

12 Jul


Originally posted by NephewChaps

Is the update announced today the CU you're speaking of?

howdy! if you haven't yet, would highly recommend a read through of the latest Patch Notes!

02 Jul


heyyyyyy there's more than just me!

i honestly have no idea why it's like this because mine is the same, on multiple PCs.

i know we've checked and everything on the Steam side is correctly updated and all that jazz (because i asked about this too!) so i just enjoy the winter in july i guess. :)

28 Jun


Originally posted by xua796419

No, those maps don't look familiar. I honestly wonder if it wasn't a limited time thing before Infinite's launch as a way to promote it.

I honestly wonder if it wasn't a limited time thing before Infinite's launch as a way to promote it.

i can confirm this was not a thing

27 Jun


hey zen, from what i've been told, the crew thinks they've resolved the CE memory leak in the upcoming CU.

hang tight!


hey y'all,

can confirm this is being looked into by the crew!


hey y'all, this should be resolved already.

if you purchased it at 500cR, hit up Support!

edit – if you haven't seen it yet, please see Support's post here but the TLDR is this:

  • Perfect Circle's correct price is 300cR (thus making the 150cR the 50% off sale price
  • those that purchased today for 500cR have received a 350cR refund
  • those that purchased in the past for 500cR (via the Armor Hall Shop) received a 200cR refund

21 Jun


Originally posted by True-End-8860

This guy gets it. Might even be a 343 employee or something


so there's "Premium Battle Pass" and then there's also "Premium Battle Pass Bundle"

the latter is the one that comes with the XP boosts to get you to level 25, the former is "just" the Battle Pass.


Originally posted by Ewokitude

All the Chimera helmet attachments are gone and this appears on Flenser lol

(if you haven't yet, please let Support know what you're seeing so they can continue to track and monitor!)


Originally posted by X4Armory

Sure is! The skull inside posed a lot of challenges!

this is sick! you did a great job!


Originally posted by DeathByReach

This was around 9pm CST last night?

I was unaware if services were unavailable

that's.....10-11ish eastern? i think that tracks.

i'd still report it but i lean towards correlation actually being causation in this instance. :)


just FYI but that's a standard thing for Xbox to prevent corrupt/incomplete installs and compatibility issues.


issa feature, not a bug*

*i have absolutely no idea if it is a feature but it's harmless


Originally posted by DeathByReach

Will do!

was this during the period that the Xbox network was having some issues by any chance??


Originally posted by DeathByReach

good morning!

interesting. would love if you can report the issue to Halo Support so they can have the info, hopefully with a matchID even. (should be able to link to the match from your match history on Halo Waypoint!)

that'd be super helpful in identifying which particular instances and give the team some more to work with as they dig into issues. :)

(edited to add URL!)


Originally posted by RedemptionXCII

It wasn't removed for me. It's on the incorrect helmet.



well...can you report that too please? same link!


Originally posted by onelimb

FIXED. Watchdog and watchdog neo are applicable to hazmat now. Thank you!!


let's goooo! enjoy!



can you clarify what you mean by removed?

are you saying you purchased the Synthetic Runtime Bundle during Season 3 and this item is no longer in your inventory? or it's no longer showing up as an attachment for your Flenser helmet?

either way, you'll definitely want to let Halo Support know so they can add it to their tracker.