

28 Mar


Originally posted by Guysmo

Thanks for this hotfix.
Will you work on optimization about the new map ?

Yup. This is the first hotfix, so we didn't want to hold it up with map fixes. It's coming!


Originally posted by SecondOftheMidnight

I'm curious, was change to toolbox just to deal with invisibility glitch? Was there really no other way bandaid that exploit like forcing people to reload a guy leaving a ballista?

This was initially a panic fix. We thought we fixed the invisibility glitch, but it turned out it was still possible, and we knew we were going to have to ship, so this was the first step. The invisibility glitch turned out to be fairly complicated, but we managed to squash it before release regardless, so the clipping restrictions were a bit overboard. The invisibility glitch was due to a peculiarity with the engine dealing with scale, and if someone built the ballista while out of sight, the ballista construction animation never played, and if he got onto that ballista and left it, he was left at a miniscule scale of around 0.01%. So technically nobody was ever invisible, just really, really small.


Bug causing the server to crash. Will be addressed in the hotfix.


Just fixed this for the upcoming hotfix, thanks for reporting it!


We're fixing it in the hotfix, along with other things, no worries!

20 Mar


Please always mention which server, time, or at least region. It is helpful to know if other people on the server are experiencing the same issue as well. It is not an easy problem to track down if everything works fine for (mostly) everyone else. The more people with the problem, the easier to track down as it is likely something on the servers side.

Most issues seem concentrated on NA servers, which we already switched providers for at one point several months ago, that helped a bit. But some new issue with routing in NA popped up the past week or two, which caused a lot of posts on reddit to show up as well. That issue was supposedly resolved, and the complaints seem to have gone down, although it might not have gone away for sure.

04 Mar


Originally posted by NotDoritoMan

That’s strange, I had heard that multiple times.

Also the tracers are colored to indicate sweet spots, and even have descriptors of those sweet spots in the options.

Edit: Double-checked. Yeah, in the settings where you can enable tracers, it pretty explicitly states green tracers as “additional damage tracers” which is obviously not currently in the game.

Additional damage tracers are simply extra tracers that some protruding weapons have on top of the straight tracer, like the axe. They exist to improve the collision accuracy by making the head connect before the shaft in some cases, but were never used or intended as sweet spot tracers.

19 Dec


Originally posted by iamjason10

Is that why the ranked servers are laggy sometimes?

No, the servers are more than capable of handling the amount of players, so any lag issues would have to do with something else


Originally posted by -Vedana

It does make you wonder; how does a bug like this come to be?

We forgot to ban the new christmas ornament (firebomb clone) in duels. To save server hosting costs, duels are actually larger playercount servers, where players are on the same map, but don't see/interact with eachother. The instancing logic for the fire bombs was never implemented, because they are banned in duels (along with some other equipment), so they end up burning everyone on the server. Hotfix should be out in a few hours.


Bug, we'll be rolling out a hotfix


Originally posted by hereyagoman

Skirmish added to the playmenu

It's finally happened!!! Thank you Devs!

it hasn't though

We're working on upgrading the whole Skirmish experience, then we will feature it more prominently.

11 Dec


Originally posted by CorneliusArseBuiscut

Not really sure what happened, but the hammer is also in my hand in the customization menu (you cant equip weapons so how tf) you can see it here

This is late, but thank you for posting this. By clearly pointing out what happens made this a 5 minute thing to go in and fix for the upcoming patch. Incidentally, this is an exploit that has been eluding us for a bit that was possible through ini editing, but it seems like it was actually happening on normal play when the armory messed up -- the latter we still need to fix, but at least it won't spawn with it anymore.

28 Nov


Originally posted by Bruce_VVayne

So the update was supposed to increase optimization overally I guess, but that issue had prevented it. Can we expect an increase in fps bit after this hotfix?

The increased optimization was applied regardless. The issue might have negatively affected your FPS as a result (leading to a total net loss or zero), but we don't know how it would affect individual setups specifically. Still, there's a lot that goes into the overall FPS, bottlenecks can appear at various places, the patch 14 optimizations addressed the CPU on the game thread. There's 2 separate CPU threads (game and draw) and then there's the GPU. They all work in unison and vary from setup to setup, the slowest one determines the FPS. We've improved the game thread CPU usage, which will help some people with overall FPS and everyone with stutters, but we might need to do more in the future to bring the other two down more to reap benefits on some systems, but it's a major step forward.


Originally posted by Rooyals

yeah yeah good job but 5.2 GIGS ......WHY!

Apologies :( We ended up having to rebuild around 5 gigs worth of data related to lightmaps and hierarchical level of detail on each map. A substantial amount of pre-calculated data goes into making sure the game runs as well as it does, this takes a bunch of computing power to churn through, so it took us a bit. It sounds dumb, but it's a bit like writing down the entire multiplication table instead of just writing down the rules how to multiply numbers (which would take less space). The table is faster to look up for a dumb computer, but takes up a lot of space.

As to why we screwed up in the first place, it was a combination of a software update that did a sneak change and us trying to rush the patch before the sale to ensure people would benefit from the faster loading and optimizations. The issues didn't become apparent unless you had substantially less video memory, so we didn't end up catching it in time.

10 Nov


A little backstory, I initially used this for testing voice sets, it was intended to be temporary and only for testing. That's why it had all kinds of strange choices for some of the lines. It was always intended to be removed afterwards, but the alpha testers loved it so much that we ended up just keeping it in the game.

06 Nov


These are all very good points and reflect some of the thoughts some of us had internally post-launch after reviewing the situation in more detail. Mordhau is a game essentially built for slower, meaningful skirmishes consisting of smaller player counts, but was instead put into a large, chaotic battlefield. This makes for a bit of an identity crisis. As players back then in Chivalry's competitive scene we came mostly from playing these small scale 5v5-6v6 competitive fights and that's what we always found tons of fun. The large scale Team Objective (24-32p) battles were more of a thing we did to relax. When developing Mordhau, we started just with the combat, ignoring the game mode aspect. And then we kept ignoring it, because it was always problematic -- if we do what we got hooked on, how do we ensure we get the necessary popularity to survive? We attributed popularity to these large scale chaotic fights, whether justified or not. So we ended up going with a focus on these and a...

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02 Nov


Not intentional, will look into it

05 Oct


Shield hitbox will match what the shield visually looks like.

This is commonly suggested, but does not work. We've experimented with more precise parry throughout the development of Mordhau and even with prototypes before it, the end result feels terrible for the defender. It's super simple to go around the parry, usually you get hit in the legs because someone attacked with an overhead, slightly missed (to the left or right) and it ends up hitting your ankle. It is not hard to do, but is impossible to defend against.

Shields are in a very crappy position right now, and have been since the start. In reality, we should've never gone with the held block shields in the first place, because they are not really compatible with how combat works, and it's not even realistic in the slightest if you know how shields were actually used in combat. But we did, and now we're kind of stuck with them, and if we try to push for the removal of held block, ...

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If you have steps how this is done, please PM

25 Sep


I remember playing on that map, it was a lot of fun!