

02 Oct


If you look at the image of the overview map in here you'll see that, even though it's not 1000 it's fairly close to it.

30 Sep


Originally posted by mr_ako

in breakthrough I like the change of setting as you progress, bridge-village-hills-aerodrome. It makes for some epic battles, brings me memories of BC2 rush maps. I wish they didnt fiddle around with the 5vs5 stuff and put some more effort to make the greek maps a bit bigger and varied as well

The thing I loved the most during our internal playtest was to see, as the defender, the attacker running down the hill to us. It looks awesome.

29 Sep


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Was wondering how long this would take.

That was indeed fairly quick. I guess next time I'll stack 3 hangar after each other with some sort of stuff to avoid in them to spice the thing up. It's getting to easy for these guys!

28 Sep


Originally posted by StinkySocky

Is this going on the meme wall F8RGE says you have?

Damn, forgot about that. Absolutely.

27 Sep


I think it should now be Al Done, right?


Thanks for that OP. I sent the 1st one to QA to log it properly.
For the 2nd one, it's not a bug but a really low chance unfortunate event.
Your team got the sector EXACTLY during the 2 seconds you were out of combat area.

During breakthrough, if you are in the combat area, you can move freely to the next one when a sector is taken but since you were outside exactly at the same time you took the sector the game considered that you where outside (which was the case) so you kept being outside since the game sectors moved forward.


Well, I have to say, when we removed the decorative plane in the hangar, I would have never though it would lead to that. Absolutely awesome! 11/10


Top tier meme. Thanks OP.

26 Sep


Originally posted by BlinkysaurusRex

Many vehicles on BT?

You'll be able to see it yourself really soon. It's evolving with the sectors.


I'm not exactly sure what you have read and where but No.

This is literally the same map. Plain and simple. There is no "small Sundan" and "big Sundan" there is only one Al Sundan with, now, Conquest, Breakthrough, Squad Conquest and TDM.

24 Sep


Originally posted by JollyJustice


🦀🦀 Hello. 🦀🦀

20 Sep


Originally posted by dkb_wow

True. He doesn't even play the game he designs levels for, like most of the rest of the development team.

19 Sep

19 Jun

13 Jun


Originally posted by spider76monkeys_yt

Thanks so much. Thanks for making this awesome game❤️

I'm just a small cog in a really big machine.
Happy you're enjoying it!

12 Jun


♥️ ♥️ ♥️ Here are some love OP ♥️ ♥️ ♥️