Its obvious there has been a lot of effort put into allowing controller players the options to perform every possible action, but I think there is too much action spread over too little input, at least in the current implementation and with the current hardware.
A tap, a hold, and a double tap acting as different movement inputs on the same button (let alone R3) is a hard sell for me as a controller user. Two input variables per button seems like a better limit for controlling player movement, I base my speculation on my time with a controller, most games I play don't feel clunky in this regard. Things like a three action inputs can work very well, but I think it depends on the type/demand of the input. I think movement options need to feel fast, but with a tap/double tap/hold model, 2/3rds of these movement inputs will not feel snappy. I would argue passive inputs like the ping system in Apex work better with this implementation. Actually, I basically think Apex...