"Wheres Cayde? I wanna talk to him". Me too buddy me too.
oh man I was not prepared for this..
I'm sobbing at my desk, but it's a happy sob.
"Wheres Cayde? I wanna talk to him". Me too buddy me too.
oh man I was not prepared for this..
I'm sobbing at my desk, but it's a happy sob.
I'd love to copy/paste/pin this to the Bungie.net forums, unless you're willing to jump over there and post it as well!
Lemme know.
Also indicate Mic or No Mic.
When using the Find Fireteam feature on the Destiny Companion App, I usually just title things with "No Mic 100k Nightfall"
Modifiers do show up in orbit if you stay on the nightfall screen prior to hitting launch, but if you have the characters to note which will be on- do it!
Anyone have a video? Would love to see this in action.
You just never quit, do you?
when you’re doing dialogue tor the entire game, typos can slip through
Intentional, I swear
A bit of reason to this madness:
When we do exact numbers, there’s extra work if we have to update them. Lets say you have to get 300 grenade kills, and we decide to lower it to 100. Every localized version of Destiny 2 has to make, test, and verify the change works. Sure, changing a 3 to a 1 doesn’t seem to hard, but when you’re doing dialogue tor the entire game, typos can slip through, and lead to confusion.
With percentages, the change can be made on the backend, communicated via TWAB/tweet, and done. No risk to game text that could have a minor bug introduced, then require a future hotfix to address.
We put exact numbers where we can as often as we can, but sometimes opt for percentages to give room for updates if needed, without having to test in every language.
I think the sleeper node bad luck protection refers to the triumph for unlocking every node at least once. It's virtually impossible to get as is.
Prioritize the emblem, or prioritize the Rocket Launcher? We have eyes on the other weapons as well. A bit more tricky as the backend setup is different than a nightfall drop.
oo she early today
Early bird catches the bread
Hey all,
Thanks for the continued feedback on QOL requests from previous seasons and expansions. It helps us to prioritize what players want most, and gives teams an idea of what to schedule for future patches/hotfixes.
To give some context on why QOL is sometimes delayed or not acted upon, I want to call out the Mercury Sparrow bullet in particular. This was something that players were asking about many, many moons ago. It's something that the team actually tried to implement, but it ended up causing some bugs that would crash the game, or impact various activities on Mercury. This jammed up our development timeline, as we essentially lost resources that could have been allocated to testing other content that was being cooked up.
Ultimately, it was decided that the Mercury Sparrow QOL request needed to be reverted and looked at again in the future, as we didn't have enough time to hammer away at the issues brought on by the change. To put another way, each ...
Read moredmg not getting Shadow? smh
I'm not edgy enough. That title's for /u/cozmo23.
I'm going unbroken this season.
We're listening.
Jokes on them, I have a horrible concept of my materials already and have essentially none.
Hey, me too!
Between GuardianCon and general work stuff, I've been slacking. I need to go hard this weekend.
This makes me so happy.
I am encountering an issue where you keep dying. It’s preventing flawless execution.
Get good.
So chests will reset today again I'm assuming?