

30 Mar


Originally posted by VieTham

Man I don't know how many of you are out there but I PURPOSELY didn't finish the Tact Ops event because I didn't want the Mk. V Zeta Mauros attachment. I didn't care for it nor did I want it but HERE WE ARE... sigh

If you legit don't want the Zeta Mauros attachment, send me your Gamertag and we'll see what we can do!


Originally posted by TransdermalBoognish

I just got a series x, I completely quit out of halo, turned my xbox off.

Did this update your challenges?

If not, I might try a reinstall but you should be seeing Fracture: Tenrai in the shop and Ever-Filled Juzu is the current Ultimate Reward.

29 Mar


I know the post is gone but just in case OP sees it still...

Can you fill this out for me? I know you probably filled out the last one but this one is the one I'm working with right now, apologies for the churn. πŸ’œ

15 Mar


Hey y'all –

Our teams are looking into this right now. I'd recommend keeping an eye on @HaloSupport for any further updates.

(Thanks for the tag, /u/Haijakk!)


Originally posted by bridger1129

I’m trying to matchmake into any online game mode it’s just loading for ever


I did have it hang once and then the second try went through. I'm not Support but if you keep experiencing issues after a console power cycle, making sure you're connected via Ethernet if at all possible, and a network cycle, please let our Support team know so they can track volume if it becomes more of an issue!


Hey bridger1129, I don't seem to be experiencing issues with Halo 5 at the moment. Can you explain what you're seeing and what, if any, troubleshooting you've tried so far?

14 Mar


Hey there, are you still running into this issue?

10 Mar


Originally posted by phootoon

Hi guys, some of you may have seen the levitating ghost I made a few months ago and I thought I'd try to up my game and make the banshee from reach this time. All of the pieces are resin 3D printed and hand painted. The top uses a color shifting paint to match the green shimmer effect from in-game. I'm using a wireless power module I bought off ebay to wirelessly power the blue LEDs under the wings.

Etsy Link: mosierstudios.etsy.com

Let me know what halo vehicle/character/prop I should do next!

Wasp with the Neon Superfly coating would be ahem pretty fly! πŸ‘€


Holy smokes this is incredible! I absolutely love it.

06 Mar


Originally posted by SirToppemKek

GGs to you! May I ask what weapon coating you have on your AR and pistol? Will it be available to purchase ever?

It's called "Unicorn Dream" and is the 343 exclusive gear, along with the blue flames. :)


Originally posted by SirToppemKek

Oh, very cool! I was unaware, but thanks for the heads up!

GG! πŸ’œ

24 Feb


Originally posted by TheeIncubus

I have and told no timeline to resolve. Was back in Dec https://www.screencast.com/t/fi14T7r7CLbs

Do see the OPI in game now however so that is awesome. Thank you!

Gotcha. I don't have the full info but I did bump this over to Support to see if they can dig in a bit more since I can see you have a Zeta Sky coating for your Sidekick but not the AR.

Would keep an eye on your support tickets for further info. :)


Originally posted by Sunburst_Flare

Appreciated, even if they somehow lost rights or the ability to add the 2 items, maybe some kind of equal value item, etc. Thanks for sending it in.

I don't have full details but I do think that Support is digging into it a bit more so def keep an eye on your support ticket for updates!


Originally posted by kbailles

I hide the post to no longer bring negative attention to this issue. Thank you for looking into this.



Originally posted by TheeIncubus

Yea not seeing either despite showing in waypoint. Not first time though. Also have my gamestop preorder that never showed in game but is on my waypoint account.

I know they are tied correctly because the twitch drops that show on that same waypoint account are there and are there for me in game. Little frustrating.

Also have my gamestop preorder that never showed in game but is on my waypoint account.

Hey, have you sent a ticket in about this yet? If not, I would recommend doing that so the Support team can take a look!

In the meantime, however, I'm happy to report that the Optimal Polish Initiated has been resolved.


Originally posted by Gamewinners42

Thank you for your communication and acknowledgment. It is appreciated :)



Originally posted by Sunburst_Flare

Thanks, as I just submitted a ticket, this at least makes things easier. While you're at it, can you add the WCT Vehicle Coating + Trivector Vehicle Emblem? They've been missing for months and people spend money on your promotions. Easy adds, they already exist in the game's files. Cheers.

You can definitely equip your Optimal Polish Initiated coating now.

As for the other two items, I don't have any direct info on it but I can pass the inquiry along to the teams involved in making sure that all works out!


Originally posted by NAMESPAMMMMMM

Please me wants the shiny. Give us the shiny. We wants it. We needs it.

Good news – I am very SPARKLY. Please restart your game and check now!


Originally posted by kbailles

Wow thank you!

Restart your game and check your inventory now!


Originally posted by UltraAvocado

Please let us know when we can put it on!!!πŸ’œ

If you restart your game, you should be able to equip the Optimal Polish Initiated coating now!