

13 Dec


Originally posted by ZassoGaming

So I got hit by a car on a zebra crossing last Friday which resulted in the ambulance personnel having to destroy my favourite hoodie. and currently have only one working arm and leg. But with a lot of love and support from my family, friends and people at the hospital I'm here one handed at league launch.

I had time to catch up on the dropped frames cast and heard Chris say not many people like Ghostflame, Verdant and pure green stuff. Well I've been playing since closed beta and have been waiting forever for ghostflame fireball, ghostflame firestorm, more verdant skills and green arc/lightning or green fire or ice.

So please Chris more green stuff, not even a car will stop me from asking for more green!

I'll ask the art team for more green micros. I hope you recover soon!

P.S. Nice beard


This will be fixed soon!


This will be fixed soon!


So they're not ready yet and weren't meant to be turned on by accident today! Coming soon though.

10 Dec


Originally posted by unaccidental

Will this ever get a GGG response? Trade

Happy cake day


Originally posted by Aevykin

Is it confirmed that the catalyst affects % increased attributes, since that's technically an attribute modifier?

I checked with the developer who worked on this, and he says that yes, Catalysts do affect % increased attributes.

28 Nov


Originally posted by tnadneP

The most interesting part is the name of the music, (although it does sound awesome as well) Orion is presumably the name of the new boss.

Just realised that is likely a spoiler.

That is the name tied to the equivalent supporter pack. The bosses themselves have different names in the final 3.9.0 build.

20 Nov


Tytykiller, you have an amazing attitude and it was an honour to meet you in person. You are one of the best racers in the history of the game and I am looking forward to your results in 2020.

18 Nov


For many months, I nervously anticipated the moment where I would say "We're really proud to finally reveal Path of Exile 4.0.0" before playing the Path of Exile 2 trailer. As you can see in the recording of the keynote, I was barely holding it together as I said those words on Saturday. I purposefully remained on the side of the stage while the trailer played so I could see the audience reactions, and I can't describe the feelings I felt watching the audience experience Path of Exile 2 for the first time. Every small reveal, from the character selection hanging scene, to the caravan town, to the werewolf form and finally to the Path of Exile 2 name reveal caused the audience to gasp. By the time the trailer had finished, I was ve...

Read more External link →

17 Nov


Originally posted by guinesspig

Jonathan said they tweaked the dmg reduction to make it easier for him in the demo, so I doubt that it will stay like that

Some context here is that for a while before we did the demo, it would crash if you died as a werewolf. So we really didn't want to risk that.


Originally posted by CruelFish

I'm still waiting for chris to tell me all about the beanstalks he promised he would about 1 year ago. We were making fake leagues and I mentioned beanstalks.

He seemed all giddy and wanted to tell me all about the beanstalks but needed some time... I don't quite think he even remembers any more nor do I think that he has seen any of my reminders 3-6+ months later.


I answered this in the founder Q&A today - you'll see it when it's posted :)

05 Nov


Originally posted by xebtria

I rather have the time and money spent into the game than having a fancy cinematic.

plus, even if they did one, it would almost guaranteed be less "epic" as the D4 one, because, well, you can give blizzard as much shit as you want, but they have always been and still are the gods of game cinematics.


04 Nov


Originally posted by Blubberinoo

As far as they have said, everything happening at ExileCon will be streamed. So I would be surprised if a panel with Brevik and Co would not also be streamed.

In the current schedule, this panel is not livestreamed, but a recording will likely be posted at some stage after the event in our news.

02 Nov


Originally posted by Ryant12

sees GGG post flair on thread titled "How big will 3.9 and 4.0 be?"

immediately assume Bex trolled with something like "5.83 GB"

Honestly the patch size for 4.0.0 so far actually prompted internal discussion about how it can possibly be that large.


3.9.0 is an expansion with a medium-sized league in it (like how War for the Atlas contained Abyss).

4.0.0 is a very big deal, but it's not coming out soon (though probably sooner than certain other games).

01 Nov


Originally posted by gt-

Alright GGG

Get ready to rev up your engines

No problem. Two weeks!


Originally posted by Fish_Grillson

I know Chris read that. Imagine reading that someone made hundreds of people aware of wanting to rub your bald head.

My friend sent me a photo of this comment

31 Oct


I am very sorry for your loss. Stay strong!

12 Oct


I feel this is what happens when someone sees that I paid for a Zana costume to be made recently but misunderstood my motivations.

03 Oct


We are reverting this sound back to the original pre-3.8.0 version.