

18 Sep


It's not the first time it happens. Could you send me replay of that game and WgCheck report?

16 Sep

15 Sep


Got it. Fair point.
I'll bring this to the attention of CS managers. Can't promise anything but will do my best to make it happen.



CS is unable to provide you the result of their investigation and sanctions that the violator will get due to the Privacy policy.

Rula of thumb - Chat/game violation will always result in ban.

Sometimes we get reports where the violation is not obvious or something that is being reported is not actually a violation. In that case, action will not be taken.

Every single report is being looked at and processed by CS.

12 Sep


I literally had a couple of games that match the criteria and haven't experience this. In case if you have this issue please submit a CS ticket and include a ticket and WGcheck ticket. If there's a bug that should be enough to identify it for CS team


Focus not on the warning but the technical issue you have. Once that issue is resolved you won't have these issue anymore. Please reach out to CS. Once they resolve this technical part of the issue, CS can remove any warnings you have.


While you might see the same error message it may be caused by completely different issues. If you see a message like that my best recommendation would be to contact CS


Thank you, everyone here. Yes. It's not a forum issue. Submit a CS ticket and it will be handled.

If not - let me know.


@BeaverDucky have you tired doing pingplotter report? From the very first message in this thread I see signs of routing issue on ISP side

10 Sep


@DD_440 can you please clarify why do you want the account reset?


I would second this. The issue that Wiseguy described in the ticket was an isolated issue, not a mass issue.

09 Sep


That sounds like a browser issue. Try clearing cache and cookies or use another browser


If that was a one-time thing - nothing to worry about. However, if you have that issue occasionally - try to launch the game without any mods and if you still experience the same issue - go ahead and send a CS ticket


Hey Guys,

If you feel like you've completed all missions and should be eligible for the final reward - go ahead and submit a CS ticket. They can investigate it further.


Should be resolved now. Let me know if you still have any issues


Yes. It's down at the moment and we working on it at the moment.


@Wiseguy3210 WoWs servers have more than enough capacity even for peak times. I see your ticket but I can also see that other than providing a replay file you never provided any diagnostical data. If you still experience the same issue before even starting discussing any compensation we need to make sure that you won't experience that technical issue. So I'd recommend you to submit a tech support ticket and provide a WgCheck report with extensive Connection diagnostics.


It's been passed on. I'm afraid that's all I can share at this point.


I can only see one ticket from you submitted recently and currently CS is waiting for your reply


Connection issues aren't as simple as they seem. Your ISP can reroute your connection to WoWs servers through a bad that might have high latency or packet loss. The very same thing can happen with any other MMOs or web service that you use. If there would be any issues on WoWs server side, this thread would have hundreds of replies since it would affect many other players.

Feel free to use Pingplotter to test your connection and get extensive information on where exactly this issue appears.