

07 Jun


That knife was so awesome that you obliterated that person out of existence.


Originally posted by IlPresidente995

I don't know if you partecipated to it, but hamada is good ;)

maybe it miss something on artistic level, but plays reeeally well in conquest, imho. A true BF map!

No. I was on single player working on the Prologue :)


Originally posted by Girl_You_Can_Train

Great job with Mercury! The new trailer has me pretty damn excited. I just wish time would go faster lol

All credits for Mercury goes to the awesome peeps at DICE LA!


Originally posted by SkySweeper656

Yeah, yeah that's all great, but why don't you have the British uniforms be brown?

I'M KIDDING! :D Though I do actually have level design question - I noticed in another post (I think by you actually) that you mentioned liking having "focused" maps that don't dilute gunplay. My question is, though, what is wrong with having maps that support slow-pace and down time? To me, I get burnt out really quickly on the current map design for most maps because the fighting is constant. And I get that it's a shooter, but I feel down time is what makes the firefights so much more enjoyable. It's like a heart monitor - you want peaks and valleys, not a constant flat line. and with how "Focused" the current design of maps are, it feels like every thing is constantly set to 11, and it makes it seem boring/tedious. This is just the opinions of a original BF1942 vet though!

what is wrong with having maps that support slow-pace and down time?

I strongly believe nothing is wrong with it. I haven't worked on any maps, I was on the Prologue. We'll see what people think about Al Sundan on the matter. It was something I wanted to bring in. Down time.


Really awesome. Good job /u/PcGhoul


Originally posted by rumbleshot

5flags are good on mercury. Flags suggested like on this screenshot would just end in a clusterf**k on E while H and A are completly ignored and barely anyone will get to B,C and F,G.

already current maps have these issues of useless/boring flags:

Hamada: A since the change to standart conquest

Twisting Steel: G and F are usually ignored

Aerodrome: F (and B mostly)

Panzerstorm: G and A never see someone going there

Dont get me wrong- I love real big maps the most!! (caspian border, silk road and so on)

but BF5 is just infantry simulation and thus makes big maps with far away flags just not worth to get there especially in combination with attrition and fast TTK. Would be different if there would be Vehicles especially tanks just to jump in on the map more often but honestly i cant be arsed to ever walk to C or A on Hamada unless its their last flag if i dont have a tank.

If you go there there is nobody to s...

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When working on Al Sundan layout lately I just realized that, at least for me as a Level Designer, it's perfectly OK to not see everybody go everywhere in every match and that flanking to cap a flag is perfectly fine even if it ends up with no gun fight. It's all about the tickets anyway right? Capping that far away flag might lead to victory.

But hey, I can also be totally wrong.


Originally posted by bouafirbadr

Yes i know ludvig , i said some . i didn't think about you Matt jeff Florian ... and many others who are active with us the community when i posted this picture

I absolutely understand why devs would not post here or any other social media but some of us like it no matter what.

I'm a Level Designer and I get bombarded with questions related to character art, production, skins, sound bugs, NDA and unreleased stuff and whatnot. But a few of us are crazy enough to enjoy that! haha


Originally posted by MartianGeneral

Almost every concept I've posted so far has been noticed by the devs but that doesn't mean we'll ever see it actually happen in game because making photoshop edits takes just a few minutes/hours but actually implementing that stuff probably takes tons of time and resources which can be used elsewhere. Regardless, it's fun to make this stuff and see how the community feels!

The difference with BFV compared to BF1 is that we are actually, when we have time and the priorities are high enough, update maps.See Panzerstorm. Just remember that yes, updating a map takes time but it takes even longer to test the thing, make sure in gets integrated properly into a patch and then goes live. From the time we are actually "done" with changes and when it goes live, there can be easily a month apart.That's how it is.

I really appreciate these kind of thoughtful feedback though!


Originally posted by ThePeanut_KJD

Out of curiosity, are you allowed to browse the subreddit/any other BF communities on company time? Research for your work, you might say.

Absolutely. I should even do that at work instead of home y'know! But heh, what can I say.
Just don't tell my producer.


Originally posted by 0x-Error

Do you have a designated guy that scrolls through new?

Our community Managers I guess!

For the others, we just do it because we like it. It's not at all part of our job.


Interesting points.

I'm not sure I get the "some objectives are too close to one another" and yet you propose a EIGHT flags map where most of the flags seem to be 60m away from each other.

Having the village as a central point could be pretty cool indeed but as I can see on how the map was created, your new Brit spawn is completely out of bounds in what we call "backdrop meshes" (basically low poly stuffs you see from afar). It would require a lot of art rework for that to happen.

I also really wonder what is your (you as a community) opinion about LOTS of flags map? I would personally, as a player, love to see maps with less flag for more "focused" matches. Eight flags for 64 players seems a lot and would dilute gun fights.


Originally posted by Logosoft

Generally speaking, what are the chances that someone from DICE sees this? If they only scroll on HOT or BEST sections, c'mon people vote up this post!

Also my suggestion: attackers should get a plane in the first sector. I wouldn't be saying this if people used the halftrucks that can be very useful in blitzkrieging the first sector.

100% :)


Originally posted by SpicyCheese91

Yes I really hope they add them eventually

A freaking legit Elite Skin would be Léo Major. A Freaking invincible hero. The best of the best of the bad asses.


I'm happy that my grand-father was "luckily" deployed to Italy instead as part of the 22nd Royal Regiment.

The only story he ever told us was that one day he was in a trench with 3 of his buddies and his sergeant called for him to go to him and the second he reached the sergeant position a mortar strike (or whatever explosive) landed where he was and his 3 buddies died instantly.



Originally posted by JackTheRipper95

What levels have you made for BFV? just curious

I worked on the Prologue mainly. Now recently worked on Al Sundan.



It's all fun and games but seriously, both studios are working together on the game and we are certainly not in competition with each other.

Everything is a team effort.


05 Jun


Originally posted by Chocolate_Charizard

Out of curiosity, what's something in BFV that you've worked on or are working on that you're super proud of?

Like MrBeignet said, I'm pretty happy with the Prologue. It ended up pretty good and was well received by the players.


Originally posted by 117MasterChief

yeah, but the other maps could work on Rush

"Could" is the important word here. Like everything else in production we have to see how much it "costs" in human time VS what it would give compared to everything else we could do instead :) We took a map that fits Conquest since it's the most played mode in the game.