

06 Dec


Originally posted by totallyspis

Thanks, I restarted the game and they all showed back up so I guess it was a UI bug

glad to hear it was an easy resolution!


would recommend checking out the message of the day carousel, there's an article in there that explains why you have that, and all the other cores, and all Cadet Coatings for said cores. :)


no one likes a show off.


please hit up Halo Support with a list of everything you noticed you're missing so they can add it to their list of tracked issues!


hey Matt, can you submit a ticket on this? i know they're aware of it but having extra data points is always helpful.

03 Dec


Originally posted by Irish_R3bel

This one here is Infinite related only tho I do pray we get MCC update very soon alongside with that

can confirm MCC update is tracking well. :)

02 Dec

22 Nov


hey hey!

noticed this and wanted to clear up a couple things here and hopefully provide some context.

there's not a difference in teams/people working in imperial or metric. all in-game measurements are 1 unit and 1 unit = 1 foot.

that said

it does look like the energy shield FX here is improperly sized. i believe it should actually be 18x36 and not 16x32.

so on that front, we'd love if you could report that to Halo Support so that our teams can take a bug on that.

hopefully that helps clarify a bit!

21 Nov


Originally posted by PopeOwned

Since people were asking for a Shooting Stars edit, here you go:




Originally posted by backclock

I couldn't tell you. I died 30 thirty times on this map lol. I'll probably play this mode again tonight so I can let you know at a later point.

lol fair enough

what playlist was this in? and if it was one of the ones with multiple modes, which mode?



wait did this count as an actual death on the PGCR??

10 Nov

09 Nov


out of curiosity, do you have HDR enabled/disabled on your display?

anyway, please please submit a ticket to Halo Support for this so they can gather info. please include all relevant info and be sure to mention if your console is in any xbox preview rings.

08 Nov


Originally posted by dabbingwithknives

I am having this same issue with the SPNKR coating - it shows as redeemed in my history but does not appear in game. Trying to redeem again throws the 'Whoops!' error

if this is new as of today, with the Winter Update, i do think they've resolved this already.

if it's not new, please submit a ticket to Halo Support!

05 Nov


Originally posted by Boomers_the_Name

It could have been haha, i cant recall, was over a month ago now

just checked with Uny and that was a match during one of his streams.

while fun to match him then, those matches don't qualify for in-game rewards so you'll have to try again during our next playdate!


Originally posted by Boomers_the_Name

I've been wondering this same thing, I had a BTB occasion a while back but never received anything? Here was my game with Uny

this looks like a random BTB match vs a scheduled playdate?

04 Nov


just updating but this should be done now. enjoy!


hey! it's not been forgotten but we've been very focused on getting all our news out this week.

i make no promises but will see if i can sneak it out by EOD. :)


Originally posted by Haijakk

any hints? (i won't tell anyone i promise)

[REDACTED]. it's pretty cool!


but also, don't get super stoked or excited or set expectations on the moon or anything. i'm just being cheeky. we do have some more coming but please keep expectations in check lol