We will be trying to avoid that as much as technically possible. Hopefully a save will at least partially load by converting the data we can.
We will be trying to avoid that as much as technically possible. Hopefully a save will at least partially load by converting the data we can.
Maybe someday or in a sequel. With the speed of RWG now, I can make a 4k map in like 10 seconds. Perfect for the "you were knocked out again and woke from your coma 6 months later!" event.
I had a feeling someone would hold that against me. "Remember 15 years ago when they said there would be land sharks?!?".
That would match your profile picture, but I think you would look better as big mamma.
Kind of. Unity delayed the new terms to this year's not yet done version of Unity. You update, new terms. This update is supposed to have better gfx performance, so... hmm
Probably the same. Those colliders are actually the ragdoll bones, which could also use some work for physics reasons. I made a note, but may not get to it for 1.0.
Many features already use threads, like chunk updates, chunk collision mesh baking, audio, saving, pathing, networking and Unity itself on things like rendering and physics.
A lot of code that interacts with Unity has to be done on the main thread and Unity itself does a lot of work on the main thread, so that is often the bottleneck. There is still room for improvement and we will make improvements as we have the time.
The algorithm has several parts, but basically you divide the vert count by 100,000 to get the score. sky01 is about 35. The current budget is 62. Each location looks at what POIs are around it, not tiles, and reduces the budget, while ignoring scores of 6 or below (my baseline) and then picks something within budget. Tiles can override the budget in rwgmixer, so modders can do big stuff if they want.
One of our console programmers has done a great job improving how the controller works with the UI and gameplay and that will carry over to a reskinned UI when we get to it.
2017? No thanks, I much prefer the better version of the game we have now and the better version it will be in the future. For console it has improved so much that it might as well be a sequel.
The industry classically considers gold to be a done game that only gets bugs fixes and maybe balance adjustments. As the industry changed, expansions came along, then DLC for these gold games.
1.0 is none of that. It is the game simply not being in early access. Development continues.
I don't think it was defined one way or the other. It works on console now as we have done a bunch of performance and memory optimizations on it, but console memory is so tight that our console programmers need to literally restart the game before you can play the map to ensure maximum free memory. Restarting/resuming is tricky and different between PS5 and Xbox and we don't want to delay more to ensure it works, so it should be in one of the early patches.
I don't have all the details, but my initial desire for an event is a mini blood moon, that can happen any day, with some warning to get back to your base. They could also be bandits or a mega zombie. Vulture swarm. Bandits lobbing mortars at your base that you have to go out and stop. A tornado or earthquake would be cool, but you can't fight that :(. Land shark burrowing up into you base. Sand worms. Trader's wife taken hostage, so you have to get her back or pay ransom. Bandit duel where you each get one shot. Bandit drag race. Timed race to get somewhere. Bandits kidnap you and wake up in random location. I'm sure I can make some more up.
Yeah, alpha/beta/gold/whatever, early access and version numbers tend to be arbitrary these days. There is no industry standard. Games release in all manner of states and have a large variety of post launch development.
I actually like how No Man's Sky did their versioning with code names and 1.x, 2.x, ect. They may of had a rough start, but I certainly got my money's worth from that game with all the free content they have released over the years. I feel 7dtd dev is similar to theirs, except they never labeled it early access and simply chose to update the game several times a year for many years. I actually get turned off when I'm browsing new games and see "Early Access" as I never know what state it is in and tend not to buy them, so I'm glad we are removing that from 7dtd.
My memory might not be the greatest (ask my wife), but I certainly remember working on bandits. We definitely laughed when we saw them spawn out in the...
Read moreThat is too bad. I can't wait to play it myself. All this work being wrapped up, so I finally get to enjoy playing it for real.
We do optimizations regularly, but that does not mean any of those optimizations will improve whatever feature or situation you are thinking about.
For example, I have some optimizations in the works for larger explosions that effect many blocks to stop them briefly using hundreds of megabytes, which can actually crash the game on consoles. This also improves FPS for the fraction of a second the explosion is initially happening, but otherwise that is not helping FPS.
Another example, RWG has a new building density limit calculation to keep complex buildings away from each other. This should help FPS in some cases, but depends on many factors.
Optimizations will continue, as that is one of my favorite things to do, but many of them will be small gains, in specific situations.
It is not as simple as that. In tweaking rwgmixer.xml wilderness counts, I found there is a max count at which it stops successfully finding locations for for prefabs. Don't yet know what the limiting factor is. On a 10k I can get over 600 to spawn, so the Wilderness Many setting for that is now 750, up from 400. Many is now 450 on 8k. Reducing mountains also helps as that does limit some prefab locations.
Hopefully less often, but there is no guarantee some tech issue requires changing data formats in a way we can't make backwards compatible. Ideally we will load/convert what we can instead of nothing at all.
Yes, specific traders appear in specific biomes in A22, but this could change as we test and iterate on the design.
Towns flatten terrain, except for mountains. Terrain is generated first, so the more mountains, the less success towns have in generating and you would get less. I reduced mountain max scale a bit and may reduce the default mountain percent. I recently removed mountains from wasteland to allow bigger cities there, but their success rate is not as good as I hoped, so needs more work to figure out why.
I don't think anything is adding them after. Cities/towns use up the space pretty well now.
Maybe. Artists add those, not me.
Is the same. I have not looked at that code. It may or may not change.
Town planning changes involve more successfully making towns on the map. It failed a lot before due to excessive randomness and retrying the whole process instead of specific sections. The town tiles are the same layouts.
A township is a city, town, countrytown, oldwest or roadside type of location made up of a random range of tiles and these change based on world size.
Yes, we want better and more stamp variety, but there is no timeline for when that might happen.
Towns don't have a shape. I think they just grow in random directions, but I have not looked at that code, but plan to as I improve the systems.
No new stamps. Artists would typically make those. We could use more. Not planning on making it procedural.
Yes. Any POI could be listed with any combination of biomes.
It could do more than 10k, but no plans for it. We would have to test to see what memory is needed and if we need to, then disable it on some hardware.
You should get more buildings now anyway with the recent changes as cities/towns generate more successfully and even more so if you increase Towns to Many.
Yes. Future biome progression/survival/story will probably tie into specific traders, but that is all subject to change.
You can change it by modding rwgmixer.xml:
Well, if I added a colon as it would appear in our change log, it would be more clear:
Added: Trader types are each in their own biome (with a min of 2).
I don't think there will be more traders, but could happen in a DLC or sequel in a galaxy far far away.
More RWG changes coming to A22:
Improved player spawn locations.
Added rwgmixer biomeTags which limits to one or more biomes (requires partial_name).
Added trader types are each in their own biome (with a min of 2).
Improved town planning quality.
Adjusted township counts and sizes.
Added biome township count logging and trader logging.
Balanced lakes, rivers, craters, canyons, township and wilderness settings.
Added POI spawning limits based on surrounding density in world.
Improved POI spawning fallback to use a smaller size but ignore name restriction.
Added preview coloring for districts (3 brightness levels each) and traders.
Improved preview POI descriptions and added score.
This is the current default 8k map: