

03 Nov


Originally posted by john7071

Local Region Matchmaking is a godsend.

Wonder if there will be another post, Uny and Alex have been pumping these out like crazy this week.

Wonder if there will be another post

the week's not over yet... 👀

02 Nov


Originally posted by Invested_Glory

So wise. Thanks for humoring me :P

at least you can rest your head knowing you shot your shot!


Originally posted by Invested_Glory

Thanks for career progression! I’ve been wanting to see this since this released last year.

Think you could embellish any details besides that you’re making your “stake in the ground”?

i could, maybe, but i like my job and don't fancy spilling news in a reddit comment. :)


Originally posted by Biongeekle

I clicked it says error, is there something wrong with the link?

no, it's definitely working for me.

but you can always try this one too:



Originally posted by Hemayat

I checked now and looks like it has been removed. It was previously up along with the Entrenched related cards from last week. They have now been replaced by cards regarding the Razornail, Ultimate Reward and Winter Update. Sorry I didn’t screenshot it earlier :(

gotcha. that def sounds like last week's stack so i'm guessing you hadn't closed out/relaunched your title in a bit. :)


Originally posted by Hemayat

Also, the in-game newsfeed states that the ULLR bundle is in the shop, but it isn’t (and hasn’t been since June). Is there a reason for this? Is ULLR going to be rotated in midweek?

sorry, i'm not seeing that at all.

can you provide me a screenshot of where you're seeing this?

01 Nov


Originally posted by killall-q

Thanks for raising this!

no thank YOU! great catch.

if anyone purchased the Khaki Runway bundle, you should automatically have a Khaki Razorback coating now – just confirmed it myself!


just wanted to say that i see these posts of yours and i appreciate the work you do sharing the info with everyone!


Originally posted by killall-q

So the shop just updated at 12 noon PT, on the last week of daylight saving, 2 hours after the normal shop reset time during DST, and 1 hour after challenge reset.

Even as a programmer myself, I can't fathom what kind of twisted spaghetti code would result in this. The only way I can understand this is if they simply forgot to create a shop rotation for the last week of the season, and had to manually update the shop after they realized their mistake.

Also, Khaki Runway contains the same coating for the same vehicle twice.

Also, Khaki Runway contains the same coating for the same vehicle twice.

wait what - got a pic?

edit – never mind i bought it and can confirm. am poking some people.


it should be updated now.

Victory Bundle should still be there and a Razornail chest attachment – if you aren't seeing that, please re-launch your client and check again!

27 Oct


Originally posted by fastforward23

If it's like mine you redeem the Drops on Twitch but they don't actually appear on your Halo Waypoint account (even though the rest of the drops from Worlds did)


this is helpful, thanks!


Originally posted by mortaheim1

When I went into Waypoint with the code provided from redeeming the perk, it kept giving me the Whoops! notification, saying the code was invalid. Entered the code several times to be sure!


can you try clearing your browser cache and trying again for me?


Originally posted by mortaheim1

Got the same issue with the Game Pass SPNKR skin code too, hoping that it starts working for me too!

what issue are you having with your Game Pass Perks redemption?

26 Oct

  • CE: Boarding Action
  • H2: Terminal
  • H3: Rat's Nest
  • Reach: Breakneck
  • H4: Exile Perdition
  • H5: Recurve
  • Infinite: Breaker

24 Oct


Originally posted by MarkLarrz

Are Skirmishers in lore really this big?

terrifying thought, isn't it?


honorable mention to the stage hands and 405th guys helping get you up on that stage!

seeing this in person was absolutely incredible.

congrats, again. 🫶🏻

23 Oct


hey all, we did flag the issue and they were looking into it. last we heard we think they've identified what's up and have mitigated the issue.

it may take some time to roll out broadly. hang tight!