Thank you all for your patience as the team too the time to discuss all the feedback and put together a comprehensive write-up.
Issues Raised in CDP:
Seasoned veterans pub-stomping newcomers who are not equipped with Best in Slot gear
A desire for separate PvP ability balance and gear that can be used
Complaints about artifacts and Mount Powers.
Pay to Win Complaints
More game Modes requested: Deathmatch, Capture the Flag
Solo Queue and Group Queuing
Rewards from playing PvP are bad outside of the season rewards, and do not help a player get better gear for PvP
Matchmaking does not take class into effect. It will sometimes create a team of only healers and tanks with no DPS, or put a bunch of DPS without any tanks.
Respawn timers need some looking into. It feels random.
Overall Problem:
Our current PvP approach doesn’t work for the majority of our audience which results in low PvP populations. Some of the concerns raised in the CDP are a direct result of this. For exa...
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