

04 May



do you have the original clip you would be willing to send me? :)

28 Apr


Originally posted by WholeLottaBees

Would be excited to use it if it actually Let me. Every time I try to change my stance or nameplate or color platte for it, it tells me an error has occurred connecting to my Xbox live profile and kicks me back to spartan ID tab. :/

hey Bees,

can you reach out to Halo Support about this? Let them know what you have equipped and what your service tag is currently in-game and let them know you're experiencing issues. they've seen this crop up and are keeping track.


brother is hit with an indefinite Xbox Live suspension. Not from just halo. His whole entire Xbox account. We have no idea how long it is or really what caused it.

hey Elder, can your brother reach out to the Halo Safety crew and file an appeal please? if, for some reason, he can't sign into his normal Gamertag on the site, he can create/use a second account to file the appeal.

27 Apr


Originally posted by __PETTYOFFICER117__

Oh dang! Yeah, DM me and I can send you a google drive link if that works.



hey Dan!

i know you said you didn't have a prefab a few days ago, are ya any closer now 👀


hey there!

any chance you have the original clip of this? :)

25 Apr


Originally posted by Normanomicon

Hey there, I haven't been able to play at all in over a week. No services, such as multiplayer, store, armor hall, etc. will load for me. This issue happened at the beginning of the Winter Update for the first week, the first two weeks of Season 3, and has returned once again as of last week.

In the past I've been able to resolve this issue by disabling IPV6 or doing an ip /release > /renew, however none of that solves the issue now. Restarting the game up to 15 times will sometimes result in a successful connection, but then none of my customization will load into multiplayer and I'll be a default spartan, then by the second or third game I'll be entirely unable to connect again.

I know it's not a "me" problem, as I've seen multiple people over the past few months complaining about this issue, but I've yet to see an official 343 acknowledgement

hey norman, totally understand the frustration. we've seen reports of this but if you haven't yet, would definitely reach out to Halo Support so they can collect your information and work with you.

24 Apr


coming back to say that in addition to the Xbox resolution, we believe things are back to normal for us too!


hey y'all,

just wanted to jump in and confirm that we're seeing issues as well and people are looking into it now.

hang tight!

12 Apr


Originally posted by stef_nix

/u/misplacedyank Sorry for necrobumping a four day old thread but some folks on Proton GitHub are reporting issues with EAC. In this case I was using different builds of proton and it didn't work, even on my Steam Deck.

thanks for the flag, stef. i'll pass it over to the MCC crew to take a look!

if you're experiencing the issue, i would encourage you to submit a ticket to Halo Support so they have more details/info to work with.

07 Apr


Originally posted by XFerginatorX

Ahhh bummer. I was having my hopes up it was something big was coming.

never say never! 😉


considering adding some detachable cat ears

only considering?

cat ears are a must!


Originally posted by SuperMoose78

We need an update on this ASAP, I downloaded the game on to my steam deck yesterday and now I'm hesitant to touch the multiplayer if this is the case.


i don't really have any crazy update or info on this.

i just know the crew saw the thread and are looking for info so they can do some digging. the team's tested default Proton and have not experienced an issue so if you're playing on normal Proton/Steam Deck, you're very likely in the clear.


hey y'all!

just wanted to let you know that this should be resolved now and you should see some upcoming content listed. :)


hey there!

i see you said you reached out to Halo Support, any chance you can pass your ticket number my way so i can pass it to the crew directly?

06 Apr


Originally posted by vRedDeathv

Nope, I get the same error that I was getting while trying to change the pose. Looks like the game doesn't like that arrangement of letters so I've just changed the D to a C lol.

Thanks for helping though

well that's fascinating.

can you make sure you include that bit too?

thanks for being game to test things out. much appreciated!


Originally posted by vRedDeathv

It worked but now I cant use D00M as my service tag, is there any reason why?

to be totally honest with you, i have absolutely no idea. that's not on our list of blocked tags at all so i can't see any reason why it wouldn't let you use it.

if you have already sent in a ticket, can you follow up and add this new info? and if you haven't yet, please please do so because this is interesting and something the crew can take a look at. here's the info you'll want to include:

  • you couldn't save any customization post season 3 launch
  • you tried restarting your game/client numerous times
  • you changed your service tag from D00M to (whatever you changed it to)
  • tried changing your customization again and it worked
  • you can no longer set your service tag to D00M

i hope you can find something else to use in the meantime...does DOOM work??


Originally posted by vRedDeathv

sorry again ._.

i meant can you try changing your service tag to something else and then try saving a new stance to see what happens?


Originally posted by vRedDeathv


can you humor me and try changing it to something else and see if it still happens?