

19 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

Are you allowed to toast the bread or add accoutrement? I'm thinking garlic bread, jam, or cheese whiz...

All I know is Bread.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

If I start feeling ill from eating bread, I may take it slow. Might even have to ask other people on the stream to assist. For all we know, THIS will kill the bread meme once and for all.

The goal of this isn't to kill me... well, maybe it is. but still.

It's all for the kids. A big thank you to everyone who's already donated, and cheers to GuardianCon for hosting. We're excited for tomorrow. See you soon.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct

Edit: Thank you to everyone who donated! The prizes below were available during our stream between 1-5 PM PDT (4-8 EDT) on June 20, 2019. The two emblems are no longer available for donating. We are still working on gathering and signing all of the prizes and will be sending them out soon.

Bungie Bounty —

As part of the GuardianCon Charity Marathon, we’re putting a price on our own heads. From 1-5 PM PDT (4-8 EDT) on June 20, 2019, we’ll be hosting a Bungie Bounty. The prize for besting us in matchmade combat in our own game is usually an emblem. This time, we have so much more in the reward pool.
This will be a bit different fr... Read more

18 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

The team is currently looking at Lord of Wolves and the recent tuning.

When we have more info, we'll let you know. Until then, release the wolves accordingly.

17 Jun

14 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Great feedback. Will pass it along. May not be in the cards, but will make sure this is filed under QOL.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheDarion

That's awesome, dmg! I can imagine you can set up some nice jokes too: When a bug happens and causes a wipe you can be like "Lemme text Luke or Mark right quick, get this sorted out."

I frequently make jokes about hitting up my uncle who "works at Bungie" to help my friends get exotics. How I'd love to be able to joke about contacting ACTUAL people within the company. I hope you slip one in now and then (though I guess you'd definitely need to be careful what company you drop such jokes around).

Have a good one, thanks for being around to chat with the community!

My jokes usually involve fusion rifles and nerfing them

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lemon_pop

/u/dmg04 Will the Wizened Rebuke now be available to everyone in Iron Banner packages, or only people who completed the triumph last season?

Yep, packages!

13 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TinkerandMod

u/Cozmo23 please buff u/dmg04's TWAB review skills.


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NoizeyBoyMusic

Speaking of the raid, There still was no acknowledgement of the bug that makes flawless Gahlran messed up.

For anyone unaware: When you don't wipe before the final boss, the switches that turn the witch's blessing buff on/off will not respawn after a single use.
This means you are forced to go through unnatural hoops if you want the flawless now, or wait for a fix on a problem that has yet to be acknowledged.

This makes 3/3 times that a flawless raid has been compromised by a bug that makes it harder/impossible to complete the triumph for the associated seal.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Get the teams some info about this bug and knock it out, before it becomes front page on DTG daily like Guitar in Last Wish.

Update -

Team is working on a fix for this issue. Earliest a fix will be available is early July.

Many apologies on this - After Guitar errors that plagued Last Wish Flawless, we fully understand how frustrating these sorts of issues can be.

Will provide updates as often as I have 'em.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by B0073D

Here is a preview of armor and weapons

Nope, just armor.

Cozmo's working on a fix. Apologies!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by robolettox

Ok, finally some solid info on purchases necessary on each platform!

Just one question, /u/dmg04 , if I own all expansions on Xbox and cross save to PS4 or PC where I have only the free version, will I still be able to play the free content? Or I can only cross save if both platforms have the same expansions purchased?

Yes, you will be able to access the free Destiny 2 content on alternate platforms. You can even use the gear you earned from the expansions on Xbox when playing on alternate platforms using cross save.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voidchief

Can we put ornaments on all other iron banner gear from y2 or just this upcoming armor set? If we can’t use ornaments on old year 2 iron banner gear can we make year 2 iron banner gear into ornaments to add onto this upcoming iron banner armor set.

Ornaments will only apply to the Season of Opulence set.

I'll pass along the feedback on our other Year 2 sets.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Abulsaad

Wish there was a way to earn the armor ornaments again, the s2 ornaments look amazing but I took a break during s2

This is feedback we're looking at. We got some internally before shipping, and will be seeing what comes in over the season.

We wanted to make sure players from Year 1 had their efforts honored - but we understand the pain point of those coming in later that wish to earn them.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes. If you earn Season of Opulence Iron Banner armor, they will take Year 1 Ornaments.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BooYeah0484

Do your clan mates know you work for Bungie and always tell you to "Fix this, change that or add this"?

Or is your clan made up of mostly Bungie employees?

My Clan is currently HFCS/TWC, which is a group of community volunteers from who moderate the forums.

My friendgroup, raiders and other, are a mix of employees and players. Most all know I work here, and they're all respectable on how they give feedback. When I play, though, there's a mutual understanding that Destiny 2 is my hobby and I'm online to enjoy time with them. It's not a constant stream of "fix this/change that" - and I really appreciate my friends for that.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Guguf22

This reply made me remember xgladd talking to his team to try to use the gahlran sword to kill the deception

Exactly. We actually heard that in the theater while watching. Everyone was laughing and cheering.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Fluxrh

With a new Season, you have a fresh set of weapons and armor available to earn.

Are these iron banner armors not identical to the year one armor set?

Refreshed with random rolls.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Commentary from my week 1 Crown run-

be prepared to fail.

I usually preface new strats with "Hey, y'all want to try something different, and maybe even dumb?" or "Hey guys, I'm sorry, I'm gonna do something dumb."

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Either way, we die at least a few times and laugh.

Be outspoken.

Indeed. In between each attempt, talk about what works, what doesn't, and what you may need to do on the next attempt. Ask questions to make sure you understand the flow. One of my raid members was really good about asking for clarification. Without their questions, we probably would have spent an additional hour on the encounter.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mika9931

No fix for gauntlet bug? /u/dmg04

Edit : woke up with over 200 downvotes ( not that I care) just proves that all of you are just bad gamers, you want to abuse every cheese there is ( gauntlet, Riven, comp matchmake,..) just because you guys are bad at the game.

Give everyone a break, go find a new game and stop making Destiny as casual as fifa.

Either get good or accept that you suck at playlng video games

Under investigation.