

23 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wind does not have a direction in game and being gimped in speed, because wind, does not sound fun. That is not how weather survival will work. It is actually designed as biome survival.

22 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know about WASD back then as I joined the team at the start of A17.

One of the console programmers is working on adding a console Performance or Quality choice and a toggle for FSR.

Crossplay is nearing completion.

Glad you two are having fun!

19 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was a gamma setting on a post processing effect, which is the only thing it is doing in v1.1 at <50%. I disabled that for less than 50% brightness.

18 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've never heard anyone say day is too bright. There is way to fix that for any game. Turn down your monitor brightness/contrast. Now having two settings in game would be more flexible, but I don't know when I would get to that.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1. Day looks exactly the same as day now does. Turning it below 50% does nothing to day lighting.

2. I thought about it, but I think this is fine for now. I have other things to be working on.

3. This should be in 1.2.

4. Maybe.

5. Sure, if we had some major bugs.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Brightness 0%

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 - The default is not changing as some of us want to see at night. For those of us like me that want it darker, I fixed how brightness works below 50% as it is basically broken.
"Changed video brightness setting to darken interiors and night when set below 50%."
At 0%, it is very dark.

2 - 2.0 should still be on 2022 LTS. 3.0 might be on Unity 6.

3 - I don't think graphics quality will be changing much.

That is up to artists and designers to determine. Programming wise, I would only be involved if it needed new features, or was broken or was a performance issue.

FOV is vertical.

16 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I do not know.

DLSS has not been worked on and don't know if it would ever be finished. FSR has had improvements as part of merging the weapon camera into the main camera and for console use.

15 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The weather update is for survival aspects, not graphics. Like you will slowly die from heat or cold based on various new rules we are adding. Now there will be a few graphical additions to go along with survival, but these do not change lighting.

We have been working on many features, bug fixes and optimizations. Some of these may be out by the end of the year, the rest in an update early next year.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Warnings may or may not be a problem. I use warnings all the time in testing as the messages are easily filtered in Unity from normal messages, but those warnings are normally removed in submitted code, but may be left in accidentally.

The angular velocity one is Unity telling you that your set velocity is doing nothing because kinematic rigid bodies are manually moved by code, not physics. When I last fixed those is vehicles, some cases were causing no issues, but a few were effecting an actual change of velocity that was getting ignored.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I finally got to testing this and yes there was a bug with the smaller random rolls leading to a zero count being returned.

Fixed loot abundance settings below 100% would give less loot than it should.

No plans that I know of.

03 Oct

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've seen some confusion on the net effect of the stealth changes in 1.1, so for clarity:

Overall player stealth was nerfed as it was OP.

buff - "Stealth is less affected by player movement and ramps up over time"

nerf - "Balanced stealth effectiveness for all combinations of perks, armor and light levels"

nerf - "Reduced distance from and radius that AI picks to investigate near the target"
nerf - "Balanced stealth world and block ambient light"

nerf - "Balanced player stealth enemy search duration reduction from perks and armor"

buff - "Increased Assassin and Rogue outfit sneak effectiveness based on other stealth calculations and balancing adjustments"

nerf - "Increased bear and dire wolf sight and hearing"

However a zombies get somewhere away from all players, the effect is the same. They despawn. Zombies also don't hunt you. They may come at you initially if they see you...

Read more

02 Oct

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is another game that will probably be U6+/HDRP, but that is years away, so don't get excited now.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

When I say 15% to 20%+ boost, that is typical FPS boost, not some special case. Each camera uses a lot of main thread CPU for setup and culling.

Unity 6 LTS update is the plan. Much of those U6 perf gains are for SRP (HDRP), which would require a full graphics system update (shaders, lights, postprocessing), so not anytime soon for 7days or maybe ever. We are doing HDRP in our next Unity game, so we are going through those issues now and they are huge.

01 Oct

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 There could be a 1.3.

2 There are big and small optimizations we are working on. A big one is the merging of the weapon camera into the main camera, which is giving a 15% to 20% performance boost or even higher in some cases. The merge effected a variety of things with hands/weapons poking through walls and FOV and shadow differences, but is mostly complete and should be in 1.2.

3 People on the team did not like the smaller numbers and I don't care as those numbers are free.

Thanks, I was laying low, recovering from 1.0 and getting some of my days off.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't see any reason why we would not want to support newer consoles if their performance is equal or better than the current gen.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That bug is one of many things I am working on currently, but it is not a simple fix. Basically you can't get too far away (about 30m) from min script spawned zombies or they will despawn while min script is still waiting for them to die. They do need to despawn in some cases, so it gets complicated. Hopefully fixed in 1.2.

01 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you don't play multiplayer, then you would not see the message. Being that it is a warning, you would never see the message unless you look at the console or log for them.

Unity used to not care about you setting velocities on a kinematic RigidBody and then in 2022 they added a warning to tell you the velocity does not do anything because kinematic objects are not moved by velocities. Warnings don't break the game. I log plenty or these every day for all manner of testing. They are the same as a normal log message except they say "warning". Now, if there is a lot of spam of any type of message then it may cause a small performance hit, but it should not crash.

I found two places in vehicle code where it happens and fixed them. One seems to be an actual bug where the vehicle would not have its velocity transferred when the server resumes ownership of the vehicle.

30 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your controller turning off when using keyboard and mouse is not under control of a game. That is what the Xbox OS does. Allan discovered that if you removed the controller batteries and plug it into the console, the controller will stay on.

Smell would be nice to have again, but there is a giant pile of things that would be nice to do. The pile is always bigger than the amount of time we have, so we have to prioritize what we work on.

29 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, but the data seems to be gone, so there is no getting it back. It stinks, but games have bugs. This was a rare bug that required just the right timing between multiple threads for it to happen. Even when we knew exactly what we were looking for, we only saw it happen once between several different people testing just crates loading and unloading for hours.