

23 May

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Originally posted by SpaceXcstacy: Most likely dsync, or you bombed a dev and they got salty and /killed you.

We do not do this, ever.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Spitfire Mk 24 is really good, especially spaded. I personally love to fly this aircraft!
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sage of NaN:
Originally posted by Jaes: Because it doesn't have search radar. It's an Optronic Fire Control system.

Looks like it. Our Wiki has info... Read more

20 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's probably a lot of points!

HMS Hood was the only Admiral-class battlecruiser constructed for the Royal Navy and arguably one of the most renowned British warships of all time. Soon, captains in War Thunder will have the chance to take command of this legendary warship as it arrives at the top rank of the British bluewater fleet as part of the next major update!

Briefly: A unique British interwar battlecruiser, respected for both its combat capabilities as well as elegant visual appearance.

HMS Hood, battlecruiser, Britain, Rank V
  • Strong primary battery
  • Comprehensive protection
  • High top speed
  • Large profile
  • Mediocre anti-air protection
... Read more
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Issues should be resolved now. Thanks for your reports.

19 May

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Originally posted by TorvaMessor: i do feel a bit cheated that this isnt even a prem vehicle....we work for this in a event and not only does it get put into the main tech tree but it is a stock vehicle with worse rp and sl bonuses then the tech tree version. cmon gaijin you can do better then this

It was a pretty simple event. This event was not like our other, bigger task events, it was a simple: play the game, for a handful of matches for 1 task, do this 5 times. Our other events feature more and complex tasks to get vehicles.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by :
Originally posted by magazine2:

Hi. It's not a bug. We mentioned in the article that it will go into the IS-2 folder:

"In the tech tree, IS-2 №321 is located in the IS-2 group, USSR, rank IV."

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You can also use the Protection Analysis in-game and see where weak spots are with rounds. It is quite useful!
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by : Since when do event vehicles appear here?
Originally posted by mans got pike✅: Most likely a bug. It doesnt count as event vehicle, isnt premium. Also it gets foldered on the IS-2 which is the exact same tank except without side tree logs which add 100mm armor.

Hi. It's not a bug. We mentioned in the article that it will go into the IS-2 folder:

"In the tech tree, IS-2 №321 is located in the IS-2 group, USSR, rank IV."

... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AlyxMS:
Originally posted by magazine2: Hi, did you make sure that you picked, in the test flight window, under Vehicle Modification: either Reference or Current? Did you pick the same for each of them?

However if you do believe that this is an issue, do feel free to submit a bug report on our platform:
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You can't select vehicles that you don't own.

  • Planned BR changes[] have been implemented.
  • Su-22UM3K — a bug has been fixed that allowed the use of FAB-500 bombs on the internal wing pylons.
  • F-104S ASA — a bug has been fixed where it was possible to fire the M61A1 guns while using the Aspide A1 missiles.
  • J-8B — a bug has been fixed that allowed the use of PL-5B missiles on the internal wing pylons. The armament system of the jet fighter allows the use of up to 4 missiles at a time.

The current provided update notes reflect the major changes wit... Read more

The Pvkv III is an experimental tank destroyer, developed as part of Sweden’s efforts to equip its military with new combat vehicles based on existing platforms. Arriving in War Thunder as part of the next major update, the Pvkv III will reinforce the Swedish mid-ranks with another highly capable tank hunter!

Briefly: A prototype Swedish tank destroyer based on the Strv m/41 light tank, fitted with a 57mm anti-tank cannon.

Pvkv III, tank destroyer, Sweden, rank II
  • Quick-firing 57mm cannon
  • Light protection
  • Exposed fighting compartment

In War Thunder, the Pvkv III will be a new tank des... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FizzyElf:
Originally posted by magazine2: It would have to be the 4 engine bombers probably. Something like the H6K4 or H8K2.
Thanks, I couldn't remember the names for those. Also good to see you again.

Hi! :steamthumbsup:
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It would have to be the 4 engine bombers probably. Something like the H6K4 or H8K2.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, sorry about that. If you add them and right click and press Invite to squad, they should be able to join. Unless we are having server issues, which we make an announcement that we are aware.

If you are referencing in-game chat, this was nessarsary due to violations of the communication rules. With that, we saw that the community were getting tired of no chat, which is why we turned it back on earlier this week:

It is difficult not to have issues in a huge game. We do fix issues on a weekly basis in our... Read more
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    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Akvilon:
Originally posted by magazine2:
You can't. However, in the past we may have added vehicles to the USA tree that now has its own standalone tree - for example the Israel Merkava tanks. These were event vehicles that were added to the US tree before the Israel tree was added. Now that the Israel tree has been added, these will remain in the US tree for anyone who had them before.
Question. The Israel branch lacks a lot of tanks. But it is in the British and ...
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    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, did you make sure that you picked, in the test flight window, under Vehicle Modification: either Reference or Current? Did you pick the same for each of them?

However if you do believe that this is an issue, do feel free to submit a bug report on our platform:
