

29 Sep


Originally posted by Efimity

This is more of a suggestion then a question but, will we have a way to still go for random behemoths in hunting grounds and I was thinking wouldn’t it be cool if we can create a pool of behemoths ourselves while going for randomized pursuits so it can make it more fun for end game players just fight the behemoth they like with still a bit randomization.

We've talked about Patrols which could queue you up for any hunt but I'm hearing a lot of feedback this week about wanting to keep some of the randomization of hunting grounds. So we will certainly be considering that as we move forward.


Originally posted by Falminar

how will this system interact with the islands that are already established to exist - will each pursuit have a random island like they used to, have the same island for the same behemoth always, or?

will some of the existing islands established by the hunting grounds be cut, or are you expecting to be using all of them in this mode?

New encounters may include things like other wandering Behemoths and other adversarial creatures you can fight, Behemoths attacking NPCs or structures on the island, shrines, and more!

you just gonna randomly drop the word "shrines" with no elaboration?

All of the islands would have a home. Potentially excluding the ones that are duplicates.

And yes I am.


Originally posted by ninekpinek

Will you bring back desperado outfit in store or any other way for players to get it? Im also wondering if there are any plans to make a new omnicell or to add a new type of range wepon in game any time soon?

yes to desperado. Maybe to prime loot.
yes to the second sentence.


Originally posted by HoxtonNotHouston

Is the new gamemode a redesign to the old Hunts (from before Hunting grounds)?

We're taking a lot of inspiration from those old pursuits. They had some good benefits, but they wouldn't be exactly the same.


Originally posted by Kensekaru

- Are Arcstones coming back?
- Can we expect to see behemoths running away from arenas again?
- Will pursuits be able to contain multiple monsters in hunts? Kind of like a hybrid between old pursuits and the current hunting grounds.

No, but we are looking at parts/upgrade materials in general
likely not, it usually felt more like a chore in practice
yeah they potentially could. Perhaps a weaker behemoth, perhaps a puzzle or a locked treasure chest or a group of small creatures guarding a shrine of power etc


Originally posted by Gullible_Drive823

what is inside the black meteor in gauntlet?

Something special


Originally posted by chaddykev

Will patrols be reintroduced in anyway

Yes, patrols are a tool to help keep queues healthier.


Originally posted by BerriesPicking

Are hunting grounds being replaced completely? Or is it just another game mode? After coming back to the game after a few years I like that I can continuously hunt behemoths without having to go through load screens every time compared to the pursuits when the game first came out. Getting rams and weapon xp is so much more doable

Part of the goal for this AMA is to get feedback like this! So no concrete plans to replace completely!


Originally posted by Efimity

You told you want to bring back pursuit like game mode with a lot more stuff to do as side quests? I really like that idea but may I ask, if you will keep a level up system won’t that cause us to spend more time in loading screen still? The reason why Hunting Grounds were introduced was to make it so you cab spend more time playing then loading screens, how do you plan to deal with this?

Couple ways that can happen -- hunt times in general should increase across the board. Behemoths will take a bit longer to defeat. It may make sense to have both kinds of modes. Pursuits have a lot of benefits that we lost when we removed them -- but they did have the benefit of less loading screen times.


Originally posted by Sara_askeloph

Hunting grounds are still rather popular with a considerable amount of the community, will you be removing them as a garuntee?

Since the blog went up, we've heard a lot of interest in keeping that kind of open hunting feel for Dauntless. Part of the goal for us today is get this kind of feedback as we move forward. So no, not guaranteed to remove them.


Originally posted by twit-twot

Will there be special event pursuits for keystone behemoths? say once a month, a specific keystone behemoth becomes available in pursuit.

An escalation is already a sort of pursuit, isn't it? :)

30 Aug


Originally posted by Unlucky-Cow-9296

Will new armor and outfits be coming as well with this update, for veteran players who have everything from previous battlepasses?



Originally posted by KorrupiKid

Since this is a AMA about the dev blog and not only weapon swaps then I will take the time to ask about the creatures you hid in one of the videos. What are they and what do they do?


there IS a hidden creature in the video (a couple of them actually)

it is one from a family of 3 new related critters

it is not nice


Originally posted by FriendlyGamingAnon

With weapons being cut confirmed, what will be the fate of event weapons (Silver Sword, Golden Claws), current exotics and current legendary weapons? I get basic stuff like Quillshot being replaced but will these higher-end weapons also get replaced as well or will they just be reworked?

What factors will affect compensation? (Ex: How many weapons owned, how many weapons are powersurged, how many reforges)

Feel free to answer with your current intentions if you haven't completely committed to a decision yet.

P.S. The Summer Slayer PS Plus pack is only showing up under the PS5 version on the PS Store, there doesn't seem to be one for the PS4 version.

Silver and Gold will have equivalents in the new world (not exact, but clear counterparts). Exotics will be more important than ever, all weapons will be more like the exotics today. Legendary weapons are really just like anything else but have a kick ass legendary abilities. Those abilities will be found on specific pieces of gear.


Originally posted by Own-Illustrator4550

Is there more than 8 planned or is 8 the max

Sorry, I should have said 8th weapon TYPE planned - but you know what I mean.

Nothing currently planned for new types beyond that, but we will certainly want to make more in the future after this big update next year.


Originally posted by HurrycaneTheTiger

How will weapon xp be shared between 2 separate weapons when equipped, will it be divided by half or divided by what you used more

Both equipped will get XP - but MOST XP will be accumulated through XP items that you can apply to any weapon you want.


Originally posted by AmABoris

Dear Dauntless Moderator’s, I hope I managed to catch you guys before the thread closed. I will keep it brief. How long until we can expect this update? I couldnt find a direct answer therefore an estimate is what I would really appriciate.

Currently "Summer 2024"


Originally posted by SkeletusTheWise

This one is a bit specific but is there plans to buff Twin Suns, Godhand, Hunger and the other Exotics? (Excluding Molten Edict). They have been underperforming and are generally considered worse compared to normal options. Imo, they should be the best of the best. I'd especially love to see Godhand and Twin Suns be good as a Pike and Repeater main.

Yeah those weapons should be more viable and fun to use, you bet.


Originally posted by GENM_ACT

Will the omnicelles, lanterns and weapons be reworked or refreshed with this change?

We're looking at all parts of the slayer kit.


Originally posted by Sparky1083

Not specifically weapon related, but I am asking how the neutral, umbral and radiant elemental effects could be applied. Do you see a way to add this?

Umbral could perhaps deal percentage of remaining health for example.

Radiant could maybe provide shield to slayers or arguably cooler, box in the behemoth.

And literally all I can think for neutral would be as a catalyst. It should maybe enhance the other elemental effects or boost how fast it takes to build up the effect.

Likely no neutral

But we are planning to take a look at umbral and radiant. Currently, we don't have a solid design for them nailed down so can't commit to it fully. But the team wants it, and I reallly want it ;)