

08 Jun


Hey TinTin!

Does your friend have a reddit or twitter or insta or something? :)

04 Jun



14 May


Originally posted by analbinos

Any word on Shotty Snipers coming back?

Not sure which title you're referring to but it's usually in the rotation for both H5 and MCC!


Originally posted by space_cadet_AZ

Will we ever get 5v5 slayer (how Halo matchmaking used to be) or will it just be 4v4 & 8v8 forever? I always found 4v4 to be a little too empty for Halo 3 maps.

Hmm I'm not sure I follow on "how Halo matchmaking used to be" here?

Halo 3 had 5v5 in social, yes, and Halo 4 was 5v5 but I believe traditionally, Halo is 4v4, no?


Originally posted by denizenKRIM

PLEASE have someone there turn rotation back on for ranked Team Doubles.

The 2v2 HCS playlist is a fun seasonal thing, but it should not have permanently replaced the standard 2v2s. And the maps have gotten so remarkably stale as a result.

It isn't a permanent rotation as noted in last week's MOTD.

It's on a monthly rotation schedule and normal doubles will return.


Originally posted by parkerhalo

Bought a gold mug, looks awesome!

NICE! I'm eyeballing the travel tumblr but my GT won't fit so trying to decide what I'd put there instead.


Originally posted by Puppy_Coated_In_Beer

Question for you /u/misplacedyank

In regards to the quit ban penalties, do offense counts go down over time?

As in let's say I have to quit a game, first offense, and then a week goes by I need to quit another one, will that count as a second offense or does your offense count decrease? And if it does decrease, what would the rate of decrease be?

There's definitely a look-back and drop off time. Might be 16 hours or something else atm, not fully sure.


Originally posted by yawnkey

Any chance Mythic Slayer or Mythic FFA will be added back to Halo 5 one day?

I'm sure they'll be back in rotation eventually!

13 May


Orrrrrr we could give the team one made just for them! :)

07 May


Originally posted by matt_griffith

I do, @matthewgriffithart

Thank you! :D


Hey! Do you have an art Instagram by any; chance? :)


Hey Matt! Do you have an Instagram account by any chance? :)

06 May

27 Apr


Originally posted by doggowarrior99

I am on the 360 playing it

Gotcha. That's definitely all down to everyone's connection to the host since there's no dedicated server. :/


Originally posted by GhostlyPixel

There is a way in game, kinda.

Windows key + G to bring up the game bar, go to recent players, find the player, report through there.

This reports them to Xbox - it does not get them to our Halo Enforcement team. Please be sure to send it to us so our teams can look.


Please report this to the Halo Support site for us so our Enforcement team can take a look! aka.ms/HaloPlayerReport


Xbox 360 or MCC?

If you're referring to Xbox 360 Halo 4, that's all peer to peer which means people are having a tough time connecting to whoever happens to be host.

16 Apr


Originally posted by SuperSmashDrake

Is this for Custom Games or Social? Sorry I’m new to this sub.

It's in matchmaking! You can hop in and check out the Match Composer and play it in 4v4 or FFA.