Ishtar Commander is one of the most useful and beautiful apps I have ever born witness to.
Agreed. Ishtar has a permanent place on my home screen.
Ishtar Commander is one of the most useful and beautiful apps I have ever born witness to.
Agreed. Ishtar has a permanent place on my home screen.
There are many LFG portals that people will point you to (I'm fully expecting some comments to this reply) - but highly recommend the Destiny Companion App.
Find Fireteam is pretty quick, and you can send invites once you've gotten enough players. We're pushing out an update tomorrow for report features on the app, too, to keep it a bit cleaner.
Hope you enjoy, and thanks for playing.
Hey all,
A bug has been filed and currently being evaluated. There are a few options that are on the table to address this, but we'll need to prioritize it against existing work, with the understanding that there may be things introduced to the game tomorrow that need to be worked on ASAP.
Once we have more information, we'll let you know!
D1 Alpha player here - I agree with everything and nothing in this post. I too wonder if I need to start from scratch. Do I need to quit my job and start my career path once more? Do I lose all of my Reddit Karma? Will I have to change my name to dmg05?
Thank you,
Dylan, your friendly neighborhood community manager and D1 Alpha Player.
p.s - '04 or bust
Will there be blood?
Tune in to find out!
Thanks for the post.
The team is well aware of this feedback, and will be putting more focus on deterministic ways to acquire seals in the future. In other words, less luck, more accomplishment.
Awesome stuff!
Hey all,
Wanted to clear up some confusion and misinformation: Invitations of the Nine will function differently than your weekly Queen ritual. These are character based, and not calendar gated. In other words, if you miss a week, you won’t miss any unique lore. At most, you’d pick up where you left off after the following reset, and could continue the 9 week cycle.
We won’t be diving too deeply into the mechanics on this. We’re excited to see your reactions as this unfolds.
It's honestly a non issue. People just like complaining.
Edit: lol damn talk about triggered
It’s valid feedback- when running solo, it can be rough to see what subclass your team mates are running, especially if they switch things up throughout the strike.
What about being able to mass-buy Shaders in Collection? I mean, if I'm gonna pimp my armor how likely is it that I just want one?
It's also a Glimmer sink, but it takes a very long time of boring holding a button to actually get rid of any sizeable amount.
We do have a minor QOL fix for that on Tuesday- acquiring shaders should be as fast as dismantling them.
Right now, it takes 3 seconds to snag one shader from the collection. Tuesday, this will be changed to 1 second.
Known issue! Team is working on a fix.
I’ll file a QOL bug on Monday to see if this can be changed. Losing a full stack of Enhancement Cores due to a mistake is a terrible experience that we should try to prevent. No idea on ETA for a change, if one can be made.
In terms of shaders, dismantling them gives you a payout- legendary shards, bright dust, glimmer. If you dismantled a stack of 999, or if you and a few other people in the tower did at the same time, there would be potential for issues to arise.
Can’t get into the specifics of how the system works, but that’s the gist of it.
(I honestly don’t know exactly how everything on the backend works, there are way smarter people who work on that!)
I believe that will still be the case. Feedback has been sent to the team on this.
If you saw minor updates to challenges, what would you want changed?
But... why?
Imagine the salt in this sub if in the first week he can potentially sell Forsaken exotics, he sells no Forsaken exotics. That would be par-for-the-course Xur.
There could be far worse
Hey all,
Thanks for the feedback. We will be collecting this, summarizing it, and presenting it to the team.
A few notes for what you will see on 3/5 when Update 2.2.0 is released:
You forgot the part where Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
Free karma
We also have a fix coming Tuesday, to address the issue where challenges would sometimes double up. (which meant there could be a day in the week with no daily to complete)
Thanks, DMG!
Don't thank me, thank the people who are tuning his inventory. (I'll pass along the thanks. <3)