how we could restructure our development process" is them discussing structural organization and communication between departments. Limiting Scope will help in the short term, but when GGG eventually ramps up again you will have the same issues if they do not address the obvious disconnect within the org as a whole. I work at a software company and without solid interdepartmental communication things fall through the cracks and fall apart, and heist is the culmination of that. What Q&A reports and what Dev prioritizes in regards to fixes patches and bug prioritization comes down to pure communication and I hope GGG finds a process that works for them in the long term rather than a stop gap by lowering scope of a project. I hope they use the lowered scope to implement those structural changes as a test run for heavier projects rather than a band aid for the short term.

Yes, we have made many internal communication improvements also. We learnt a lot from the poor internal communication that happened during lockdowns.


Originally posted by CrimsonCalm

Chris does this change anything with Harvest going core in 3.13 that was announced a few weeks ago?

It's still going core (as mentioned, in a different form to how it was run as a league)


Originally posted by pfcthrow2017

Is your team willing to delay the release of an expansion for a few weeks if such thing happens again?

I think a lot of the problems players have is that they are forced to play with many bugs while they are completely fine with waiting for a big longer.

Yes. But hopefully this won't be necessary.


Originally posted by Fightgarrrrr

So we're getting another atlas/endgame overhaul, a new "click a thing in the map to kill monsters and get lewt" league, AND Harvest is coming back in some form, AND Heist will inevitably be reworked a bit before being added to the main game as well (although I would be surprised if this part happens in time for the next league)? That doesn't sound like a small workload to me... but good luck I guess, can't wait to play it!

That's the plan, yeah. To deliver what the game needs but to do it time-efficiently. Despite our company's size, we can still put together a lot of stuff in a short time if we we're smart about it.


Originally posted by Thorne_Oz

It's reassuring to hear that you are also well aware of the issues and gripes the community has with recent leagues. As a long, long term player who backed this wonderful game already back in closed beta, I really hope you can deliver and solve your devcycle into something that works. I want the signed poster on my wall to stay there.

Bex talks to me multiple times a day about community concerns and feedback. I just avoid posting myself due to being busy trying to make this new plan happen smoothly.


Originally posted by Probably_Slower

This is very re-assuring, Chris. Thank you. It's been a tough year for consumers as well, and I'm not alone in finding I'm being far more negative toward franchises I love. Some of it is earned disappointment, but I think emotions are running very high for everyone. I know you guys will bounce back from this rough year.

Best of luck, and get some rest, or at the very least, some pints.

I'm right there with you. This year I got very angry at the company who made one of my favourite games and while I didn't post those thoughts online, it took quite a lot of self-reflection to realise that some of that emotion was me letting the stresses of 2020 affect my personal hobby time too much.


This year has been tough for our team and has thrown a lot of unexpected challenges at us. This has caused us to adjust how we're developing Path of Exile, which will affect what's happening with our December expansion.

From Path of Exile's release in 2013 until late 2015, we struggled to grow the community and were getting worried as the game's popularity started to slowly decline. We tried releases of many different sizes and cadences, before eventually settling into a 13-week cycle with the launch of Talisman in December 2015. Since then, we have developed 19 leagues with this cadence and had a lot of success with it. Path of Exile grew exponentially and allowed us to put even more content into each expansion to meet the expectations of our growing community. I even ...

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20 Sep


So we just fixed by far the most common crash/freeze that was occurring in Heists. If you were stockpiling contracts to avoid losing them to this bug, it should be okay to play them now.

There are still many other issues we're working through including other crashes, and we'll get those out as soon as we can. Specifically there's a client crash that occurs in Predictive mode that we're working on a fix for now. I have been keeping the weekend hotfix thread up to date.

External link →

18 Sep


Restart your client to get that shaders patch we released!

17 Sep


Originally posted by minimaxir

I'm ready to give it a try with my 2020 iMac (i7/5700XT). I'll see how things turn out!

(and before someone asks "why don't you just use Boot Camp", I strongly, strongly prefer to stay in macOS when possible)

EDIT 2: Getting an Invalid Installation when trying to open the .app

We're looking into the Invalid Installation error now (I did test this version myself first before I posted, but I guess this is how software development goes).

Edit: Looks like Safari is applying the attribute to the folder because it's downloaded from the internet, which prevents the installer from working. If you do:

xattr -d /Applications/Path\ of\ Exile/Path\ of\ 

Then it will fix it, but we're working on a real solution.